In all honesty to get a proper depiction of him on screen you will need one hell of a character actor. or the craziest SOB they have in the local mental health hospital.
Nobody's confirmed anything except Big Mac himself, but John McAfee reckons he's going to be played by Captain Jack Sparrow himself, Johnny Depp. Considering that Depp works better playing someone running away, El Reg finds it credible that if there is a McAfee biopic in the works, its timeline will at least feature his …
IIRC, Depp alrady played Dr Hunter S Thompson. So:
- pioneer in a specific field - check
- avid self-promotion - check
- batshit crazy, yet highly intelligent (or vice versa, take your pick) - check
- guns - check
- drugs - check
- strange places - check
- weird stuff - check
- bid for running as president* - check
so yes, I can see where that is coming from... And what's more, it would probably work!
* Okay, that last one might have been Uncle Duke.