Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

This topic was created by Walter Bishop .

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

    Are there any defaults that I cannot change on my Windows 10 S PC?

    "Yes, Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S. You are able to download another browser that might be available from the Windows Store, but Microsoft Edge will remain the default if, for example, you open an .htm file. Additionally, the default search provider in Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer cannot be changed."

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

      - Yes m'lud, it is indeed true, because... Edge is integrated into the cloud!

      - Oh that's okay then, do carry on. Not at all like IE is integrated into the OS from a few years back.

      1. Torry_Cox

        Re: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

        Yeah, before it was better

    2. RobertoRomello

      Re: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

      Oh is this true? I can't believe this as I really not aware of this till now. I'm using Windows 10 but I've downloaded Chrome and using the later without any interruption. So, as I didn't open any attached files such as .htm until now then I should agree with you. Thanks!

      1. ds6 Silver badge

        Re: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

        You can change the default browser in Windows 10—10 S is another version.

    3. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

      Re: Microsoft Edge is the default web browser on Microsoft 10 S

      It remains the default on my work PC because every time I try and change it, the dialog box crashes...

      But that's just a coincidence, right? They wouldn't do that on purpose would they?

  2. squesh

    Didn't Microsoft get in trouble for this 5 years ago? European competition laws or something... I forget. I need more coffee

  3. Brian Mcculloch Glasgow

    Is it better than IE or just up to it.

    1. ds6 Silver badge

      It's essentially IE 2.0, even though they still ship the old one for some reason.

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