I don't need to imagine - Red Dwarf taught us exactly what a printer jam looks like!
Gimme some skin: Boffins perfect 3D bioprinter that emits slabs of human flesh
3D printing for most users is limited to polymer printing, or in some cases metal – but now a team from Spain has built hardware that can print actual human skin. The scientists, from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research, and the Hospital General Universitario …
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Wednesday 25th January 2017 10:13 GMT John Smith 19
Very impressive.
And not the first cutting edge bio story to come out of Spain recently (fushing the living cells out of a heart to create a scaffold for stem cells to grow into a new, beating heart). The ability to use a subjects own cells suggests you can avoid rejection problems as well.
Possibly the most curious tidbit of this is that this field is well enough developed to have a journal. Who'd ever heard of "Biofabrication" as title before this?