back to article Where in the world is web hosting?

Web hosting services at are out of action in what would appear to be the final nail in the supplier's coffin. Back in December,, which used supplier 186k for its broadband services, advised customers to seek other providers as it was unable to "continue to supply" broadband services. Leeds-based 186k …

  1. Aristotles slow and dimwitted horse

    They're off...

    They've made enough cash and are off to the Carribbean with your cash.


    ...Because that's what I'd do.

    1. Martin Summers

      Re: They're off...

      And hopefully I shall never buy services from a company you run!

  2. adnim

    Businesses fail all the time

    The polite and non-exploitative thing to do would be to send an email and written/typed correspondence to clients telling them one is going under. Stop taking money from client bank accounts and advise the client to seek an alternative supplier for ALL the services they subscribe to. Suggesting alternative provider would be useful. And stating a date on which the services will terminate is essential.

    If Fast have done all the above.. fair enough.

    However my experience is such that I think and believe most companies only give a fuck about revenue and prefer the client take the hit for their mismanagement.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Obviously. Since they're already going down, there is no more need to be all serviceable and polite.

      If they were that to begin with.

    2. streaky

      Re: Businesses fail all the time

      The polite and non-exploitative thing to do would be to send an email and written/typed correspondence to clients telling them one is going under. Stop taking money from client bank accounts and advise the client to seek an alternative supplier for ALL the services they subscribe to. Suggesting alternative provider would be useful. And stating a date on which the services will terminate is essential.

      This is the point at which "what would be polite" conflicts with the law. Once you know you're insolvent the law says you cease trading, and that includes sending out polite emails or allowing customers to make backups - or giving prior early notification. Not very nice it might be but it is the reality. Always backup your stuff.

      Liquidators will screw you for this stuff and you will end up becoming a disqualified director if you're not careful.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It's pineing for the fyords.

    1. J. R. Hartley

      As a pedant etc




      See me.

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think at least one of the guys behind fast is running

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I believe you're confusing two separate companies, this article is about not Fasthosts.

      The founder of Fasthosts is the founder of Bark.

  5. WibbleMe

    The fact that you can now start your own cheapo hosting company for Resellers with a WHM/Cpanel license and a small instance on AWS means that competition is rather ferocious

    1. Dwarf

      Cheap maybe, but remember, you only get what you paid for.

      * until they go bust

  6. aurumtech


    Used to have some connectivity services with these guys, they were great too - not used them for a couple of years now, shame it went like that though. Used to get cross communication from the Dark group which seems to have morphed into DG Technologies - same RO as well :/

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Shame

      They sold to Firenet Ltd in 2009 it appears, which ties in with when the calls started to be answered by people in Northern Ireland.

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