Only analysed Linux platform?
Windows-Specific Options:
--win-sys path
By default, if this directive is not specified, OpenVPN will use the SystemRoot environment variable.
The Windows ipconfig /all command can be used to show what Windows thinks the DHCP server address is.
It runs an external executable based on what an /environment variable/ pretends that the system root is.
This, after they have decided to use execve() instead of system() on *nix platforms.
I pointed out that this was insecure on Windows platforms, and that the secure alternative (the Windows API for findng the system root) was always used, more than 10 years ago. I gave them examples using the Windows API. Their response was that using an enviromental variable to find the system root was a normal method, they didn't think it mattered, and they didn't know anything about Windows API.
Still the case I guess.