back to article Explain! yourself! US! senators! yell! at! Yahoo!

A couple of US senators have accused Yahoo! of not cooperating with their attempts to investigate its now-notorious database security breaches. Republicans John Thune (chair of the US Senate's Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation) and Jerry Moran (chair of its sub-committee for Consumer Protection, Product Safety …

  1. Michael Thibault

    Does anyone really care?


  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Block the takeover....

    Might concentrate minds at Verizon / Yahoo... But no, that wouldn't be good for sacred big business or the lawless world of Slurping and Ad-slinging.

    1. Gene Cash Silver badge

      Re: Block the takeover....

      Nah, if you block the takeover, Yahoo! gets to avoid responsibility. They get to say "poor us! The Man beat us down" instead of having to face the consequences of their "security" by either getting a lower price or having Verizon walk away.

      I do want to see them take a beating. It encourages the others.

  3. EnviableOne

    You mean Verizon haven't walked yet?

    They will probably revise their offer from $4.5bn down to $1

    1. swschrad

      more like "you pay us $5 billion to take you over."

      Yahoo! is a mystery floating thing in the punch bowl.

      1. MrDamage Silver badge

        Re: more like "you pay us $5 billion to take you over."

        I think you meant toilet bowl, and it's no mystery.

  4. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Do the Senate have powers of subpoena? A night spent in goal by senior management to think over their answers might spur recollection.

    1. lafnlab

      Both houses of Congress have the power to subpoena. They can compel testimony, and those who refuse can be held in jail for "Contempt of Congress".

    2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Mhh, Senate hearings... as it happens, I've re-watched The Godfather Part II last night. Can we have something like the Kefauver thing with tech companies?

      1. swschrad

        Presidente Grandissimo El Chumpo likes waterboarding...

        so, hey, new reality show! Executive Producers Moran and Trump... "Making Yahooligans Talk."

    3. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "A night spent in goal by senior management to think over their answers might spur recollection."

      Can take turns taking penalty kicks at them? Or did you mean gaol? :-)

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        "Can take turns taking penalty kicks at them? Or did you mean gaol?"


        It's a long time since I used to get summonses to courts of oyer, terminer and general gaol delivery.

  5. lafnlab


    Apoplectic! Pols! Probe! Purple! Palace!

    You're welcome.

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