I always thought BT were the panacea of never-to-be-beaten god-awful customer service.
That was until Vodafone started behaving like Lewis Hamilton on a good day starting from a back of the grid. These days BT and Vodafone are neck and neck in customer service, but I suspect I will not be long until Vodafone surpass the lethargic BT !
I've been subjected to everything you can imagine by Vodafone .... mis-sold contracts, non-delivery, excess charges... the works, you name it, Vodafone have probably done it to me !
I want to move my company's accounts, I really, really do. But the trouble is I'm stuck for two reasons, First is that other providers coverage simply sucks in comparison (even in very central parts of Central London !) , and second is that although Vodafone screw you on roaming, they tend to screw you less than some of the others.
I'm constantly reviewing Vodafone, and as soon as an an opportunity arises, I shall be duly telling them where to stick it.