Re: Pleas for extra
Charities spend FAR TOO MUCH on fundraising.
There was one evening around my area where no less than six charities all turned up at the door. Many with large teams of people, in branded vans, in branded clothes, knocking on every house, asking for "donations" (monthly only, we don't want your one-off rubbish) and I had:
- One guy who gave the spiel on the doorstep for 10 minutes, but then I said I would NOT be giving him a piece of paper with my bank details on for him to take away. I asked for the online signup instead, and would have done it at the door with him. He literally walked away, presumably because he wouldn't get his cut.
- One guy who got offended that I looked him up and down, read the logo on his clipboard, said "Not interested" and walked inside, to the point that he yelled at me about the charity through my front door. He was literally seconds away from me opening the door again and telling him to vacate my property in no uncertain terms with a long, loud rant as to why.
- Three reps of the SAME charity knock on the door within a space of 2 hours. I did tell them in no uncertain terms where to go.
- One woman who knocked, rang the doorbell, rapped on the inner door of the porch and the window WITHIN SECONDS OF EACH OTHER. I nearly flattened her as I thought the house was on fire or something.
If you have that amount of money that you can afford to pay people rude enough to do that, presumably on a regular basis in many areas of London simultaneously, then you can stop worrying about my donation and use the admin salary and sales commissions cuts those people are receiving to fund you in my absence.
My girlfriend signed up for one and also got abused by them - junk mail constantly, follow-up calls, emails, etc. Never again, basically.
I do NOT remember this kind of stuff happening when I was a kid. Charity collections were non-hassling, not en-masse, and I was always willing to drop the loose change in the pot. But now they hassle you in the street, follow you down the street yabbing, try to "talk science" with my girlfriend (a geneticist at a famous London hospital) about why should donate to cure genetic diseases at that same hospital and they DO NOT understand that she's not going to donate to her own salary just to give them a commission.
Salesman - and sales targets - ruining everything, again.