Good to see the crap-ware has not been forgotten by the decent press.
Maybe Lenovo could look at what users want and are willing to pay for, off the top of my head:
1) No crapware or shitty trials to clean off a new machine
2) Choice of OS perhaps? OK MS stopping Win7 ain't going to help.
3) Good screen size and resolution on laptops. None of the shitty <= 900 lines stuff.
4) Useful connector option: at least a couple of older USB-2 style, HDMI, Ethernet and maybe USB-C reversible types.
5) Some hardware switch to hard disable camera, microphone and wifi/bluetooth. Oh and status LEDs to match in a visible place (same for HDD activity and power LED - wtf were HP doing putting them on the side out of view?) so you know if on or off and don't arse around wondering what software is broken.