Does it have to be Tetris ?
I will attempt to validate that study with extended sessions of Minecraft if ever I find myself in such a situation.
Playing a game of Tetris in the aftermath of a traumatic event can help alleviate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. This according to a report from a team of university researchers in the UK, Germany, and Sweden, who say in their paper [PDF] for the journal Molecular Psychiatry that when given the computer game …
I was seeing blocks in my dreams for the next couple weeks. I guess the idea is that it replaces dreams around with the traumatic event with dreams about Tetris? Less likely to cause nightmares if you have a recurrence years later, I imagine.
Not only dreams for me, but anytime when the brain had nothing pressing to do and was subconsciously in "Pick a card, any card" mode rifling through random thoughts for something to think about. I can see how this could stop other thoughts from forcing their way to the top of the heap.
Slight tangent - but I also experienced the same with Ultima Underworld, charging down endless tunnels when trying to get to sleep. The only way I could drop off was to find a handy cul-de-sac to mentally bounce around inside for a while.
Slight tangent - but I also experienced the same with Ultima Underworld, charging down endless tunnels when trying to get to sleep. The only way I could drop off was to find a handy cul-de-sac to mentally bounce around inside for a while.
I once spent a holiday weekend playing the first three series of Doom. The only thing that left me with was a tendency to go through doorways sideways :)
To ensure I'm quick off the bat with the post-accident Tetris PTSD prevention, I make sure I always have a game on the go while I'm driving.
It must work - 137 accidents so far and no PTSD.
That's not my white coat - it's the emergency doctor's ------------->
This effect isn't limited to Tetris, but they had to pick something and that's a good one. Feel free to test with other games and let us know how that goes.
I believe the important part is that a rockin' game of Tetris leaves you no time to think of anything else. You are forced to concentrate ever harder on an ongoing task. I have several things like this that I use to clear my mind or de-stress. Juggling and spinning Poi are my favorites, or FPS run 'n gun games to burn off aggression. If I let my mind wander for a moment something goes right off the rails. The flying objects and armed bots enforce paying attention.
Also useful is the effect others have mentioned of seeing the game in your sleep or later days. Your brain says "We're spending a lot of time and really concentrating on this, it must be important" and works overtime to engrave it in memory. Which takes time away from filing that scary memory instead.
I'm glad to hear this can be an effective, drug-free treatment for a serious problem!