back to article Docker donates core container code to DevOps world's DMZ

As it promised in December, Docker has bestowed containerd, its core container runtime, upon the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, putting an important piece of container infrastructure under neutral governance. The open source software component – a "daemon" or automated process – controls runC, the container runtime that …

  1. Ilsa Loving

    Does Docker even know what they're doing?

    My first experience with docker involved setting up a docker registry. I set one up using the packages (docker-registry) included as part of CentOS 7. I mean, if it was included as part of Redhat Enterprise, it must be vetted and stable.

    I had a question about a particular aspect of the configuration, so I went to the project page. Lo and behold, it was *deprecated*. The entire docker-registry product had been deprecated and replaced with a completely different product!

    Docker has amazing value during development and testing, but I just can't see how Docker could be used safely in production when it's so unstable that they can't even settle on entire product lines. This has "future maintenance and security nightmare" written all over it.

    Am I missing something?

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