IOT: A Rare Medium Well Done
As people have pointed out time and again, there are many products that have internet connectivity that have no business doing so: salt shaker, light bulb, &c &c. There are a few products that have internet connectivity that do add some useful functionality but, without fail, the manufacturer decides that installing a $3 module now entitles them to monetize the "experience" and/or add a passel of features that are useless or inconvenient (social media connectivity for your water heater, anyone?). And to add insult to injury, many of them remove functionality if not outright brick the product when the support period ends.
Giving appliances a full color high resolution touchscreen goes a long way towards enhancing the user interface, especially for things you only interact with once in a while. Remember programming a 90's vintage thermostat? Select day, select zone, select first temperature, select start time, confirm, select second temperature, select start time, confirm, skip third temperature, select second zone, select time, and so on and so forth; all on an LCD display from a Tiger handheld game with four input buttons to boot. What's so wrong with having a device generate a one-time pairing code for occasional programming via a simple phone app and leaving it at that?