Re: Fixed now
The problem is, the 12000 other issues are not, and that is the problem. MS creates metastases, don't go anywhere near it, don't give them any money, I have not since 1997, and that was a one time purchase of an intellimouse, my biggest mistake ever.
I think MS blew their last chance in 1985. They have been BASTARDS since day 1 and ever since.
I even told my company that they did not need to get a Windows/Office license for me, yes, it went that far ... years later, well, we got Office 332, so now I am automagically included in this crap ... and I have not had the time, yet, to flash my Windows 10 laptop, but I have vacation planned in 3 weeks ... I gave it a fair 12 months, or so (18 ????), trial, and it is the lowest form of experience I have around here, yes, my Raspberry Pi B (model 1B, I have 2B and 3 as well), is quicker at sorting my Downloads folder with exactly 550 items by date ... admittedly, it takes W10 between 70 and 130 seconds, on Windows 10, SSD, i5, 16Gb 1600Mhz RAM (I copied the EXACT SAME DATA over to my pi!) ... no, I will not bother track the issue down, I have workarounds in place in cygwin bash, because Ubuntu/W10 breaks our dev env (dev env works fine on Windows/cygwin, Linux, Darwin, FreeBSD).
NB: it is second-hand laptop from my company that was lying about in the sysadmin office because they could not get me an Apple in time ... I would have put Linux on the Macbook anyway, but that is another issue entirely ...
MS are the lowest form of bug purveyors on this planet.
Accenture MHP
Adobe MHP
Microsoft MHP
PS: El'Reg, signatures please, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase!