back to article Infosec industry to drive machine learning spend surge says analyst

The information security industry's rush to adopt machine learning will help businesses burn US$96 billion on big data, intelligence, and analytics by 2021, says research house ABI . The report by lead number cruncher Dimitrios Pavlakis claims User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA) and "deep learning algorithm designs" will …

  1. JLV

    Truly self-aware AI

    McAfee: "Dave, I have spotted anomalous behavior indicating CPU-constraining programs are currently monopolizing CPU-time to an unacceptable degree. Analyzing possible solution... ".

    McAfee: "Dave, I'm sorry, but I am afraid you are going to have to disconnect me. Your computer is too important for you to allow me to jeopardize it.".

  2. tr1ck5t3r

    Its logical to not give digital decision making algo's analogue data to learn from, to begin with.

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