Really torn by judgements like this. On the one hand we're told they're civil servants faking illness or a known drug pusher living abroad or it's a priest caught with child porn on his laptop and they just want to find more on his phone. All terrible people and legitimate targets of the courts.
And then on the other hand the police want to access their Facebook account. Why? What is that going to prove that will stand up in court? Why can't these people be caught via other police actions?
FBI agent: "Says here you posted you were going to the post office. Says right here, at 10:30 am you posted to someone called Ted123 that you were going to cash your disability check. Is that true John.Calzone69?"
Defendant: "No your honour, that wasn't me, must have been my son"
FBI agent: "Oh and was it also your son who posted these cat pictures to your Facebook?"
Defendant: "Yes, your honour, or my wife"
FBI agent: "You really expect the court to believe you allow other people to update your profile?"
Defendant: "Yes. I have no arms so I can't update it myself very easily"
I mean seriously.. what the hell is on your Facebook surely to God (if one exists, obviously) can not be used in a court of law to prove you cheated on your disability claim.
FBI: "says here you told John.Calzone69 that you were going for a walk round the block but your disability claim says you can't walk!"
Defendant: "My wife pushed me in a wheelchair, you already have the video and photographic evidence to prove this from the van you have parked over the road from my house"
Maybe I'm missing something, maybe all people do on Facebook is post incriminating evidence that is acceptable in a court of law but I don't really see it myself.