I hope the rings are large enough
given this BBC news item.
TL;DR: There were nine callouts involving "men with rings stuck on their penises" since April, it [London Fire Brigade] said.
Boffins at King's College London are looking for gents in committed relationships who don't mind slipping a variety of rings over their old fellas to measure the relationship between satisfaction and depth of penetration during sexual intercourse. The research effort is erupting out the uni's Institute of Psychiatry, and is …
given this BBC news item.
TL;DR: There were nine callouts involving "men with rings stuck on their penises" since April, it [London Fire Brigade] said.
What a bunch of spanners.
Don't they look lovely....umm, can someone call the fire brigade for me please? I seems to have, umm, slipped, yes slipped whilst fixing err something in the shed.
I'll get my coat. It might hide the sight of my shame as I walk to the ambulance, now we just have to muffle the jangle.
We had one in casualty who "sat on a crate of cucumbers to take off their trousers after they spilled oil down themselves, and the crate gave way and..." which, of course, prompted a call for a procession of specialists and second opinions. If they'd just said they lubed up a cucurbit and shoved it up their arse for thrillz and lulz, nobody would have batted an eyelid.
Elves were not immortal, just immune to natural death, or they would have been able to monopolize warfare by infinite reproduction, even if it took ten thousand years. That 's why they are now possibly extinct: too many Highlander scripts, followed by the last one racing on the A83!
"But not all of them, because some are still around."
That will be the Feegles then.
The Terry Pratchett "autobiography" programme on BBC TV this week was very good.
A study entitled "Am I Normal?" whereby you are asked to put a foreign object around your penis and measure pleasure whilst having intercourse. Seems legit.
The 6 weeks is a tad confusing, because 2 times 6 is 12 and 20 is the maximum plus there is no allowance for when the painters are in depending on your partners preference to such things which then questions why it's only heterosexual couples.
I think the assumption by the study that the pleasure of sexual intercourse can be measured depending on genitalia and length is wrong, as surely the pleasure of a sexual encounter is mostly psychological rather than physical.
I also thought elves were into jewels not rings and what do they call the rings in this study? Ring piece?
"[...] as surely the pleasure of a sexual encounter is mostly psychological rather than physical."
The state of mind plays a big part in enhancing the effect but I suspect the dopamine high on its own is enough for many people. Obviously the state of mind can have a negative effect on erection capabilities.
It's probably like pain. The nerves cannot be stopped from producing their effect - but the state of mind can attenuate or accentuate the feelings.
I think the assumption by the study that the pleasure of sexual intercourse can be measured depending on genitalia and length is wrong,
They make no such assumption:
to measure the relationship between satisfaction and depth of penetration during sexual intercourse.
A perfectly valid result of measuring the relationship is that there is no relationship. That is exactly what they are trying to find out, is there a relationship, and if so what is it?
Unless the ring is more like a plate with a hole - then it is going to act as a labial, if not clitoral, stimulus.
Unless a ring is quite tight then it will be displaced. So the tightness will constrict the blood flow out of the penis - which could introduce new factors.
It would be interesting how they are going to evaluate the control conditions for such unintended consequences.
When she says OK go on then! Not too ruff I'm trying to check my e-mail, knock my glasses off and I'll....
Hang on I had to edit, how can a guy get a ring stuck on it, just think of something horrible or a pic of your gran and it'll shrivel! Hence the removal of said item would be easy unless a certain drug was involved, I guess?
Let's see, it's a four ring circus so there's engagement ring, wedding ring, oh, I think that is one of the final two rings so it's either the nose ring or the suffer ring. If there's a penis ring these days they've clearly taken the suffer part up a notch.