How does it work
The informative videos show feature snazzy marketing music, graphics, and an outstanding letter "Q" which appears around 1/4 of the way through.
Then we see amazing models working on ultra complex machinery. At this stage, there seems no point in asking whether someone can tell me how it works, what is a Q-bit, what is the input, what is the output, how is it parsed, who will be able to parse it...
I just ask myself: is it all a con or a delusion, as suggested by the 3rd video with the card sharp? Is it homeopathic computing? Or is it genuinely amazing new science? But if it is amazing new science, why never any explanation? And if it is too complicated to be explained to a reasonable man in the street who can see the sense of standard science when it is explained to them, is there a new generation of super-human geniuses out there who are and will be the only ones able to understand and operate these new, mysterious machines? In which case, I for one, welcome our new Quantum Computing overlords and their wonderful marketing videos.
And: I beg and challenge anybody out there to explain to me HOW IT WORKS.