Do not want
Sorry, but Austin is very very nice, they have the lovely Formula One track, they are weird, but they are in a the shithead state of Texas. No way I'm moving from a nice, profitable Blue State, to one nice town surrounded by gun-toting shit-for-brains. Even Nevada seems nicer by every comparison. Not a big tech state, unless you service slot machines, but much more realistic for a creative tech type who now can buy lots of lovely, legal, maryjane. So, keep trying, Texas. I am not looking for more rednecks, flooding, dust storms, guns, sad economy, regulation scoffing tornado town. I will come and visit that track though. Just not enough earthquakes and drought to scare me out of my home. Yeah, I'm good here, guy.
Seattle, yes. Portland, sure, why not? Again, anyplace other than New York, Washington State, Oregon, and California is a god damn mess. Okay, I forgot Colorado and Minnesota. Those guys are cool. That's about it though. It is known.