back to article Teen charged with 'cyberstalking' in bomb hoax case

An 18-year-old dual citizen of the US and Israel has been charged with making a string of online and phone threats against schools and Jewish community centers. Michael Ron David Kadar has been charged by the US Department of Justice with five counts, including cyberstalking, for allegedly threatening shootings and bombings …

  1. kain preacher

    What a dumb fuck.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      For thinking he was untraceable.. everyone is traceable online, regardless of precautions....

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward


          So what? Why should having a tumour be a better excuse that being born stupid or born with a criminal personality? It's out of the defendant's control in any case.

          Obviously I'd be in favour of leniency for everyone rather than leniency for fewer. And obviously by "leniency" I mean looking after dangerous people nicely rather than setting them free. This guy is probably not very dangerous, so care in the community, I'd say.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "tumour"

            Uh... when part of his MO involves rounding up a dozen heavily armed and easily excitable guys and sending them to break into homes and schools, I'd say he's plenty dangerous. Just not by himself.

          2. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

            Re: "tumour"

            I'm not a brain surgeon, but I don't see how a tumour could impair his ability to understand that what he was doing was wrong, while not impairing his ability to perform some fairly complex actions to try and hide his tracks (which, buy doing so, seems to imply that he was doing something wrong, otherwise why bother with the subterfuge?)

            1. Barry Rueger

              Re: "tumour"

              I'm not a brain surgeon

              Yes, the rest of your comment made that clear.

              Despite what you may have learned watching "House" or "ER," brain stuff is actually complicated, and doesn't lend itself to armchair diagnosis.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: "tumour"

                You have a point, BR, brain stuff IS complicated. So let's examine the rest of the comment, shall we?

                "...but I don't see how a tumour could impair his ability to understand that what he was doing was wrong, while not impairing his ability to perform some fairly complex actions to try and hide his tracks (which, buy doing so, seems to imply that he was doing something wrong, otherwise why bother with the subterfuge?)"

                I gather your problem with this is that a brain tumour might destroy the perp's scruples about getting innocent people killed by SWAT teams while leaving all the skills required to obfuscate his identity. Okay fine, but isn't it interesting how these conditions would also be expected in a perp who is NOT impaired, but merely homicidal? And that perps of this kind abound in the world while the specific brain damage you allege is rather uncommon, to say the least?

                Thus I find your dismissive attitude toward Hans less than reasonable.

                1. InfiniteApathy

                  Re: "tumour"

                  This should clear that all up


                  1. Anonymous Coward
                    Anonymous Coward

                    Re: "tumour"

                    Okay, you present a single ambiguous case involving a small tumour. I stack up against it many legions of rational killers. That should clear it all up too.

                  2. VanguardG

                    Re: "tumour"

                    That's Whitman's case, a tumo(u)r may have triggered his hostility and anger - but they do not claim it affected his cognition...Whitman did not conceal his actions, he was a straightforward "kill until I'm killed" serial murderer.

                    No bearing on this kid who took NO actions of his own, but got his kicks in making other people scared. That's not some unbearable rage or anger - that's being a jerk.

                    1. Danny 14

                      Re: "tumour"

                      Ive worked with a few full on aspergers kids and they dont have the same morality compass or sense of right and wrong. It wouldn't surprise me if a brain tumour can screw similar parts of the brain up.

                      1. Stevie

                        Re: "Asperger's Defence"

                        I was waiting to see how long it would be before this was trotted out.

                        Swiss Army Excuse.

            2. BillG

              Re: "tumour"

              I'm not a brain surgeon, but I don't see how a tumour could impair his ability to understand that what he was doing was wrong...

              Unfortunately, for him right or wrong may not factor into it. For someone that is biologically cognitively impaired, this bad behavior might satisfy a hardwired emotional need in his damaged mind. It doesn't excuse his behavior, it just explains it.

          3. VanguardG

            Re: "tumour"

            He's not a danger? Okay...245 misdemeanors then, and just 1 month in jail per false alarm - he'll be out in 20 years, 5 months.

            False alarms put everyone at risk...and calling SWAT on someone *is* dangerous...SWAT isn't deployed to deliver search warrants, they deploy to kill. Hopefully, just the "bad guys", but around here, SWAT weapons-safety training isn't all that great. One shot an empty closet, while his team leader was apologizing to the homeowner for the team having invaded THE WRONG HOUSE. Perhaps the closet did something threatening.

        2. Stevie


          So incarcerate the tumor. He can have it hacked out or serve the time with it.

          Odd how the tumor can excuse a complex series of deliberate actions requiring detailed knowlege and hours of work to hide his tracks.

          I guess Reiser really was innocent.

        3. VanguardG

          "..affects his cognitive functions..."? Seems like his thought processes worked well enough that he knew what he was doing was illegal. Otherwise, he wouldn't have even tried to cover his tracks. I suspect he has the same "cognitive" malfunction most 18-year-olds do - thinks he's smarter and better than everyone else and can get away with anything. Because he found this website about being anonymous on the web, and didn't notice the "1998" timestamp on it. These basics probably would have worked 15-20 years ago.

          1. kain preacher

            Brain tumors can have the effect of causing you not not to have impulse control. So while it did not make him an ass it can stop him and think hmm what I'm doing is a bad a idea. Oh and llet my press on random parts of you brain and see what happens.Tumors can destroy you perception of right and wrong. But for some reason you refuse to believe that.

      2. kain preacher

        And for recording it ad keeping it.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    ""Thanks to the specialised* training and expertise of our investigative team".

    Took you two fucking years though!!!!

    Specialised my arse.

    *spelling corrected.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: This:

      My OED says you can't splel.

      HTH, HAND.

    2. Just Enough

      Re: This:

      Most of the that time was probably waiting on the legal process of subpoenas etc. You don't just get an automatic global lookup on every internet log within every company on every country.

  3. chivo243 Silver badge

    Rule #1

    Well, duh... you never start an attack from you're own console.... This is what wardriving is for? Or cyber cafes? or libraries or the Apple Store...

    1. Just Enough

      Re: Rule #1

      Never a good idea to comment on stupidity with a glaring grammatical error of your own.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Danny 14

        Re: Rule #1

        Its probably best you dont start an attack at all. Even the emperor dark lord of the sith got fucked over.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Rule #1

      "Well, duh... you never start an attack from you're own console.... This is what wardriving is for? Or cyber cafes? or libraries or the Apple Store..."

      Apparently he had a huge erection on the side of his house to allow him to piggyback onto other peoples WiFi.

  4. Lotaresco

    Shirly Shome Mishtake?

    So, for how long have US Swat Teams been using Snatch Land Rovers?

  5. hi_robb


    2 years, the kid certainly kept them occupied.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think there's more to this story.

    Possible mental health issues?

    I just can't get my head around why an Israeli with dual nationality would attack Jewish centres in the US from Israel.

    1. VanguardG

      Perhaps, to him, the investigators would disregard traffic from Israel - "Nobody from Israel would attack Jews...". Heck, maybe it actually worked - until they ran out of other suspects.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It could be that he's a victim of Progressivism, converted into a self-hater by an endless barrage of lies about how his people are evil incarnate, while the permanent Muslim refugees held prisoner against the Israeli borders by Egypt and Jordan are all innocent lambs, even the ones who strap explosives to their own children.

        He wouldn't be the first self-hating Jew in history, that's for sure.

  7. Amazon Wageslave

    Article picture

    Did anyone else look at the picture el Reg used to illustrate this article and get the urge to shout "ONE! STEP! BEYOND!"

    1. hi_robb

      Re: Article picture

      Absolutely not, that's the first sign of Madness...

  8. SysKoll

    > I just can't get my head around why an Israeli with dual nationality

    > would attack Jewish centres in the US from Israel.

    For the same reason Israeli kids used to buy leather jackets stamped with "Nazi". I don't know if that interesting fashion statement is still trendy, but the fact remains that some teenagers like to be asses.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    For not being "able" to work, he sure did a fuck load of it to pull off all this bullshit. He needs a real tumor, made of lead injected into his skull.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Given about 20% of Israel's population are Muslim or Christian Israeli Citizen ≠ Jewish

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    If he resided in Blighty he'd be released to Mum with no further action

    The Israelis might have a solution for this 18 year old's personal problems? U.S. authorities must be politically correct in their charges of this malicious adult or deal with the wrath of the technically clueless who don't see any harm in this person's emotional attack on civilians. Five years minimum in prison would do this sick puppy good and spare society.

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