> There is nothing more annoying than your internet cutting out when you're streaming your favourite
> programme, or when you’ve spent ages filling your online shopping basket but your connection is too
> slow to get you to the checkout
Well,I'd say there are a lot of things more annoying than that, starting with power cuts or people crashing into your car/bike, or even major health problems, but who minds a bit of ridiculous hyperbole eh?
> Ofcom has introduced new rules to allow consumers to more easily switch provider
> if they have failed to provide an acceptable level of service.
Wonderful. How on earth did we get this idea that supplier churn is an efficient way to do anything? Because its really going to help to deliver a better service to your existing customers if the technical staff are spending all their time connecting new customers and disconnecting old ones... How about a regulation that if there's any break in service during a month the supplier has to refund say a week's charge. Two breaks, two weeks and so on...