Permies need not comment
To all permies, you don't understand contracting hence why you're all still permies, make nonsense comments and are proud to pay tax to a bankrupt state. Can't believe how many permies think paying tax is a "great thing"? I remember when avoiding tax was called smart - take note permies, tax avoidance is legal and tax evasion is illegal.
I'm a contractor and I get paid XYZ quid a day more than a permie because:
* I don't want holiday pay
* I don't want "employee rights"
* I don't want staff appraisals and other HR sh*te
* I don't want anything to do with HR Depts
* I don't want free gym membership
* I don't want sick pay
* I don't want BUPA or "dental plans"
* I don't want 'notice periods'
* I don't want a payroll dept dealing with my pay
* I don't want the Xmas party
* I don't want "salary reviews"
* I don't want season train ticket loans
* I don't want "pension" plans
* I don't want to work when someone tells me I have to work
What a lot of you permies don't seem to understand is that 95% of the above is an EXPENSE for your company and so they don't pay tax on those things which you permies call "benefits". How come it's OK for your company to play the game but not OK for contractors to do the same thing?
As a contractor, I have none of the above because I have exchanged all that in favour of money and a bit more, due to 'risk'. And you nut-job PAYE permie slaves want me to pay the same tax as you? Do one!
Whay do I want:
* I want money and want control over payroll and how much I pay this bankrupt state
* I want to work when I want to work
* I want to say "b*ll*cks" and walk when permies make my life difficult
The above three points, permies, is called: FREEDOM