All they need to do is delay the case for a few months until Trump gets round to abolishing the FTC.
FTC accuses man of faking its news to further tech support scam
An alleged PC tech support scam that used fake news releases from the US Federal Trade Commission to make its false claims more believable has attracted the attention of the consumer watchdog agency in the form of a lawsuit. The FTC on Monday sued Lake Worth, Florida, resident Daniel L Croft, doing business as PC Guru Tech …
Tuesday 4th April 2017 13:19 GMT VanguardG
I'll get 3 or 4 such calls in one weekend - then none for a month. A few times I've strung out the call with various means, but most of the time, I've decided the entertainment value just doesn't pay for the time investment. I do plan at some point to be "computer-helpless tech support nightmare" and claim my cup holder doesn't connect to the interweb thingie, and how great they called, they can help me fix it. But I'll have to be pretty bored.
Wednesday 5th April 2017 00:47 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Suitable punishment...
Sometimes, you don't even have to go to the Everglades. We had a 'gator who liked to live in our dumpster at our trailer park in Jacksonville Beach, FL. Someone would eventually complain about him, Fish & Game would come and haul him off to the Everglades. A few weeks later, he'd be back.
BTW, when the garbage truck came, he'd flop out, then climb back in after the pickup. Never hurt a soul although you'd hear a hiss if you tossed the garbage in vigorously.