back to article The best of Reg readers' David Hockney-style logo redesigns

Last week we challenged our reader to redesign The Register's masthead in the style of David Hockney, after the artist scrawled over The Sun's logo in Paintbrush. True to form, our dear readers did not disappoint – albeit with some examples being slightly more true to the Hockney form than we had hoped. Hockney, 79, scrawled …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Urban Dictionary...

    Mr Humpage may want to exercise caution when opening his package from El Reg if the Urban Dictionary definition of gumble is the same as the article's!

  2. Aladdin Sane

    V for Vulture

    I'm interested in buying the film rights. I'd like to bid one empty can of Monster Energy Ultra, slightly dented.

    1. John G Imrie

      Re: V for Vulture

      I'll see your one empty can of Monster Energy Ultra, slightly dented, and raise a raisin.

      1. kryptonaut

        Re: V for Vulture

        I'll double the currant bid

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: V for Vulture

          I am the Sultana of Brunei and I treble the bid.

          1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

            Re: V for Vulture

            "I am the Sultana of Brunei and I treble the bid."

            Excellent! Trebles all 'round, what ho!

            1. Graham Marsden

              Re: V for Vulture

              I bid a Tin of Baked Beans!

    2. Mephistro

      Re: V for Vulture

      "I'm interested in buying the film rights. I'd like to bid one empty can of Monster Energy Ultra, slightly dented."

      Oh, C'mon! The film rights value must be a lot higher than that. Whoever owns them probably has a legal right nowadays to charge newspapers and daily TV news programmes for the use of the IP and video contained in the film.

      1. Aladdin Sane

        Re: V for Vulture

        I can add the freshly filtered contents of the can.

  3. sorry, what?

    I don't think it's an egg...

    Regarding andy00ff00's masterpiece. I think that's about the sun shining out of somewhere...

    1. Jedit Silver badge

      Re: I don't think it's an egg...

      Looks more like a pustule to me. Time for a new strapline as well, perhaps? "The Register: The Boil On The Arse Of IT" has a certain ring to it. (Pun definitely not intended.)

      1. Aladdin Sane

        Re: I don't think it's an egg...

        El Reg - A Pile Of IT.

    2. Andy00ff00

      Re: I don't think it's an egg...

      Ah! A true connoisseur!

      Would you like to buy the piece?

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I don't think it's an egg...

      Looks like a job for Preparation R.

  4. FredBloggs61

    Raising by another raisin and currant (news)

    1. Locky

      I'll raise to a whole snackbox of raisins, and a bottle of Yorkshire tap water

      From there, you can rehydrate them and create your own wine

      1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

        What a grape idea!

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    How about a fruit with a bite taken out of it?

  6. jake Silver badge


    It may be ASCII, but it's not Art, not if it's machine generated. IMO, anyway.

    1. phuzz Silver badge

      Re: Fake.Art?

      Ok, I'll admit that the writing was machine-generated, but I drew that vulture by hand (which is why it's so wonky).

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: Fake.Art?

        Newxt time, post the drawing, phuzz. THAT is art.

        The thing you posted was the equivalent of a Polaroid of the Mona Lisa.

        Again, IMO of course. This round's on me.

        1. sabroni Silver badge
          Thumb Up

          Re: a Polaroid of the Mona Lisa.

          That's another thing that I'd class as art if it was created as such. It's a poignant comment on our consumer society!

          Old punks, we value intent above ability!

        2. phuzz Silver badge

          Re: Fake.Art?

          When I said 'drew', I meant, 'typed'.

          I pulled up the original version of the vulture from the masthead ^^^ up there and typed my own version into a text editor (Notepad++). I started by getting the basic shape done in Xs and then went in and altered some of the characters to make it look a bit better.

          I'm pretty surprised at how well it came out, it almost looks like the original, if you stand well back and squint a lot. Now I just need to start charging hundreds of pounds for prints and I'll be a proper artist!

    2. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: it's not Art, not if it's machine generated

      Doesn't it depend on whether an artist made the machine or not? Or does that make the machine itself art but not the things the machine creates?

      Because the definition of art isn't vague enough!!!

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: it's not Art, not if it's machine generated

        Because the definition of art isn't vague enough!!!

        No it isn't - it's what a certified art critic says it is. That is quite sufficiently vague enough.

  7. d3vy

    That other guy winning is FAKE NEWS.

    I won, PERIOD.

    It is the best image, I demand an investigation into voter fraud.

    1. sabroni Silver badge

      You definitely won! Because more people voted for the other ones!!!

    2. MrDamage Silver badge

      Typical USAian

      Labouring under the mistaken belief he lives in a democracy.

      I'll get my coat. It's the one with the sarcasm oozing from the pockets.

  8. Al fazed


    Every entry here is better than Hockneys excuse for digital art, as he plainly hasn't had a lot of experience drawing with a mouse. IMHO he should stick to using a brush on canvas.


    1. Anonymous IV

      Re: Drawing

      You are not familiar with Hockney's iPad drawing/colouring-in from 2012?

      See, for example, How David Hockney Became the World’s Foremost iPad Painter.

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Drawing

      Based on the article contents, I'm pretty impressed with Hockneys tech talents. Not many people could get MSpaint to run on an iPad.

  9. Black Rat

    I find the lack of comic sans most disturbing

  10. Toltec

    As close as you could get to a Darth Vader icon?

  11. Alistair


    I'll take the

    Can, Raisins, Currants.

    Add some fluffy powdery stuff, some spices. I'll skip the filtered content of the can, and add some brandy, mix all that up and stuff it in the can.

    Cover it lightly and offer it up around the end of november.....

    Not sure what I want for that, but it's what came to mind.

  12. John Smith 19 Gold badge
    Thumb Up

    Fortunately all entrants managed to retain the key feature.

    The viciously hooked beak for

    Tearing into PHBs

    Cons-sultants from Strategy Boutiques with their paradigm de jour.

    Politicians whose (lack of) temperance of view is matched only by their ignorance of the subject they are spouting on about.

    Nice work. Although IRL I don't think the Sun's readership on Merseyside is going to rise anytime soon.

  13. Jamie Jones Silver badge


    You mean that Hockney thing was real? "The sun and the sun"? (or whatever) ? It wasn't a pisstake?

  14. Glenturret Single Malt

    Oh dear

    Unfortunately, I have the images blocked.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    We all know the Holy Jobs provided the light ...

    "We all know the Holy Jobs provided the light and cast all others into the shade,"

    And on the 7th iPhone he rested.

  16. Death Boffin

    The quiet option

    The Register - putting the SHHH in IT.

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