20:30 BST or GMT? I need to pre-heat my popcorn machine :-)
iCloud extortion racket nowhere near as epic as we thought it might be
A threat to wipe millions of supposedly compromised iCloud accounts and iPhones has yet to materialise. A security expert who has analysed samples of compromised data has concluded that the threat – such as it is – only exposes a small number of accounts to potential credential-stuffing attacks. The self-styled Turkish Crime …
Friday 7th April 2017 20:30 GMT Anonymous Coward
Yes! Throw in UTC and I'll send you a genuine Rollex Watch! I got it from some guy, he said it was legit. I gave him my iCloud password too. Should be okay.
You know, I've not changed my iCloud passwd in some time, and it is not a unique passwd to that site, so if anyone should be out to change their iCloud passwd today, it should be me. Yet, I will not bother, because I'd like to see if these Turkish chaps have anything going for them besides chutzpah! I other words; nah, I don't think these guys can do jack shit to anyone's phone. Let alone 53k iPhones. Yeah, Turkish Credibility Family. Good guys. Big crimes. I think they once robbed a 7/11 ATM machine in Istanbul by dragging it out with a pickup truck, but ran out of gas on the way home. Very high tech. :P
Friday 7th April 2017 21:40 GMT Anonymous Coward
How big is the "Turkish Crime Family"?
I think I may have inadvertently funded them once in Antalya by buying some genuine hugo boss t-shirts.
As far as threats go, it's pretty weak, Apple probably have backups anyway. Then I wonder, how do all these cloud providers provide backup? How many jaz drives would that take???