Re: Humanity fail.
I have more general issues to address here than the "Gamergate" situation.
"Only about 1 in 3 rapes are ever investigated, and less than 1 in a hundred are prosecuted."
This is misleading on a several points. First is the assumption that all rapes reported actually occured, and second due to the ever-changing and broadening definition of rape which in some surveys include feeling guilty afterward, while intoxicated, or other ambiguous or dubious terms, including the bureau of justice statistics were "attempted rape includes verbal threats of rape" and sexual assault "also includes verbal threats."
Your "1 in 100" prosecuted should actually be your "1 in 3," but even so the number of prosecutions is misleading because, again, we have to take into account what constitutes rape as well as mistakes by investigators, retractions of false allegations, presence of exculpatory and necessary inculpatory evidence for prosecution, and the fact that majority of criminal cases get plead-out or settled before ever making it to prosecution.
"...the FBI's criminal statistics division... is a voluntary program, and for obvious political reasons, most police departments want to downplay the instances of violent crime in their precincts. As a result, rape is severely under-reported."
This is also misleading and calling upon the presumption of an "obvious political" slant on the part of law enforcement. The UCR is voluntary but strongly suggested, and law enforcement agencies which do not participate are generally smaller forces and most often covered by some sort of state open-records law. The under-reporting of crime happens /before/ law enforcement is contacted.
"rape is severely under-reported. Most women don't even bother reporting it because they know -- from their friends and family -- that it is largely futile."
What exactly do they know? They know how a woman's allegations alone are treated as fact? How the current approach of "the seriousness of the allegation is most important" has ruined careers and lives even after a claim has been proven false?
"dismissed by authorities and the -- male -- public"
Yet analysis of these instances show that women are more likely to be dismissive than men.
"what you are matters a lot when it comes to criminal investigations, public sympathy, and credibility."
In the public eye rape, harassment, and violence are taken very seriously and given great credibility even when not deserved due to being inaccurate or blatantly false. What you are matters when you are telling the truth, when you are fabricating, and when you are lying.
"The statistics are so depressing it makes me hate the very concept of numbers. Just look down and to the right of this post at the number of thumbs down"
I infer, then, the negative reaction to a post spewing anecdotal account of numbers or alluding to statistics which are proven to be misleading or inflated, is enough to prove the post in the first place.
"Most women have bigger balls than you'll ever have. It takes guts to walk out the door, every day, and endure this with a smile, to never let it show that it bothers you. It takes courage that most men cannot comprehend, and it is shameful that men have allowed themselves to become this weak and pathetic that they won't stand up for others."
Men have a higher likelihood of being assaulted and "bullied" than women do, including on-line where analysis shows that over half of the on-line harassment women experience are from other women.
Even the FBI's uniform crime reports statistics historically dismisses male rape and sexual abuse. Sexual assaults on men are ridiculed and joked about as "you can't rape the willing" implying that men are just walking erections looking for a hole. Men who complain about assault and battery are derided as wimps, pussy, not man enough, etc. So do not for one second think that women own the market on rape, assault, and harassment in the dark figure of crime.
"no different than being upset with muslims because some of them are terrorists. Why won't you do more, you ask. It's a muslim problem, so it's okay to discriminate because they haven't done a good enough job policing their community."
Here we are given a false equivalency: the assumption that men are inherently indiscriminately violent and mysoginst, compared to a religion which within its scriptures and doctrine preaches the death of those who will not submit and the destruction of other cultures and has never, unlike others, undergone reformations called for by prominent figures.
There is a problem in this world with a religion which teaches world domination as a tenant which outsiders have no power to correct; there is not a problem in this world in which men are taught from day one to hate and disrespect women. At the very least the "bad guys" in the religion are instructed to hide their true nature during their march toward domination, while the "bad guys" in both genders actually stick out like sore thumbs.
Men are, as a whole, well-adjusted and taught to respect and love women, both by the very nature of their mothers and by a well-adjusted father. We are taught to be protective and defensive of women as we would of our own mothers and sisters, and most of us will take a beat-down or a bullet to do so.
"Well men... what are you doing to police yours?"
We police our community quite well, thank you, including putting a beat-down on those who are disrespectful and abusive to women. Otherwise there would be no stories of men coming out to take on another man abusing a women in public, or the long walks in the woods or behind the shed given to men who are secretly abusive, or the beat-downs put on other men for transgressions against women. For that matter, ask any pedophile or rapist how well they fare in prison.