back to article That 'Trump lawyers threaten teen over kitten website' yarn is Fakey Fakey McFake Fakeface

There's a rather dodgy tale going around that US President Donald Trump's lawyers sent cease-and-desist letters to a website featuring his face being pawed by kittens. The unbelievable yarn was picked up this week by The Hollywood Reporter and the New York Observer. The story goes that a San Francisco 17-year-old called Lucy …


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  1. Bob Vistakin

    It's fake news folks.

    Bigly fake.

    1. Eddy Ito

      Re: It's fake news folks.

      It is getting a bit of a fishy stink to it as according to domaintools the site is rather new and was never registered before. It's looking a lot like a PR stunt.

      edit: The other site has been around a lot longer and actually predates trumpscratch. How could Lucy change the name from trumpscratch to kittenfeed? Going back in time perhaps.

      1. Pen-y-gors

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        Domain tools are a bit of a clincher.

        1. veti Silver badge

          Re: It's fake news folks.

          Domain tools aren't quite the clincher they're being presented as.

          Looking at the linked page: domain registered 22 March. But the story was being discussed before then (see here, for example). That means this registration didn't even exist at that time.

          Looking a little further down the record, I see: "1 record has been archived since 2017-03-21". What did that record say? Well, it'll cost you at least US$49 to find that out. I'm actually tempted to spend it.

          1. Eddy Ito

            Re: It's fake news folks.

            It is getting curious but a C&D letter would take at least a few days in the mail unless sent express. It would also be fairly easy to mock up a fake letter so I'd really want to see the envelope with the postmark. Sure, it could have been an email but most folks wouldn't call that a letter. Also it seems that kittenfeed now redirects to facescratch which goes back six years but was last registered today and appears to be down.

            Definitely seems to be past its smell by date.

            edit: Sorry for the duplication, diodesign just beat me to it. ;)

            1. Eddy Ito

              Re: It's fake news folks.

              Ok, my last comment on this thread, I promise. I just thought I'd leave this here in case anyone wanted to play.

              1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

                Re: It's fake news folks.

                "I just thought I'd leave this here in case anyone wanted to play."

                This being a link to's site scraping. I looked at earlier. They seem to have no record of the site prior to March 22nd. It's all very strange.

      2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re: It's fake news folks / domain tools

        Soo... Lucy has some 'splaining to do?

      3. ElReg!comments!Pierre

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        > How could Lucy change the name from trumpscratch to kittenfeed? Going back in time perhaps.

        Or transferring the content from trumpscratch to kittenfeed, one of her domains previously hosting a game in which you feed a kitten? Oh, the wonders of advanced technology!

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: It's fake news folks.

          Perhaps you should recheck the timeline. If trumpscratch never existed before Tuesday, and it didn't, how could she transfer any content from it to kittenfeed a few weeks ago? That's advanced technology indeed.

          1. ElReg!comments!Pierre

            Re: It's fake news folks.

            When I kindly ask ICANN, they always end the reply with this disclaimer (their caps): "LACK OF A DOMAIN RECORD IN THE WHOIS DATABASE DOES NOT INDICATE DOMAIN AVAILABILITY"

            In other words, when the info is present it's more or less reliable, but absence of data does not indicate absence of registration, imminence of a zombie alien Elvis invasion, or ongoing communist conspiracy.

      4. Kiwi

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        edit: The other site has been around a lot longer and actually predates trumpscratch. How could Lucy change the name from trumpscratch to kittenfeed? Going back in time perhaps.

        Well, your own link to the page at Domaintools has this little bit of text : "Created on 2017-03-02"

        It also has :

        IP History 27 changes on 17 unique IP addresses over 8 years


        Hosting History 14 changes on 6 unique name servers over 8 years

        The Wayback machine (aka shows some more answers for you as well. At this page it shows that in 2014 the site was a Sedo parking page :

        And this one shows that 3 years before that (Jan 2011) it was a GoDaddy parking page :

        And in may 2010 the page got a Google 404 error :

        I don't know. I might be crazy but.. I wonder if it is possible for, oh, I dunno, ownership of URL's to be transferred? Perhaps even dropped? Perhaps some people even register pages thinking they could make some money from the domain but don't get round to it? Nah. That'd be crazy. Why would someone go to all the 2 minutes of trouble to register a domain and let it go some time later? That'd never happen, no one would ever drop a domain nor would Sedo etc put up a "parking page" on something. Would never happen, would it?

    2. uncommon_sense
      Thumb Up

      Re: It's fake news folks.

      Yeah, and she richly deserved it.

      Hope he gets her closed down!

    3. diodesign (Written by Reg staff) Silver badge

      Re: It's fake news folks.

      It does look too good to be true, however: The Hollywood Reporter and the New York Observer both say they have been in contact with Lucy, a kid who is learning basic web dev skills in a coding bootcamp, apparently. THR and NYO aren't really the sort of publications to make up quotes separately and independently about the same person. I'll be very disappointed in THR if this turns out to be fake.

      Crucially, NYO says it has seen the C&D letter. The WHOIS records also suggest predates I've added a link to the NYO story and some more info about the domains.

      If there is a PR viral marketing thing behind this, it's not clear who the beneficiary is - it's a long-winded way of touting a porno website, which we spotted and isn't mentioned in the THR and NYO reports.

      One odd thing is that NYO is owned by the family trust of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, also an advisor to the president. You'd have thought that may have put off NYO from running anti-Trump news, but OTOH perhaps the title has proper independence (which is a good thing). It did publicly back Donald as the Republican candidate, though.

      Very odd, and a bit of pre-Friday fun. It's not exactly Watergate. Take it with a pinch of salt if you wish.

      Update: We've seen the DNS records - the domain was registered on March 22, weeks after "Lucy" claimed to have received the C+D demand so it's pretty much Fakey McFake Fakeface. Sorry. Lessons learned.


      1. Number6

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        One odd thing is that NYO is owned by the family trust of Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner, also an advisor to the president. You'd have thought that may have put off NYO from running anti-Trump news, but OTOH perhaps the title has proper independence (which is a good thing). It did publicly back Donald as the Republican candidate, though.

        The conspiracy theorist would expect the NYO in the next day or two to publish something along the lines of how all this fake news is ruining the good name of the guy in the White House and how they'd been taken in (alternatively, either made it up themselves or didn't spend five minutes to research it the way the comments section here has done). It is quite possible that someone did come up with the C&D letter in the correct format, which was presented to the NYO in support of an otherwise unverified claim.

      2. veti Silver badge

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        Assuming NYO and HR interviewed "Lucy" by phone, or better yet Skype - she could be anyone, anywhere. They may have reported the story in "good faith" (setting aside for the moment that they really should have checked the domain record).

        Since "now" belongs to a soft porn site, she might just be one of its "models". Or some random actress hired for the part.

        A bit more fact checking on stories like this would be nice. C'mon, surely someone can claim $49 for expenses?

    4. The Man Who Fell To Earth Silver badge

      Re: It's fake news folks.

      Even the Hollywood Reporter is questioning the story.

      1. ElReg!comments!Pierre

        Re: It's fake news folks.

        > Even the Hollywood Reporter is questioning the story.

        So if EVEN THR is questionning the story (based solely on the rebuttal from Trump Co's head shark, also mentionned by pretty much every source), then that's sorted. Fake news it is then. Because the Hollywood Reporter is a paramount of unbiased, investigative journalism. I also heard that Springfield News has expressed doubts. Unfortunately I can't post a link to the story as the journal consists entirely of 2 photocopied pages distributed in the neighbourhood by owner, editor-in-chief, and columnist Leonard "Lenny" Rump IV, whenever he is sober enough to find the keys for his truck (which, we learn by reading the editorials, may or may not be hidden by his wife on occasion, the bitch; proof that he should use the belt -the heavy one, with the eagle buckle- more often).

        It's not even like it's a big issue, corporate landsharks send this kind of letters by the hundred every day, just in case. That is very litterally what they are paid for.

  2. Pat Att

    Easy to prove..

    Just publish the Cease And Desist letters.

    1. Winkypop Silver badge

      Re: Easy to prove..

      Do you have ANY idea how hard it is to scan letters written in thick crayon?

  3. b0llchit Silver badge


    Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it. Calling Barbra Streisand...

    Then again, bad publicity is better than no publicity. Oh well, in Pres. Washington's case, he was caricatured as "an ass coming to Washington". I guess we now have a pussy in office.

    1. Scroticus Canis

      Re: Miauwrump - "I guess we now have a pussy in office."

      Do you mean a cat or a twat?

      (Twat as in both meanings)

    2. Katalyst66

      Re: Miauwrump

      Or at the very least, a pussy grabbing ass.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Now, now, it's not the President's company. He's put it under the responsibility of an independent arms-length blind management team run by his son, who has had nothing whatsoever to do with the federal government since his father took office.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Trademarks need to be actively protected, or the owner loses it. Yes, even President Snowflake gets the protection of the law.

    The Trump(tm) site was profiting from using the Trump (tm) name, this is fairly clear cut.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trademarks

      "Trademarks need to be actively protected, or the owner loses it"

      Fallacy, I'm afraid.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trademarks

      "Trademarks need to be actively protected..."

      Urban myth I'm afraid. Trademarks are also *very* limited in scope. You can't trademark your name as a name as it refers to you.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Trademarks

        "Trademarks are also *very* limited in scope."

        In his case the limited scope is still pretty big: POTUS, anything with his name on it....etc

    3. Martin Summers

      Re: Trademarks

      Are you saying that they Trump her in this instance?

      Yeah yeah coat etc...

    4. jgarry

      Re: Trademarks

      They need to be actively used to prevent being abandoned.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Trademarks

        That Wikipedia article you linked to says, " failure to actively use the mark in the lawful course of trade, or to enforce the registration in the event of infringement, may also expose the registration itself to become liable for an application for the removal".

        Certainly the enforcement requirement is "a thing" in England* (it's even in one of my course texts from my UG degree...).

        * Yeah, I know, the article's about the US, therefore England's laws are irrelevant, although possibly relevent to the cause of confusion in the discussion.

    5. Antron Argaiv Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: Trademarks

      He gave up a lot of the rights to his name when he became a public figure. That probably "trumps" any commercial rights. His lawyers probably send out c&d letters by the truckload nowadays.

      Oh, and political criticism is protected speech.

      1. Kiwi

        Re: Trademarks

        Oh, and political criticism is protected speech.

        Yup. So much so that the present administration will no doubt be putting its critics in "protective" custody.. In Gitmo. To protect the CMIC from hearing any criticism of his latest insane drivel

    6. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: Trademarks

      I see C&D letters being sent to the owners of the 'Trumpton' series any day now.

      Then next will be banning bridge players from bidding '7NT' (seven No Trumps).

      Then they'll have a go at 'Nellie the elephant' who packed her 'Trump' at least that is how my granddaughter sings it.

      You gotta protect that name not haven't you?

      The name Trump is already verging on being an object of derision already. I'd hate to think what it will be like by the time he gets booted from office.

      1. Chris G

        Re: Trademarks

        "The name Trump is already verging on being an object of derision already."

        Verging? I think it's well past verging.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Trademarks

          Well, I'm 54 now and I was giggling at "Trump" at least as far back as when I was 4 or 5 years old, especially the smelly ones.

      2. Kiwi

        Re: Trademarks

        I'd hate to think what it will be like by the time he gets booted from office.

        Doesn't seem like you'll have to long to wait. Certainly hope not.

      3. akeane

        Re: Trademarks

        I'm worried about being sent C&D letters after doing too much T®umping, after eating a lot of baked beans...

  6. Captain TickTock

    Not that big of a deal

    change the name to

  7. Mutton Jeff

    Just claws?

    I reckon

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Cat videos on the internet?

    Let's ban the internet from syria,iran etc...

    p.s. /s

    1. Oengus

      Better yet... lets ban all things Trump from the interwebs.

      1. tony2heads


        but how will my wife play bridge online?

        By the way:

        has anyone thought of setting up a website selling TRUMPery TRUMPets from TRUMPington?

  9. patrickstar

    Reminds me of when Bernie Sanders lawyers threatened someone selling anti-Bernie T-shirts during the presidential campaign:

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's no stranger than the BAA taking action against that sheep website.

  11. Paul seems to be an NSFW soft porn site now.

    1. Steve Button Silver badge

      Yeah, was a bit surprised for that to pop up while sitting in a coffee shop!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Yeah, was a bit surprised for that to pop up while sitting in a coffee shop!

        Keep your coat buttoned, no-one will notice.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

  12. IHateWearingATie

    Sounds like a bit of viral marketing, but if not my simple reply would have been to refer them to the matter of Arkell vs Pressdram and left them to look it up :)

  13. FuzzyTheBear

    Really ..

    He should have more sense than have people threaten kids in his name.. but he don't ..

    One thing he is though is totally lacking any of the skillset required for a head of state.

    An incompetent liar that will be remembered as the " most unqualified for the position " president ever AD

    How the hell did the USA sink so low ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Really ..

      > "How the hell did the USA sink so low ?"

      That one is easy to answer. Consistent under-investment in education.

      Southern states in particular are not burdened with an over-abundance of schooling.

      1. gandalfcn Silver badge

        Re: Really ..

        "Southern states in particular are not burdened with an over-abundance of schooling."

        Poor, white, unemployed, uneducated Southerners have been voting Republican for generations and they are still poor, white, unemployed and uneducated.

        1. handleoclast

          Re: Poor, white, unemployed, uneducated Southerners

          Of course they've been voting Republican for generations despite knowing how badly Republicans treat them and despite knowing that Democrats would treat them better. The thing is, they know that Republicans treat blacks even worse and they know that not only would Democrats treat them better but (and this is the important bit) the Democrats would treat blacks equally.

          It's OK to be treated like shit as long as blacks get treated even worse. Because that disparity really is all they care about.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Poor, white, unemployed, uneducated Southerners

            It's OK to be treated like shit as long as blacks get treated even worse. Because that disparity really is all they care about.

            That, and the fact that democrats want to take away their assault rifles (I suppose they have to hunt, don't they? - too poor to buy food, and you can't rely on WIC and SNAP programs - those are guvment HANDOUTS!).

            And that democrats support abortion.

            And democrats believe that being gay isn't a mortal sin against the almighty.

        2. joea

          Re: Really ..

          True enough. But this election did not turn on the voters in Southern States, but on three Northern States that conventional wisdom saw as safely in the Clinton camp.

    2. cosymart

      Re: Really ..

      How the hell did the USA sink so low ? - From having to chose between someone you hate or someone incompetent. Tough call :-(

      1. Oengus

        Re: Really ..

        From having to chose between someone you hate or someone incompetent. Tough call :-(

        Can you tell which is which?

      2. Uffish

        Re: "someone you hate"

        Not a tough call at all, just consider an objective judgement to have more value than a subjective judgement. You know it makes sense.

    3. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: Really ..

      "I really just want people to be aware that this is a president who's clearly more concerned about what people think of him than doing things of substance,"

      I think people who made even a small effort to investigate Donald are relieved that he is more concerned about what people think of him than doing things of substance. Douglas Adams caught on years before the rest of us.

      The USA sank so low precisely the same way the UK did.

      1. Aladdin Sane

        Re: Douglas Adams

        "It comes from a very ancient democracy, you see..."

        "You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"

        "No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."

        "Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."

        "I did," said Ford. "It is."

        "So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?"

        "It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."

        "You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"

        "Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."

        "But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"

        "Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"


        "I said," said Ford, with an increasing air of urgency creeping into his voice, "have you got any gin?"

        "I'll look. Tell me about the lizards."

        Ford shrugged again.

        "Some people say that the lizards are the best thing that ever happenned to them," he said. "They're completely wrong of course, completely and utterly wrong, but someone's got to say it."

        "But that's terrible," said Arthur.

        "Listen, bud," said Ford, "if I had one Altairian dollar for every time I heard one bit of the Universe look at another bit of the Universe and say 'That's terrible' I wouldn't be sitting here like a lemon looking for a gin."

    4. Mage Silver badge

      Re: Really ..

      The USA didn't want to be out done by "Brexit"!

  14. MNGrrrl

    Fake news? Use your brain, people.

    Before you scream "Fake news!" you need to ask yourself how plausible it is. This should have been the first question anyone asked, rather than knee-jerking themselves in the balls. And you all deserve a kick in the balls for tagging this 'fake news'. Let's start with what the man has said, in front of fifty cameras and a dozen microphones -- which is that he wanted to "open up" libel laws so he could sue newspapers and pretty much anyone who disagrees with him. And he's not exactly a stranger to throwing sueballs at people for this -- he's been doing it his entire life.

    What, exactly, makes you think this story about a teen getting a C&D for an anti-trump website is "fake" news, but not the other, er, fifty or so examples in the past couple of years? Or perhaps you believe there is a giant liberal conspiracy, complete with Elvis flying around in a UFO, and it's all just made up. I've gotten REALLY tired of this "Fake news" rhetoric, so I'm going to lay it out on anyone who uses that phrase -- Dig your head out of your back side. The letter is *very* likely legitimate. A zebra doesn't change its stripes. This isn't just in-character for the man, it's central to the definition of him. He wouldn't be our Snowflake in Chief if he wasn't busy sitting in a golden throne at the top of his dick-shaped tower, with his name stamped on the side, in gold letters, posting defamatory and denegrating tweets at all hours of the night about anyone who disagrees with him. This is a man who believes Obama is hiding under his bed, watching him masturbate.

    Here are just a few examples, brought to you by a google search...


    Club for Growth gets C&D.

    New York Times gets C&D

    Co-author of Trump's "Art of the Deal" book gets C&D

    Clothing retailer gets C&D

    And another

    Here's one he sent to Ted Cruz

    And here's Spicer, the spokesperson for Trump, mentioning in passing how many people present had received C&Ds...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Fake news? Use your brain, people.

      Those weren't denied, this one was. Then there's this minor issue.

      Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Trump isn't frequently an asshat but in this particular instance the asshats are elsewhere.

      1. Kiwi

        Re: Fake news? Use your brain, people.

        Then there's this minor issue.

        Interesting. shows nothing before 22 Mar BUT a site I know started in Jan 2014 wasn't snapped by them until Jun 2014. The site also was last snapped in October last year despite still being active. whois on my system also shows nothing before 22/03/17.

        Guess I should've looked closely at trumpscratch when I was looking at kittenfeed :)

    2. PNGuinn

      Re: Fake news? Use your brain, people.

      You said it. Fake News.

      "Elvis flying around in a UFO" my a&se.

      Any fule kno that Elvis flies around on a frikkin flying shark with frikkin lasers on.

  15. Haku


    Many Trump supporters love to label anyone who hates Trump a 'snowflake' whilst chanting their mantra "You lost get over it", but shouldn't the fact so many supporters react so quickly and angrily to any behaviour they deem 'lefty' mean they're the real 'snowflakes' with Trump being the head 'snowflake' due to how badly he reacts to people saying negative things about him?

    1. Swarthy

      Re: Snowflakes.

      I also find it hilarious that many of the people who say "You lost, get over it!" can be seen brandishing a confederate flag.

      1. Uffish

        Re: Snowflakes.

        Thank you for putting the comma in the quotation, at least now I can understand what they are saying. And you are right, it is hilarious - as is the whackatrump game.

        Big win all round for the not-impressed-by-trump side whether it is a fake or not.

      2. Kiwi

        Re: Snowflakes.

        I also find it hilarious that many of the people who say "You lost, get over it!" can be seen brandishing a confederate flag.

        You may owe me a new keyboard, but I owe you at least as much for the best laugh I've had in ages! Brilliant and thank you very much kind sir!

  16. Pen-y-gors

    Are lawyers allowed to lie?

    The Trump Organization's chief legal officer says no such letter was ever sent. "This is completely false," Alan Garten said

    Now, if a genuine C&D letter is shown to exist, then this guy has lied - not told an alternative truth - lied. Is that something that their Bar Association (or whatever it is) needs to be looking at? Can he be struck off?

    1. Colin Millar

      Re: Are lawyers allowed to lie?

      Allowed? It's compulsory.

      Who the fuck would employ a lawyer that couldn't lie?

      Now - getting caught in a lie without plausible reason (i.e. "I was reliably informed by .....presented the facts as they were known to me at the time etc") - that's a bit of a no-no.

      1. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: Are lawyers allowed to lie?

        "Who the fuck would employ a lawyer that couldn't lie?"

        My dear boy you don't simply employ a lawyer who couldn't lie. You employ a lawyer who can be creative with the truth.

  17. John McCallum


    One wonders what his reaction would have been if he had appeared on Spitting Image?

    1. Colin Millar
  18. thomas k

    Something fishy here landed me at something called, a *very* different sort of site than the one described in the article. took me to a page displaying the title "Kitten Feed" where I was Rick-rolled.

    1. Kiwi

      Re: Something fishy here took me to a page displaying the title "Kitten Feed" where I was Rick-rolled.

      Ah, now that would take away the "fake news" stuff and put it into the "El Reg stuffed up" stuff

  19. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    redirect everything to


  20. Chairo
    Thumb Up


    Meanwhile, now redirects to, which appears to be down, presumably under a weight of traffic.

    Use the Streisand effect to effectively DDOS a unfriendly webpage - ingenious.

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can't you guys see right through this? The author's provided an elaborate cover up for the fact that he was looking at porn at work. Yeah, right "redirects".

  22. Known Hero

    HEY !!!!!!!!!!

    NSFW warning would of been nice, Porn everywhere.

    Oh wait you posted the NSFW at the bottom of the article AFTER you wrote all the links.


  23. M7S

    I've not looked at the site, but now I've got "Nellie the Elephant" playing in my head.

    I think she had a big trunk.

  24. Mr Dogshit

    As democracy is perfected, the office [of president] represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.

    H.L. Mencken, Baltimore Evening Sun, July 26 1920

    1. tomocean

      I'm stealing this.

  25. SeanC4S

    Oh, the orange herring doesn't like cats.

  26. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Breaking news.........

    Trumps offers apology and asks if he can come round to stroke her pussy as he doesn't want to offend the all internet powerful catmumsnet.

  27. Potemkine Silver badge

    Well done Lucy!

    With such maturity and talents, a bright future is ahead

  28. Gis Bun

    CNN reported that the Trump organizations and affiliates have gone after anyone with the word Trump in the domain - good or bad. Hundreds are registered to them. Most are just registrations. Some redirect to the main Trump web site. Sorry. is taken.

  29. Kiwi

    Now I have to wonder why...

    Wonder why they would have Rick Astley(sp) playing in the background, of all people..... ;)

    Oh well. I managed to get the "Wow, you must really hate trump" rating pretty quickly.

    Yes I do know why

  30. Stuart21551

    "internationally known and famous."

    sp. 'nationally known & infamous'

  31. Scroticus Canis

    "... the Trump name is internationally known and famous.'"

    ... the Trump name is internationally known and infamous.


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