How about sex tera or suck tera
Lets have a bunch of lawyers run a datacenter, rock on.
How would you pronounce 'Cyxtera'? Chiz-terra? Psychs-terra? Kicks-terra? Size-terra? Or perhaps “A million bucks of brand consultancy buys surprisingly little”? Okay, that last one's a bit long-winded. We're asking because that's the new name for the combined entity that private equiteers BC Partners and Medina Capita have …
Huddle up, little Cyxtera, in the august company of pointlessly expensive rebrands. Meet your elder sister Consignia (don't call her Royal Mail, she'll only get upset) and your distant cousin the ICI roundel, colours inverted, one wave less and worth every one of the millions it cost. Fare well, my little elongated C.
That depends on whether you're playing traditional rules or 2010 updated rules.
Holy Crap!
Another pointless 'trendy' (dumbarse!) name/rebrand/puke-inducing that tells you fuck-all about the company other than they sniffed the "Pretentious Wank" Cool-Aid.
Just Fuck Off!!
(Having a bad day dealing with "Centrica" - you're a jumped-up fucking gas delivery company for fuck's sake!!) [And yes, I know they are a multi-utility energy company, but I don't feel like letting the facts get in the way of a good rant!]
Susi xx
Not knowing how to pronounce it is bad enough, but what companies also keep forgetting when they adopt these trendy names is how customers and contractors will spell it when they've only heard the name over the phone. I guarantee they're going to get lots of invoices and suchlike made out to "Six Terra" or similar.
It's probably less of an issue in these online-dominated days, but I remember going through all that when IBM's disk drive plant broke away and - despite derision from virtually every employee - decided to call itself "Xyratex" (ZIRA-TEKS). In the following months, and even years, we got loads of letters addressed to "Ziratechs" and similar. A popular pastime over lunch was calculating the number of ways you could spell it phonetically.
As for pronunciation: my favourite was from a very literal client who referred to us as "X-Y Rate-X"...
I've lived through a couple of company rebranding exercises. As well as a new logo all documentation was restyled for the new branding.
Designers working in their own little Apple Mac bubble decided on a replacement typeface. Unfortunately all their "good" work was wasted as both companies used MS Windows which did not include the new typeface.
P.S. "...private equiteers BC Partners and Medina Capita..."
should read
"...private equiteers BC Partners and Medina Capital..." with an L
"How would you pronounce 'Cyxtera'?"
Just as it's spelled, Mr Nippl-e.
(Mine's the one with the cricket bat in the pocket.)
Long ago Cambridgeshire schools needed a pupil appraisal scheme and ran a pilot 'Cambridgeshire Records of Achievement Pilot Scheme' (check the acronym). After the 'success' of the pilot it was hastily renamed Cambridgeshire Pilot Record of Achievement (CPRA) which we were instructed on a training day was to be pronounced 'Sipra'. It was still crap.