All very well, but...
in a large shop:
- being informed by email means 10+ maintenance emails a week about different systems. It's impossible to keep track of them and of course the system you want is the one that's down and the email is in the big unread pile of "not what I need to do with my waking hours".
- self-service doesn't help with cheap-ass tools. If the tools are shit, then it doesn't matter how responsive the helpdesk is.
- cheap-ass! Big companies are run by bean counters. Everything is the cheapest possible without rebellion. If you work for a US company, it's worse as they don't complain, except anonymously, about the tools.
- tracking - this ends up being self-service too. Everything becomes "raise a support ticket". The result is that problems don't get reported, as it just takes too long to do. So the general crapness of systems and tools is invisible.