Separate scientific information from --
-- shameless glitz and pop culture, and Wikipedia starts to look better. Last night, dark and dreary, I was a-googling articles on the geology of Death Valley. The molting raven on my windowsill muttering "Nevermore!" was no help. In the end, Wickedpedia had the best over-all summary, though there some research articles (most behind paywalls) appeared to give more detail on specific formations.
Yes, of course, as a crowd-sourced info source WP has intrinsic flaws. But in a big enough crowd, there are going to be geologists and geophysicists, and some may contribute. So WP also has intrinsic strengths, also due to it's crowd-sourced nature.
Miss out on that, and you've missed a huge diffy between the DM and WP.
Methinks those who compare WP with the DM have an orange in one hand, an apple in the other, and a bee up the nose.