FCC Reaction
Seems to me the FCC is saying: "If google gets to sell people's data, then the only logical response is to let everyone sell everyone's data".
So if one person is buddy-buddy with the DA and gets off on murder, there's no sense in making murder illegal anymore? That's the FCC's reasoning here?
For the most part, data is GIVEN to Google. You log into Gmail, perform searches on Google.com, watch videos on YouTube, or browse the internet without an Ad Blocker/Private Browser. You can have a mostly Google-free experience if you wish.
ISPs, by their very nature, are inseparable from the internet. They aren't providing a service in exchange for collecting your data, they get PAID DIRECTLY! There's no argument for why an ISP gets to make a profit off of YOUR data when they already get paid to provide internet access. You're paying them for the privilege of giving them the ability to record your data. Imagine if Nielsen made you pay for the set top box to give them data on what you watch on TV. Why, exactly, would anyone want to do that (oh, you already pay your TV provider for their set-top box? yeah, guess it isn't that implausible after all).
You don't like Google, fine. No Android, no Chrome, no Docs, etc... If you don't like or trust your ISP, you have to do without the entire internet. Good luck. VPNs only work so long as your ISP doesn't de-prioritize VPN traffic (and what, exactly, will stop them now, the FTC?). And many sites arbitrarily block VPN Access (Netflix, banks, Target [somehow, and only with my profile, but not my wife's]).
I'll admit the old FCC looked to be pretty far up Google's ass, but when has Congress in general never appeared to be cleaning the backside of Big Cable and Big Telecom's tonsil's with their noses? You can't ride the wave of splitting up Ma-Bell forever, not when AT&T is right back where they were before.