Re: "Current" wireless charging is complete crap
Welcome to physics!
Google "Inverse Square Law"
Moving something 1cm away from the wireless charger knocks it badly in terms of power received as it's also supplying (uncaptured) power to a sphere of that radius.
Move it distance n away and the useful power drops proportional to 1 / (n*n).
As such, wireless charging is always going to be silly unless you come up with directed energy (e.g. beaming a laser that contains the power you want, to a sensor that can take that power and pull most of it back to electricity, or similar for radio, sonar, whatever). Your average iPhone charger puts out several Watts. A Class II laser is max 1mW and can blind you. And you need line-of-sight, and let's not forget about the danger and heat generated on ANYTHING in between too, plus the losses going through air and converting it back to something useful without melting your iPhone.
Simple physics tells you that a 50p bit of copper will be doing a better job for a LONG time to come.