Re: A How-To for securing the Internet? In 90 days?
Because around 40 years ago, when I (and many other grad students) were working on TCP/IP at Stanford and Berkeley, all we were building was a research network to research networking. Security wasn't even thought of at the network level. If anything, we went out of our way to ensure that anybody, anywhere, could always access anything on the network. The only security was in the operating system of the connected hardware. Sometimes.
The fucking thing wasn't designed for computer and security illiterate consumers.
But trust me, we DID think about it back then. We discounted the very idea as laughable. I mean, who in their right mind would ever use this thing for anything important outside research papers and other academic nonsense?
To make it secure today, it would have to be torn down completely and rebuilt. From the ground up. With new protocols. And a new security paradigm, completely orthogonal to what we have now. And yes, that includes trashing all the hardware with embedded TCP/IP. Including your so-called "smart" phone.
Don't yell at me/us at the cost this will involve. We designed TCP/IP to be implemented in software, not hardware ... specifically so it could be replaced as research continued. Fuck-tards in marketing trying to run engineering firms put the kibosh on that.
And yes, I said "when". TCP/IP will be replaced. When, and with what, I don't know. But it's demise is inevitable. The longer it takes, the more it will cost, and not just financially. The human aspect is going to be ugly.
Have a nice weekend :-)