How to cancel your AT&T cellular service
I should be a giant fan of AT&T. My dad spent the whole of his career there having been gobbled up in an earlier merge with Western Electric. He retired early and has received many benefits, but this does not translate to me being their customer. In fact, being their customer sucked. I had their landline and cell service for many years, and just wanted out of their spy business once that became known. Not that T-Mobile is not effected similarly when Uncle Sam comes for my metadata, but more so how easily AT&T gets into bed with the various US spy agencies, with nary a thought about my privacy, and even sells popular packages of data to police forces and the government. No, no, my privacy is very low on the to do list over there, if it even exists at all. Here is the top of their to do list; spy on all customers for no reason whatsoever, overcharge for services, charge money for texting when it is merely a bit of unused cell packet preamble data, and generally play the act of the unconcerned corporation with respects to adding any value to their offerings. Anything for a buck. I could not wait to switch to another provider that I think does add value to the services I am receiving, and generally seems to give a shit about their customers.
Here's how. Don't call. You will invoke the attention of not only the call center stooge, but their manager, and then another manager, while they drag their feet pretending they are canceling your service by offering you even more services and devices! Forget that mess. Just walk into their local showroom, get your phone ready by backing up your data and doing a factory wipe on it, if need be. Then you are out of there in just a few minutes. No fuss. No hard-sell to stay and get shitted on more. In, cancel, out.
Still, if you don't give two shits about your privacy, then by all means; remain their customer. Enjoy!