back to article Profitless Twitter starts rumour of paid-for Tweetdeck option

Twitter, the profitless microblogging website, has floated the idea of offering a paid-for version of its Tweetdeck product – and this is going down amongst the site’s users like a cup of lukewarm vomit. According to American telly screenwriter Andrew Tavani, who – what else – tweeted what appeared to be screenshots, Twitter …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

    Also to any other politician? Guess all of them are addicted now, won't live without.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

      I know you meant this as a joke, but it's a solution. Make people pay to tweet, not follow. Offer bundles, like a fixed fee for 1000 tweets. Offer everyone else 10 free tweets a month or whatever. Sure, your casual tweeters would clear off but business and celebs wouldn't even notice this - and they would continue doing it because the still-free audience would still be there.

      1. Mike Flugennock

        Re: Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

        ...yeah, and Twitter would end up polluted with worthless, self-indulgent dross from politicians and show-biz dipshits.

        1. Captain DaFt

          Re: Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

          "...yeah, and Twitter would end up polluted with worthless, self-indulgent dross from politicians and show-biz dipshits."

          And that would be different from now?

          1. Bob Vistakin

            Re: Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

            There would also be a new abundance of free twitter clones. At least now there's only one.

    2. breakfast

      Re: Couldn't it simply ask money from Trump for every tweet?

      If they charged every media outlet that lazily compiles four tweets and calls it a news story it would either make Twitter profitable or turn Journalism back into a profession...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Enough already!

    We need a version of Godwin's law for whoever mentions Trump in a thread that has absolutely nothing to do with him.

    1. Dr Who

      Re: Enough already!

      I thought it was quite a good comment myself. Trump is famous for his outrageous tweets. Maybe top politicians (and Stephen Fry) should pay for a "licence to Tweet". Not such a bad idea when you think about it. Possibly anyone with over 100 followers should pay a fee. Or anyone who wants to send more the one tweet a month. Any of these would work for me.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Enough already!

        The flaw in that argument is that rich people don't get rich by paying for things when they can let poor people pay instead. Getting rich people to pay to tweet would be like getting them to pay their taxes; it goes completely against their sense of entitlement and self-importance. In the mind of someone like Trump, everybody else should pay for the privilege of having the chance to read his insightful tweets. So much as I'd like to see this tongue-in-cheek suggestion actually implemented, and see the resulting effects on the twitter signal-to-noise ratio, I expect I'll just have to stick to my current strategy of ignoring twitter entirely.

      2. poohbear

        Re: Enough already!

        You mean like the music industry where they expect me to pay to listen to them sing?

        That's just gonna spawn an illegal tweet sharing service....

        But more to the point, when I read the article the first thought that popped into my mind was Trump (Godwin II be damned) and how Twitter is thinking of the 'Billionaire' package.... guaranteed delivery and all that.

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Enough already!

        "I thought it was quite a good comment myself."

        Possibly, but ruined by mention of the "Orange One".

    2. Planty Bronze badge

      Re: Enough already!

      Perhaps a Godwin's law for people bringing up Godwin's law when something they don't agree with turns up on the internet.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Enough already!

        "Perhaps a Godwin's law for people bringing up Godwin's law when something they don't agree with turns up on the internet."

        The only thing I disagreed with, was the mention of Trump. There was no need to drag the "Orange One" into this. No doubt the original poster was trying to be clever by mentioning him. We don't need to see his name mentioned in every thread, especially where it has nothing to do with him.

  3. Version 1.0 Silver badge


    I thought that Twitter was something that Trump used while he takes a crap?

  4. Pinjata

    Disabling the censorship, blacklists, filters and all other goodies they've introduced recently might entice some people to pay for Twitter.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    You require a twitter GOLD account to view this tweet.

  6. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge


    ..a cup of hot/ice-cold[1] vomit taste amy better?

    Not that I'm volunteering you understand. Some things I'm happy to take on ttust from those who have tried it.

    [1] Actually - this one probably would. On the same principle that lager tastes better when you drink it ice-cold. Especially ice-cold enough to paralyse the taste buds..

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: Would..

      I now have the mental image of a vomit slushie.

      Damn you!

  7. Mike Flugennock

    Sad thing about TweetDeck these days...

    The sad thing about TweetDeck these days is that a cup of lukewarm vomit would actually taste BETTER.

    TweetDeck's such a mess now -- busted prefs pane layouts, glacial image-upload times, those pop-up tool tip squares that won't go away -- that the Twitter native Website interface is actually working better for me right now.

    Plus, the Twitter Web site will let me blacklist "eggs" with one click.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Tweetdeck teams

    I run the Twitter feed for a small charity and Need tweetdeck for teams so other authorised users can post as the charity without handing account password to multiple people.

    If Twitter start Charging for this it would be a great burden for us as we are only small supporting a small group of people in one town in the UK so the charity have very little income and we all do what we can for the charity as unpaid volunteers.

  9. Charlie Clark Silver badge


    Twitter, the profitless pointless microblogging website


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