Re: Hackaton ideas - sure, hackaton code - no thanks
"Instead of discarding it and rewriting it from scratch they attempt to sanitize and productize it."
Its been happening for a very, very long time, and didn't suddenly start with hackathons. Coming from an extremely LARGE closed source shop, I can tell you that you just described how a LOT of commercial closed source code escaped into the wild. It also results in a good chunk of the security defects, crashes, etc etc etc, and its not actually engineering's fault (typically). Product Marketing after seeing the PoC demo will say "it works doesn't it?" Your response: "Yes, but its quickly slapped together code solely for this demo". Product Marketing's response? "From what I've seen here, it works fine, the main customer wanting this will love it. You are a perfectionist who is just being too cautious, SHIPIT!" Weeks/Months later, customer defects start rolling in and the same idiot who told you to ship, is now on your case for the high bug counts and the bad metrics are going against your performance review... *sigh* (oh yeah, and that guy got a bonus for having the feature out early while you lose your year end due to the bad review resulting from from high bug counts...
Moral of the story, have all objections documented in emails, Product Marketing long ago has replaced Lawyers in my "who's going up against the wall when the revolution comes" list