systemD wars are back on again.
a) I've had issues. many issues. systemd is *on occasion* one of them
(FD - enterprise *systems* admin, 20+ years experience, covering SGI, HP, IBM, Sun, Caldera products. Once in while I still poke at mainframe (MVS/JCL/IMS stuff). Sometimes *cough* windows admin. I've done Networking, DB, code, hardware work along the way. I can still wire up a rack and make it look like a work of art if I want.)
RHEL7 is systemd. Our automation tools choked on it because we'd let them get older and out of date. Updating the automation tools on something in the neighbourhood of 4,200 systems is a serious ass pain. But it got done - in reality there were about 120 to 130 cases where the automation variables, the config for the automation or the actual automation code had to be altered to the case where it worked for both. Our automated build needed to have some language altered to make the systemd instances behave better in *error* cases - the binary logs are seriously #$%@#$% annoying in the case of (did the device actually come online and do its shit) - but again - once the language was fixed and the tests run we got there.
I seriously prefer SysV. Simple, straightforward, *do it in this order* if it fails log the failure and keep going. SystemD *still* has some nasty nasty misfires, including (most recenty) loosing the ability to differentiate kernel cli rootvg= swap= and root= (which, let me tell you was a fuckup of a different order) in cases where *the entire volume group* was encrypted. - one of the things I've seen it do was roll back to a kernel cli option set that grub didn't even have ..
What systemd does do is parallel inits, and that *does* help in some cases - mostly not in the *desktop* world but in the *server* world this has cut some of our app server boot times WAY down. It took *me* about 5 months to get the hang of *just* the basics of systemD. I'm nowhere near a specialist in the territory, but I'm capable of figuring out if it's systemd's fault and *usually* can quickly find the culprit. Hell, I've even written systemd inits for a few weird apps.
What I despise about systemd is that my desktop KDE can, *FROM MY USER INSTANCE* alter system level settings. (I said can, not has or does). This ... right there ... is the single largest violation of the unix principles. -> on that front, they are *working* on adding different security methods to limit that capability <-
What I will note is that some of us systems folks are going to resist, some of us will adapt, and some will just lie back and complain. About *everything*. I believe that as a Hooman Bean, there will never be a day when I can sit back and say "I know it all, you can't teach me something new". So. I don't like it much, but it works (mostly) and when it breaks I can figure it out and fix it. Much like my car. Or the dishwasher. Or my NBSD box, or that HPUX thing I've been working on decomming for the last 8 months. Or that Cygwin instance that #$%@# fails to start because some jackass in the windows domain *once again* changed *that* rule in AD. etc etc etc.
Why? - its what I do. I fix #$%. Usually when its broken.
/Penguin. 'Cause its Friday. And because I saw the quarter stats, and according to those, we now have more active linux instances in the DC than any *other* single OS. (and with O365 much of MS is now *sigh* outsourced to MS. I can't wait.....)