Tablets and their uses
I have an Apple iPad Air 2. I use it for a few things, and a few things only:
1 I used to buy a lot of books. Over time, since I got the iPad, I don't buy that many. Instead I buy ebooks and read them on the iPad. It's simply easier and more convenient to use the iPad than to haul around actual paper. I literally have hundreds of works of fiction and dozens of technical works (no jokes about how hard it might be to tell the difference, now) in various libraries (Apple iBooks, Amazon Kindle, VitalSource Bookshelf) on the iPad (note: no B&N Nook. There's a reason why) and having them all in one place makes life a lot easier. That most ebooks (or at least most of the ebooks tat _I_ buy, YMMV) cost less than paper books means that savings on books alone has saved me a fair fraction of the cost of the iPad right there. (I used to buy a _lot_ of books...)
2 I drive. A lot. I use Waze on the iPad while driving. I could use it on a phone instead, but the screen on the iPad is a lot bigger and shows more info. The time saved from avoiding traffic jams (and cops) again represents a good fraction of the cost of the iPad.
3 while I'm in the car I usually turn off the drivel on the radio and connect the iPad to the USB plug in the car, playing music from my iTunes collection. Again, I could use a phone instead, but the iPad is connected to the USB port to trickle charge while running Waze anyway (Waze drinks battery power at an amazing rate otherwise) so why not?
4 I have a cover for the iPad which has a Bluetooth keyboard built in. This converts the iPad into a small form-factor laptop once I've left the car. I have MS Office (the free version, I am _not_ paying Microsoft $100/year to rent their software) on the iPad and can and have used it for quick access to stuff in Sky/Onedrive or Dropbox ot iCloud. It's not a real full-fat laptop, so I have the Asus for doing all-out laptop things, but the iPad works fine for quick, lightweight, jobs. I could try to squint and use a phone, except that I don't have a real keyboard for the phone and I make enough typos when using a real keyboard as it is. I'd be an utter disaster using the software keyboard on a phone.
5 I have been known to watch the occasional movie or tv show on the iPad. Again, tis could be done on a phone, except that the screen is just too small.
I've had the iPad for more than two years. When it finally dies, which won't be for a. while yet if I have anything to say on the matter, I'll probably get an iPad Pro or whatever is current then, for the larger screen. Until then I see absolutely no reason to buy another tablet of any kind. I'm looking to replace my laptop. One reason why I can drag out the search is that quite a bit of what I used to use the laptop for (reading ebooks, playing music in the car, some of the stuff I do with Office, watching the occasional movie, that kind of thing) can be done on the iPad instead. When I need a real computer I use either the laptop or a desktop. When I need to look at a tech book for something, or to just read something for entertainment, I use the iPad.
and, oh yeah, one last thing... I use the iPad as a hotspot to allow my laptop to connect to the Internet without having to use a public hotspot. More secure that way. Again, I could use a phone for that, but experience shows that doing that eats battery at a truly amazing rate. And, in the days when I had Sprint, those idiots wanted an extra $10/month for 1 GB of tethered hotspot bandwidth. T-Mob doesn't care how much tethered time I put in over a month. The iPad is on T-Mob, and I no longer have a phone connected to Sprint.