Time to Paaaaarticle
+ one for amazing boffins and boffinesses!
CERN says the restart process for the Large Hadron Collider is complete and the proton-smasher is ready to start its 2017 science program. Alas, Vulture South's favourite mental image of an Igor saying “Yeth, marthter” and hauling on suitably Big Red Switch doesn't match reality: the restart process is a carefully-managed …
There are 5 weeks planned of 'recommissioning with beam' and 1 week of 'scrubbing' before we get to the physics programme, currently scheduled to start on 12th June.
I'm looking forward to seeing the machine approach the maximum number of bunches per beam (in principle 2808, in practice a bit less). The operators are already teasing us by uploading a candidate 2760 bunch scheme.
"Just have to account now for t.may and various other assorted loonies in the house of commons...."
No real mystery there. The Palace of Westminster looks like a stereotypical Gothic insane asylum: https://freedfromtime.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/westminster-1.jpg
Form does follow function.
"Um, is this another way of saying they "reversed the polarity of the neutron flow"?"
Extending my previous post, as I understand it inverse femtobarns are pretty easy to understand.
A barn is a measure of nuclear cross-section for an interaction with another particle. Because nuclei aren't just little hard edged balls but have all sorts of interesting behaviour like charge, their apparent cross section differs for different colliding particles. But a barn is comparable to the effective cross section of the nucleus.
A femtobarn is 1/1015 barns.
An inverse femtobarn is a measure of the "brightness" of a beam, so 1 inverse femtobarn for a collision is equivalent to 1015 collisions - a nucleus of cross section 1 barn would have that many collisions. As you can see, it's an awful lot of tiny things hitting another tiny thing. More inverse femtobarns, more collisions, more chance of something interesting happening.
You could have a similar unit for the Battle of Crécy - the unit of arrow density from the English archers could be inverse knights, for instance. More inverse knights, more chance of a dead knight.
I apologise to real physicists who are by now gritting their teeth, but I did give them a few hours before jumping in.
-->I agree we need a better unit for density. Inverse Knights would seem an excellent candidate.
No, sorry, Kt-1 is an arrow count, and has the dimensions of L-2 whereas density is ML-3. The unit of density is, as is well known, fucktons per hogshead.
From the perspective of standing in the barn, you'd want them beams stable.
(3 hours sleep on an 18 hour day... thats about all I can get out of it right now, till I get more coffee. I'll bet they have *really really* good coffee at the LHC)
/the one with the 'the 8 year old tapes we have this backed up on may not be readable' email in the pocket
Whelp.. At the energy they let those nuclei crash into each other I wouldn't be surprised if they do create singularity-state instances regularly. In fact... that's the general idea of the whole exercise...
Thing is, the lifetime of a singularity of that mass is so short that it's probably impossible to even measure. If I remember correctly, a singularity with Earths' mass would have a lifetime of several femtoseconds before evaporating, with an event horizon smaller than the nucleus of your average atom. Not really world-gobbling material... And the mass of what's zipping about in the LHC is, mildly put, several orders of magnitude smaller than our planet.