Well, let me say "not so" in my case. The battery is fine on my first gen iWatch after a year in daily service. I don't need to wear it 24/7, and with a Casio atomic-setting watch I just can't wear it sleeping and get a reliable time update. They are touchy that way, if you are far from the time signal. So, like the Casios, the iWatch sits in a "special place" during the night to do what it needs to do. Really, the charging aspect is moot. I only saw one person trying to use it 24/7 for sleep tracking, and they had to charge it at their desk during the day. Not a typical use case. I was not planning on ever using the fitness features, but have since did a 180 on that. The various trackings seem appropriate, and I get that this is nowhere near a medical grade device. So long as I use this one to do the tracking, all the data is normalized to me and it. Good enough. Plus, unlike my teen, I never have to pull out my phone to see; who is calling, the weather, hey time is on there, bonus, plus it can even be a remote for my Kodi players. And, this is the sport model, not any of the high-grade case units. It just works fine, and it looks and acts like a wristwatch does, and keeps the partner device hidden away. Teens walk around with smartphones in their hands. I don't.
Also, the accessories are dirt cheap on Amazon. You can get extra bands for US$10-$20. Nice ones too. No way I'm going to spend US$500 on a 1st party metal band, not unless it is real gold. Even the real gold iWatch is quite overpriced. That is Rolex country, not smartwatchland. Anyway, the base unit is good for the price, and it is not terribly expensive to update when you go 3rd party.
"The second generation of the Apple Watch is water resistant"
So is the first gen, just not to the same degree. I wear it for running, sweated all over the stupid thing, and it keeps going. Some "Apple PR," eh? Seriously, no one get an iWatch. You probably don't need it, if you need the money more. And any watch you can do exercise with. It's YOU who has to provide the motivation to get away from the keyboard and loose the spare tire. The fitness tracking is only going to show you how awfully slow your start is.