This technology won't translate to the UK, where dog poop is bagged and hung in trees.
Finding dog poo in public places and picking it up before it can besmirch a sole probably isn't high on the list of things humanity needs to get better at, but that hasn't stopped Dutch folk throwing two drones at the problem. Dog enthusiast website Tinki.nl and an outfit called Space53 cooked up the idea of a “Watchdog 1” …
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Next step: use the flying feces to *power* the drone charge station.
Can't be that hard plus the leftovers are basically harmless if sufficient heat is applied.
Very effective in the summer with relatively simple focusing system.
Wonder if a wireless mesh network powered by canine deposits is feasible?
Next step: use the flying feces to *power* the drone charge station.
I see a different use: have a drone kept by the park and use it to drop, er, "droppings" on the owner if not cleaned up. A sort of "return to owner" policy. A few educational events should suffice.
Of course, someone is going to poo poo the idea..
> Can't be that hard plus the leftovers are basically harmless if sufficient heat is applied.
Or use a microbiological process to render the poo harmless. The poo itself would supply the energy to do this. Of course, the timescale required would mean that the drone can only process so much poo per week. The bioreactor could be hidden in a roadside tree planter.
Damn animals who can't be bothered to learn to use a toilet are pooping all over nature, including places where people walk like backyards, parks and sidewalks. They should pick up all the bird poop, rabbit turds, squirrel pellets and what not so us humans can walk around wherever we want without a care in the world like our shit don't stink!
While I do not see it used in civilized countries (Holland included), I can see it being sold to less civilized places like for example France. This can be sold to the Paris city council for some big bucks.
There, it can pick up dog and not so dog poo which litters the sidewalk at an average of one per every few meters. Paris is the only European city where I never go for a morning run when at a conference - the stench of piss and the amount of dog (and not only dog) turds on the sidewalk is off the scale. I have seen only one or two public places worldwide with that much poo per square meter of public place.
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My 2 100lb German Shepards would disable or destroy the ground based robot in under 5 seconds, especially if it emitted the slightest whirring noise (which I assume it would), not just because as puppies they where teased with RC cars, but because I think most dogs would think it was an evil vacuum cleaner gone Terminator.
What we need is an army of flying drones, and require every dog-owner to buy one. They will follow the dog wherever it goes and scoop up the nastiness wherever it falls, as well as soak up any liquid with a large sponge.
Or, of course, a much more radical and hi-tech solution, require every dog owner to buy a supply of recyclable plastic bags AND USE THEM!
A few months ago, my dog (Rottweiler st bernard crossbreed, quite a big doggy) had Hemorrhagic Colitis. Trust me, a drone is not man enough for that task. A Chinook would have been necessary, together with a team of people in full Biohazard kit, with shovels, fire hoses, and gallons of Jeys Fluid. They would all have required counseling after the event too. For the animal lovers out there, he's fine now.
I want the turd to be blasted into sparkly plasma by a ludicrously overpowered directed energy system* that some crazy hippie-like character with dreadlocks bought really cheap from a junked 1980's SDI project.
*) 'cause we never use trigger words like "weapon" any more in the sales material, and the turd should really be "serviced" rather than "blasted.
I was amused to see a guy in Dieppe, France, driving a silver scooter with a large pipe on the back.
He placed the end of the pipe over some offending dog poo and there was a sucking sound, then he drove off, leaving a neat circle of disinfectant on the pavement.
They are called Motocrottes.
A dalek used to be defeated by stairs . Now we have poo robots that will be defeated by grass longer than an inch . . . .
My dog likes longer grass to go in, the drones wouldnt be able to approach the treasure let alone gather it up.
No a heavy duty laser is the only way, it can dry and burn the product in one go.