All claimers of compensation will paid in the form of cheque from our sister company Butt Fucker Dildos LTD
A US teledildonics company – if you’re wondering whether that means what it looks like it means, yes it does – has settled a privacy infringement lawsuit for $3.75m. The agreement, reached between two anonymous complainants and Standard Innovation Corporation, will ensure that personal information collected from users of SIC’s …
Funny you should mention phones...
Once upon a time, about 10 years ago, or so, I managed to hack an Ann Summers device with a MT8870 DTMF decoder, a 16F series PIC and a couple of MOSFETs, so it could be controlled remotely by phone and with a lot more features than the original controls allowed.
I'm hundreds of miles away for most of the week (fly out Sunday night/Monday morning, fly back Friday morning), so usage of something like this adds a level of intimacy that a phone / video call alone does not provide. The point is that your physical actions give pleasure to your partner on the other end.
Why it has to go through a cloud service, I haven't the foggiest.
Included the ever so private information such as vibration intensity level
Let me guess : starts slow, gets faster, on average gradually goes to maximum, then slows down again at least for a while. It's only (pocket) rocket science, they've already bought a vibrator, who'd be surprised what's being done with it?