Re: Identify those with kidney damage?
Well you need big data processing as there is more data than there are doc's, nurses or other AHP's to deal with it. Finding AKI (Acute Kidney Injury) is a problem sometimes as it happens often when other things are happening with a patient.
EG older person has a fall, breaks hip, rushed in - hip replacement, surgery all is looking good and oh AKI... (because in all the going on with the Hip they missed that the patient was de-hydrated and was not passing urine and had a pre-existing UTI(Urinary tract infection))
Lots of different reasons people get AKI
So we have an algorithm that sits on the pathology system that grades AKI from 1(mild) to 3(Severe)
That will spit out maybe 150 AKI Alerts a day for the royal free (I don't work there, I work at a different hospital and have scaled our output to the size of the royal free)
I guess that this attempt by the royal free was to find the AKI's and the causes of the AKI's in a new way. Good idea but they didn't get the information governance right. (by the way it was royal free Doc's that approached Google, not the other way round)