back to article DeepMind. Blockchain. Medical records. Google. AI – wow, we just won machine learning bingo!

Google-stablemate DeepMind is creating a blockchain-like system to show how sensitive medical data passing through its processors will be used, allowing healthcare professionals to check if data has been tampered with. Its healthcare arm, DeepMind Health, is working to improve medical diagnoses with machine learning tools. …

  1. cantankerous swineherd

    "impossible to change a specific entry" so incorrect information is there for ever?

    1. Paul Kinsler

      incorrect information

      Presumably you just add a correction, which would superceed (but not delete) the bad info...

  2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "For example, if results from a blood test were uploaded, it’ll show they were used in an algorithm to check for possible acute kidney injury."

    But does it then show whether the results of that algorithm were then passed to your insurance company or Google's ad-slingers?

    1. Daggerchild Silver badge

      Why only one monster in the shadows?

      Kenny says that what Watson is not just being used to cure cancer, “but to just recommend what you should watch next” and even to recommend “what ad you you should watch next.”
      - IBM

  3. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Maybe DeepMind should have tried building the trust before they stole the data

    Because it's not their data.

    It's not the NHS's data.

    It's your data.

    Trust them I do not.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      ... before they stole the data.

      All your private NHS data are belong to Google.

      Game Over.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Data processed by DeepMind’s servers will be logged, and a “special digital ledger” will also be added to explain how and why the data has been used."

    Giving patients the functionality to see who was accessing their data and why was I idea I shared with one-time NHS data overlord Tim Kelsey. The idea being that this level of transparency could help build trust in the programme.

    It was ignored. Perhaps I wasn't senior enough.

    1. Daggerchild Silver badge

      I suspect it's because nobody trusts the public to know how to process the data about how their data is processed. Do you?

      People will just scan through, spot something with a particular word in it, jump to conclusions, and freakout in a way that causes others to freakout leading to torches and pitchforks and witch burnings.

      Yes, some people can process the data correctly, to the point they will correctly spot evil. But they'll be drowned out by people who also claim they can but actually can't. You're going to need some form of idiot filter in front of the data stream to get a decent signal/noise ratio.

      I also find it tragically sweet how Googlites still naively believe solving a problem logically and perfectly even matters when the problem is fundamentally emotional. All the other entities doing this stuff are smart enough to keep their heads well down.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Two main purposes, the real agenda

    There are two main reasons why there is so much interest in AI and Digital records in health care.

    Firstly, the elites have had a long held desire to replace humans with a more compliant and cheaper 24/7 reliable workforce - robots and AI. This enables more and more elements of the health care system to be replaced by technology. Eventually, in the future, a human can be treated and fixed without human intervention. As to whether or not this service will be available to all, that's another debate entirely. Personally, I believe it will only be accessible by the wealthy (rather like space travel)

    Secondly, the elites have a desire to reduce the world population from several billion to 200-500 million in a decade or so time. They have many means at their disposal to achieve this, and having medical diagnosis and records fully digital makes it easier to monitor progress. Some call it health surveillance. But this makes it much easier to track progress, and make any necessary changes if depopulation isn't progressing fast enough. Have a look online if you think the depopulation isn't true, even Bill Gates has gone on record about his desire in this area (yet chooses to vaccinate children in India and Africa. Makes you wonder what's in those vaccines right?)

    Mark my words, none of this is designed for our benefit, but only for those sitting on top of the tree.

    I guess NHS health care came at a price, not just from our tax contributions, but from all the data we help provide, which belong to us, so why weren't we asked permission before our data was handed over to the likes of Google, because I would certainly have objected. This does sound rather like Facebook, you get a service for free, as long as you're happy to trade in your privacy. But at least we have a choice not to use Facebook if we weren't happy with that.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Two main purposes, the real agenda

      Anyone seen the film Elysium?

      That's the future of healthcare right there, the top quality services will be for the rich only, the poor will get the worst quality (if any service is even offered to them). So glad the rich will be benefiting from the years worth of clinical practice and data courtesy of the serfs using health care services, only for them not to benefit from it afterwards.

      Everything about Deepmind screams evil to me.

  6. Roopee Silver badge

    "The Elites"


    The "elites" as you call them are more conventionally and accurately called "the establishment" - there is nothing elite about most of the people who have power and money. Much of what they've got that you and I haven't is derived from demographic accidents of birth.

    I doubt they are unduly bothered by the massive and growing problem of the overpopulation of our planet - after all they have the wherewithal to insulate themselves from it, and I doubt they've watched 'Utopia' either (or thought up similar ideas for themselves).

    I also doubt they have an overwhelming desire to replace humans with robots; to them, humans are understandable and controllable, robots are not. On the other hand, if robots can make them more money than humans by being more capable or more efficient, they will be of interest.

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