back to article Welcome to the Wipe House: President Trump shreds climate change, privacy, LGBT policies on

With Donald Trump taking over the presidency Friday morning, a different type of transition has also taken place: a digital transition. A novel approach was taken with respect to the Twitter accounts of the president, vice-president and first lady: the accounts were both retained and cloned to new accounts – if you followed @ …

  1. Barry Rueger

    Just the Guy We Need

    Sources tell me that Trump's choice to head the National Archives is a fellow named Montag.

    1. x 7

      Re: Just the Guy We Need

      "Sources tell me that Trump's choice to head the National Archives is a fellow named Montag."

      That should warm up the management

    2. Graham Dawson

      Re: Just the Guy We Need

      Hijacking the top comment:

      The website was replaced as part of the transition. The previous site is preserved at under the provisions of the Presidential Records Act. The current website removed everything under the provisions of the same act. The same thing happened to the Bush whitehouse website when Obama was sworn in.

      I don't recall anyone complaining then.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Just the Guy We Need

        Yes, it's clear that many leftist are frantically feeling around in their dark miserable cave for anything resembling a charge that could plausibly harm President Trump, and the moment one comes to hand they heave it up on the table, no matter how smelly or hard to lift.

        But it's all good; Putin is Trump's puppetmaster (The polls prove it!) and that excuses the Left's obscene lack of any kind of sportsmanship.

        Doesn't it...?

      2. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

        Re: Just the Guy We Need

        . The sudden removal of documents covering climate change, LGBT rights, affordable healthcare, and other issues,

        So , does this just mean ALL the documents have been moved and those documents mentioned have been picked out to falsly infer that they had been ,er , picked out for deletion?

      3. AnonymousSs

        Re: Just the Guy We Need

        Exactly. This is another extremely biased and misdirected article bordering on propaganda. The author has many on these lines.

        Lets get our knickers in a twist and hate on Trump due to the way the gov updated the website. Because thats what we're complaining about here. A simple website update. From a critical point of view, yes perhaps a redirect could have been added however a simple link to allow the user the option of viewing the archived files would be better.

        How long would you plan to redirect every page to the archive? The focus is on now and the future, not the past. A web dev may have felt that the archived files are not important now as they are defunct.

        I find it mildly amusing and quite worrying how people jump on crap like this and get the pitchforks out again to jab the world with their hate.



        Has someone started a petition yet??!

        Perhaps we should focus on the positives like the end of TPP and dont give writers like Kieren McCarthy any more clicks for the Trump-hate-bait.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Just the Guy We Need

      Sounds great so far. Wish we had him over here. Maybe they need a 51st state?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Just the Guy We Need

        Gee, I don't know. I'm pretty sure Trump will want to heavily vet any countries before they are granted U.S. statehood.

        Hey, maybe we could replace California with your country! They're already talking about seceeding...

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

    but I didn't vote for that shithead and his shemale model companion. I voted for someone who could help get rid of the festering sore that is the conservative party's distraction from a country now being run by corporations, not people. It's called a plutocracy, and it's when people with money control all aspects of governance. The media buys into the "two party" nonsense to keep the stories interesting, but the truth is there is just one party. The next act after the self-destruction of the Republican Party would be the dismantling of my own "party" the Democrats. The goal of our founding fathers was to provide a nation that could function on it's own and rule itself with ordinary and hopefully extraordinary citizens who could serve without self-serving. Now, it's just a bribery-fed mess of anything goes as long as you have $6000 for each "representative" you wish to control. Still, it could be worse. :) I'm making lots of money, so my world doesn't change with the changing of who runs the country. The acts of this clown won't effect me for several years, if at all. He's merely a huge embarrassment to anyone and anything decent in the world. He stands for nothing. Waving a flag doesn't make you an American. American is a nation of immigrants. It's just some of them willfully forget this and pretend to have been there forever. Those people waving their flags today are not Americans. Real Americans are embarrassed this orange bag of trash made the cut for being a leader of anything other than a used car lot.

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      That inauguration speech in full:

      America, Fuck Yeah!

      Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, Yeah

      America, Fuck Yeah!

      Freedom is the only way, Yeah

      Terrorists, your game is through

      'cause now you have ta answer to

      America, Fuck yeah!

      So lick my butt and suck on my balls

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        >That inauguration speech in full:

        That's called a reaction to the PC left. For every action, there's a reaction and a pikey reaction is quite a fucking thing.

        1. Dan 55 Silver badge

          Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

          Raygun, Bush, and Shrub (as well as the Democrat presidents) could find something nice to say along the lines of now the campaign's over people can come together and they'll going to govern for everyone. But not Trump... He's too special for that. Why couldn't he manage it?

          1. Robert Russell

            Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

            Ummm... Why?

            Whatever he said would be disparaged anyway.

            Might as well say what he means.

          2. dalethorn

            Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

            You can't come together over a nation run by fake news. We're going to fix that.

          3. adobob

            Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

            >> "Raygun, Bush, and Shrub (as well as the Democrat presidents) could find something nice to say along the lines of now the campaign's over people can come together... But not Trump... He's too special for that. Why couldn't he manage it?"

            That is completely untrue. In fact, Obama utterly shredded Bush during his inauguration, so your information (like a lot of rhetoric about Trump) is completely fake (more fake news from bitter dishonest Hillary supporters huh, it never ends!). While in general I don't think that an Inauguration Speech is the right place to shred the outgoing President, the fact is, I think Trump was far lighter on Obama than Obama was on Bush, so Obama got his just deserts there.

            Hey, but don't let "facts" and "truth" and "honesty" get in the way of your nice "fake news" soundbite there huh!

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

              Here's Obama's inaugural address:


              Can you please point out the shredding?

              1. Prst. V.Jeltz Silver badge

                Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

                still waiting for adobob to come back and point out the Bush shredding in Obama's inauguration speech

      2. macjules

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        "... So lick my butt and suck on my balls"

        Do you say that to everyone Vladimir, or only to Donaldski?

      3. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        "That inauguration speech in full:"

        nice parody. it would play well on South Park

    2. tom dial Silver badge

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      While I agree with much of the comment, and don't disagree all that strongly with any of it, I consider downvote in order for rudeness. It is entirely possible to oppose, Donald Trump and all you think he stands for and will try to enact without being rude or directing crude personal attacks at his wife, who appears to be a reticent and decent person.

      Quite understandable to post anonymously, though.

      1. mcpharm

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        sorry gotta call bullshit

        She's a cynical as he is but with more an excuse (escaping communism and eastern european poverty).. married an odious, misogynist, narcissistic orange orangutan almost twice her age who quite obviously couldn't give a f*** about her,for money and status and so her kid could be born privileged. Her first lady "cause" is apparently supposed to be bullying especially online bullying .. I mean really!!?? You couldn't make this shit up!!!

        1. AnonymousSs

          Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

          Why is it outrageous that the First Lady is working to further the prevention of online bullying? Why is that a problem? Online bullying is a huge problem and it is growing and reaching even younger children. I'd say she has picked an excellent cause one that is very relevant and important in todays world.

          Its this blind hatred and inexplicable attacks that lead me to believe... the Propaganda machine is working extremely well!

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      >but I didn't vote for that shithead and his shemale model companion.....rant blah blah

      Tom Dial put it ever so well, have an upvote Tom.

      Honestly ? If the choice was between your sort and Trump, I'd chose Trump every day.

      1. DavCrav

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        "Honestly ? If the choice was between your sort and Trump, I'd chose Trump every day."

        Well, you are part of the problem, with all due respect. You prefer Trump over someone who insults Melania Trump. OK, but the Donald sexually assaulted a bunch of people, didn't just call them names. Oh no wait, he did that too, mocking a disabled reporter. You prefer Trump to this person, whom you don't know, when he's said one thing and Trump said so many things? You remember him getting into a Twitter war with Meryl Streep? I mean, Jesus, you want someone with such a fragile ego and a quick temper (not to mention really small hands) to be in charge of a country? A nuclear-armed country? ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?

        I would say that, since Trump is so unsuited for the job be president, a random person off the street is probably a better choice than him.

        1. TheVogon

          Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

          "you want someone with such a fragile ego and a quick temper (not to mention really small hands) to be in charge of a country? A nuclear-armed country?"

          Nicolas Sarkozy pulled it off OK....

    4. Robert Russell

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      And you expected to get that by electing Killary?

      The Clintons have been pandering to corporate america for 30 years.

      And please refrain from apologizing on my behalf. Its about time that we in America stopped trying to

      kiss the worlds butt in the HOPES that they would like us for it. All they do is see it as a weakness to exploit. And the Democrats are imploding first, so I don't see what your problem is.

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward


      "Real Americans are embarrassed this orange bag of trash made the cut for being a leader of anything other than a used car lot."

      The funny thing though is that this same thing happened when Reagan had just been elected. People were certain that it would turn into a disaster because wasn't he merely an actor? That should get ugly really soon, because the guy had 0 political experiences.

      And now most people around the world can agree that Reagan was one of the best presidents the US has had.

      I'm not claiming that this is going to happen here as well, mind you. All I'm saying is that seeing is believing. The guy might just surprise you, if you give him a fair chance of course.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: @AC

        "....when Reagan had just been elected. People were certain that it would turn into a disaster because wasn't he merely an actor? That should get ugly really soon, because the guy had 0 political experiences."

        Didn't Reagan used to be Governor of California? Or does that nor count? Or are you just being ironic?

        1. The First Dave

          Re: @AC

          Besides, I get the impression that Reagan knew his limits, and made sure that he had _good_ advisers around him...

      2. Paul Hampson 1

        Re: @AC

        IFT: "because the guy had 0 political experiences (except being Governor of California for two terms)".

        Plus Reagan won the popular vote not just the college of electors.

      3. mcpharm

        Re: @AC

        gotta call bullshit again

        Reagan was a 2 time govenor of one of the biggest states ... trump is a 4 time bankrupt who's a narcissitic reality telly star. If that twat Mark Burnett every tries to make it back to the UK he should be barred ... As Brits we have f***ed up the world in many ways - the empire etc - but we really have to apologise to our septic cousins for giving you reality telly and making Trump a star.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: @AC

          >As Brits we have f***ed up the world in many ways - the empire etc - but we really have to apologise to our septic cousins for giving you reality telly and making Trump a star.

          I have a horrible vision of Ricky Gervais as PM

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @AC

            "As Brits we have f***ed up the world in many ways - the empire etc "

            Yes - we should never have let them have their countries back. We did a far better job of running them...

    6. dalethorn

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      "...a nation of immigrants." Oh, would that include immigrant Melania? You catch yourself in your own hypocrisy.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        "...a nation of immigrants." Oh, would that include grandson of an immigrant Donald J Trump?

    7. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      "I'm making lots of money, so my world doesn't change with the changing of who runs the country."

      lucky you. step aside and let everyone ELSE prosper for once! elitist...

      NO need to apologize for Trump. Apologize for OBAKA and what HE did to America, and the world...

    8. JWG

      Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

      All you really need to do is apologize for being born in America, since you're ready to criticize a President who has only been in office for less than 4 days and 2 of them were on a weekend.

      To all of you critical of our election, none of you, including this ass-clown, seem to understand what a "representative democracy" (read Republic) is and how it works. Let's make it simple, in a pure democracy everyone votes for a leader, who then takes over the government and runs it any way they want. In a Republic, you vote for representatives on the local and state level to go to central place to represent your interests, you also vote for someone who becomes the executive of the government, but who is bounded (like your representatives) to limitations on what they can do. Together they decide who will be the abitrators of these limits (SCOTUS). The document that binds all this together is called a "constitution", that sets the boundaries, in simple language, even a fifth grader can read and understand. Sprinkle some "Thou Shalt Not's" for the elected representatives (so they don't go nuts) and you have a "Constitutional Republic", unique in all the world, whose success has never been seen before, never been duplicated anywhere else in the world, and will survive even the worst Presidents and Congresses.

      If you are a citizen of this "Great Experiment" in self rule, go ahead and bitch all you want. That sprinkling of "Thou Shalt Not's" tells Congress (and the Executive) that you have the right to peacefully protest and virtually say anything you want (the limitations are incitement to riot, treason and/or sedition or threatening the life of the Executive), that the media is free from censors, and that you can even go Congress with a list of your grievances (whether they'll actually listen to or read said grievances is fairly arbitrary on their part).

      Now if you're still discontented, then you are free depart the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave" anytime you wish and declare your alliegence to any foreign power (by the way, Canada is part of the Commonwealth of Nations, and the head of government is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, so you'd be trading away 240+ years of history to go back to the way things were before 1776). Now getting back in before the next election might be a bit of a problem. Once you give up your citizenship you have to go through the whole immigration system if you change your mind. Repatriation is not simple or easy.

      As for the objection to "America First", then you need to bone up what all the other governments are telling their people (just subsitute "Canada" in that phrase and you have the stated policy of the Canadian government). The phrase is not "garbage" but actually has been the stated policy of the government of the United States of America since the founding of the Republic. We are not the "saviors" or "policemen" of the world, yet, somehow, the world expects us to be (even when they complain about it). However, if our government is acting in accordance with the Constitution, then the government is bound to look out for our interests first and screw the rest of the world. Then, if you still don't like it, the Canadian border is, depending on where you live, only, on average, 1,500 miles away at most, a day and a half to 2 day drive. Good luck and God Bless America.

      1. Dr. Mouse

        Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

        As for the objection to "America First", then you need to bone up what all the other governments are telling their people

        Of course all governments put their own countries first. However, there's a difference between "we will prioritise our country, while realising we are part of the whole world" and Trump's "We only care about ourselves, fuck everyone else"*.

        We are not the "saviors" or "policemen" of the world, yet, somehow, the world expects us to be

        Actually, many people get very pissed off with America going around and forcing it's values and will on everyone. It's caused more problems than it's helped. That's not to say that military action is not sometimes required to keep the world stable, and to help those who are in need, but the film whose theme song is quoted above is how many across the world see your country.

        * Yes, I know he didn't say those words, but that's how it sounded. From Trump's rhetoric, I could very well believe that's how it was meant, too, and that's not a good thing for the world (or even for the USA).

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

          That's not to say that military action is not sometimes required to keep the world stable

          The trouble is, last two times that there was a real need for the US to intervene it took them a long time to do it.

          I refer, of course, to the two World Wars[1]. During both of which the US kept out because of their isolationist "America First" policies.

          Irony - they can't even spell it.

          [1] Both of which they managed to turn into commercial opportunities and managed to screw civilised society out of vast amounts of cash. Sound familiar? At least they didn't start WW 1 & 2 as a means of engendering oil revenues. Unlike the last few wars they have been involved in..

        2. AnonymousSs

          Re: I'd offer the world an apology for the garbage that is "American First"

          Where does Trump say fuck everyone else? He's talked about making peace with everyone else, not fucking them. He's more anti-war and pro-peace than his predecessors but lets ignore those hugely important facts and focus on a slogan, America First, which has been magically translated to 'fuck everyone'. Hm. The MSM machine sure is getting to people.

  3. Steve Knox


    (Although we are trying to figure out why the 13.1 million followers on @POTUS yesterday are now only showing 5.3 million – did millions of people unfollow in just a few hours? Seems unlikely.)

    I think you're vastly underestimating Trump's hateability.

    1. Fonant

      Re: Likely

      I found that I was following @POTUS44 and went to unfollow @POTUS - but I was already not following. Disappointed I couldn't unfollow, not sure whether to follow and then unfollow, decided not to bother.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Likely

        follow, unfollow, who cares. I won't bother with tw[a,i]tter and will read about whatever trump says in El Reg instead.

        Or watch him on Fox News.

        I suspect more, WAY more, HOWLER MONKEYS on tw[a,i]tter anyway. Just a handful, drawing attention to themselves, trying to appear larger than they are. As usual. And paid by George Soros.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Likely

          No0r forgetting the millions of bots suddenly finding they were no longer following @POTUS and having to do a sudden reset.

    2. The Axe

      Re: Likely

      Or it could be that POTUS was renamed to POTUS44 and a new POTUS was created which immediately garnered millions of followers so putting a lie to the hate factor. How many did the original POTUS gain in its first few hours?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Likely

        says 14.2 million when I look now, top investigative reporting by el'reg again, they're really good and on point when they talk u.s. politics.

        1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: Likely

          "they're really good and on point when they talk u.s. politics."

          Yeah, bloody US El Reg journalists in the bloody US El Reg office. Fake news-mongers the lot of 'em! We should build a wall around them and make EL Reg pay for it"

      2. Tom 38

        Re: Likely

        Or it could be that POTUS was renamed to POTUS44 and a new POTUS was created which immediately garnered millions of followers so putting a lie to the hate factor. How many did the original POTUS gain in its first few hours?

        Yeah, Washington took fucking ages to get a decent twitter following.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Likely

      I suspect that the mass operation to add and clone @POTUS44 probably triggered some of the anti-spam/robot monitoring at Twitter, similar to the old Youtube "301" problem.

      It's very unlikely with when the list of followers gets large that the number of followers shown is an exactly accurate figure (it would be hugely inefficient to do real-time queries across whatever DBMS is running Twitter) and the view took a while to catch up.

  4. redpawn

    Just Great

    America is "great" again. If by "great" you means "dysfunctional, dangerous and regressive".

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Just Great

      "2, 4, 6 8, Homer's crime was really great!"

      "Great: meaning large or immense, we use it in the pejorative sense"

  5. dalethorn

    It's really amusing to read the tearful comments by all of the losers in the race to Make America Great Again. The naysayers have been trying to disenfranchise the *people* of America with their heaps of disinformation posing as *citizens* when in fact they're mostly paid trolls. So in case none of the real citizens of the U.S., who still believe in law and the Constitution speak up here, there you are. We won, and we the people now rule. Get used to it.

    1. Red Bren

      The *people*

      Trump won the electoral college, Hillary won the popular vote. So who has been disenfranchised?

      Now when do I get paid for my trolling?

      1. tom dial Silver badge

        Re: The *people*

        The electoral college ensures, to a degree, that the elected president had reasonably broad geographic support. Clinton really did not: she got a majority of the popular vote in 13 States and the District of Columbia and a plurality in 7 states. Donald Trump got a popular vote majority in 23 states and a plurality in 7. As a"flyover country" resident I respectfully disagree with the proposition that nearly all knowledge and wisdom is to be found within ~100 miles of the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.

        For the record, I did not vote for either Clinton or Trump.

        1. Shane McCarrick

          Re: The *people*

          So- what you're saying is a version of George Orwell's 'Animal Farm' where all animals are created equal, but some animals are more equal than others? I.e. if you vote in California or a slew of other states- sorry, your vote is only worth a portion of what a vote cast in Virginia, Florida or other states is worth............. How is that democracy? Then again- can it really even be called democracy? There is something wrong where the will of the majority of the people- can be usurped by the will of a minority- but then again- thats the system- so the answer to that obviously is- the system is flawed.

          Before you attack me as being a Hillary flunky- or worse- I think she'd have made an awful president- however, the 'system' in place resulted in two pretty appalling candidates being the designated candidates of the two major parties- which really doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

          The scary thing in all of this- is the US has been the per-eminent power over the past 70 years- and has made a concerted effort to export its value system (not to mention its products, food and services) globally. We now have a navel gazing president- who is intent on tossing the baby out with the bathwater- and to hell with the consequences.

          I'm sorry- while many countries in the Western world owe the US a debt of gratitude- not leastly for saving us from being steam rolled by the USSR in the 70s and 80s- the US also owes a debt of gratitude to the rest of the world for so many other things. Its a two-way street. Emphasizing our differences- rather than our commonalities- and setting one person against another- may make great tv viewing on the Apprentice- however, its an awful way to try and run what is the greatest nation on earth. Its not that we need to make America great again- it is great- we need to cop the hell on and do whats best for all of us.

          Using the second of his executive orders to tear up the climate change agreement- pah........

          President Trump can do a hell of a lot of damage in 4 years- hopefully he doesn't get a second term- hopefully we can find a candidate who can unify the nation and do whats actually best for the US and for the world- we have 4 years to do our utmost to try and find such a person...........

          1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: The *people*

            >A system used by the USA for electing Presidents since Washington.

            And yet ironically people in Washington can't vote.

            If any of them would like to do something about their "taxation without representation" I understand that throwing Starbucks in the harbour is a first step.

      2. Captain DaFt

        Re: The *people*

        "Trump won the electoral college, Hillary won the popular vote. So who has been disenfranchised?"

        In America, the popular vote in a presidential election has always amounted to bupkis. The EC vote is the deciding vote, always has been.

        And you're only complaining now?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: The *people*

          In America, the popular vote in a presidential election has always amounted to bupkis. The EC vote is the deciding vote, always has been.

          The problem is that the snowflakes are in meltdown at the moment.

          We have to take care that that doesn't cause a vast sea-level rise as the green blob also melts away.

      3. Ardvark Master

        Re: The *people*

        "So who has been disenfranchised?"

        No one.

        The Presidential Election is not a nation-wide popular vote, it is 50 separate state-wide elections to select electors. A system used by the USA for electing Presidents since Washington. Trump won enough state-wide elections to secure the required number of electors. If Hillary had actually bothered to campaigned based on reality, she might have won. Instead, she ignored the Rust Belt and spent her time in red states she thought she could flip.

        The national popular vote is never mentioned in the Constitution. No person was disenfranchised. And Trump is now president because he campaigned based on winning the Electoral College and Hillary campaigned based on believing her own press.

        1. The First Dave

          Re: The *people*

          The Electoral College system may well be a part of the constitution, but it is still bloody stupid in this day and age, much like the "right to be part of a militia"

      4. dalethorn

        Re: The *people*

        So 5 million fake votes in California make Hitlary the popular winner? Yeah, and I'm-a the Pope.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Someone Else Silver badge

          @dalethorn (again )-- Re: The *people*

          Yeah, and I'm-a the Pope.

          No, you're not the Pope1. Just a hopeless Rube.

          1 For which millions, if not billions, of Roman Catholics worldwide will be eternally grateful....

      5. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: The *people*

        "Trump won the electoral college, Hillary won the popular vote. So who has been disenfranchised?"

        Considering the choice the American people were given, I'd say everyone except the most rabid party partisans.

    2. redpawn

      It's really amusing

      Glad you believe in the law and the constitution. Watch carefully as Trump tramples all amendments but the second.

      He is currently taking payments from foreign nations in relations to his investments so technically he is already in violation of the United States Constitution.

      He won the election but the people hardly won. More voted against him than for him. Since his election he has proved that he cares not for the will of the people by his language and his appointments. His favorability has plummeted since the election. Least popular president at the beginning of his term since records have been kept.

      1. dncnvncd

        Re: It's really amusing

        Never have I seen so much propaganda since my days in USAF during the Cold War. You refer to the emolument clause found in Article I, Section 6&9. It includes Congress. It refers to officeholders not eligible to hold civil office or take direct payments. A part of Constitutional Law is established practice. Considering the holdings of the Bushes in China and the oil World, the holdings of the Kennedys and the Roosevelts it's a nice myth about Trump's emoluments to rally the troops but in reality it's simply untrue. Just so you know, that Washington, D.C. hotel was an old Post Office. Sen. Diane Feinstein's(D)CA husband's firm had the contract to dispose of Post Office property. Their emoluments were considerably more than any emoluments you may be receiving for trolling.

    3. Someone Else Silver badge


      We won, and we the people now rule.

      So please, @dalethorn, explain to the benighted majority, exactly what did "we" win? The ability to make racist, misogynistic, homophobic, religiophobic, hateful slurs at anybody we please at the top of our lungs? To bully without regret? To engage in delicate foreign policy in 140-character soundbites? To lie whenever it feeds our all-to-sensitive egos? (Isn't that the definition of "snowflake"?) To return women to second-class citizenship?

      And what "People" are ruling? Everybody who has been nominated for a cabinet post is a multi-100-millionaire (or more), There are 6 Ex-Goldman-Sachs-ers in the upper echelons or the new Administration. Denizens of the "swamp" your boy "promised" to drain, are now swimming in the administration's swimming pool. Are these the "we" you're on about? If so, the I heartily extend my middle finger to you, since you are of the same class of douchebag that they are.

      Maybe you're just pissed that Herr Lügenführer didn't pick you for one of those "advisory" positions....

      1. tom dial Silver badge

        Re: @dalethorn

        "The ability to make racist, misogynistic, homophobic, 'religiophobic', hateful slurs ..." is a right included in the first amendment; it did not need to be "won" as it already existed. It is not an unlimited right, but criminalizing rudeness is not within the lawful authority of governments in the US.

      2. dalethorn

        Re: @dalethorn

        All of those lies you regurgitated have been properly deconstructed in media that you don't read. Like all trolls, you have no facts - you just spew the hate rhetoric that you accuse Trump of. If you had one fact, you'd state it. Trump is a common person who mixes with boxers, football players, construction workers, wrestlers, entertainers, etc. The Clintons, when they're not raping people on the Lolita Express or taking tens of millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia (who also malign women and gays), mix only with the non-deplorable elites.

        If you and your CNN-reading ilk weren't so woefully ignorant and brainwashed (those of you who aren't trolls of course), you could take a breath of fresh air and realize that the people just seized power from the worst vermin in the world. Maybe in the next 4 years, the U.S. will stop the Neocon bombing and overthrow of all those Middle East nations, and they can get back to running their own countries.

        I'm amazed every day at the extreme ignorance I see in places like this, coming from trolls and self-anointed critics of the little people, who in their attitude of superiority propound the most illogical and vacuous ideas. And BTW, if you do reside in the U.S., you may be lucky enough to end up in a reeducation camp someday, where you can be detoxified of the utter crap that CNN et al have been spoon-feeding you for years.

        1. Francis Boyle

          Re: @dalethorn

          Spoken like a true fascist.

          1. dalethorn

            Re: @dalethorn

            You wanna know what a fascist is? It's you, who spew with zero informative content. Troll, accuse, disinform. That's what bad guys do.

            1. Someone Else Silver badge

              @dalethorn (sigh) -- Re: @dalethorn

              You wanna know what a fascist is? It's you, who spew with zero informative content. Troll, accuse, disinform. That's what bad guys do.

              No, Sehr Geehrte Ignoramus, here is what a fascist is (

              Definition of fascism


              often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


              : a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control (early instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge)

              Sorry, no "Alternative facts" here.

        2. Merchman

          Re: @dalethorn

          I think you might need to step away from the internet for a bit. A break from Breitbart might do you good.

          1. dalethorn

            Re: @dalethorn

            Breitbart wanted to expose kiddie rape via you-know-who. Not even getting to the Lolita Express or that other "stuff". But, trolls like to divert attention...

        3. Tom 38

          Re: @dalethorn

          All of those lies you regurgitated have been properly deconstructed in media that you don't read. Like all trolls, you have no facts - you just spew the hate rhetoric that you accuse Trump of. If you had one fact, you'd state it. Trump is a common person who mixes with boxers, football players, construction workers, wrestlers, entertainers, etc. The Clintons, when they're not raping people on the Lolita Express

          It's just too delicious: you bitch about people "regurgitating lies", "having no facts" and "spew the hate rhetoric" about Trump, and then in the next 3 sentences accuse the Clintons of being paedophile rapists. I'd laugh if I could stop crying.

          Trump was an abhorrent human being even before he filled his head with the politics of these alt-right nutjobs. America voted for him; you deal with him. If he fucks up the rest of the world however, forgiveness is not going to be forthcoming.

      3. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: @dalethorn

        "The ability to make racist, misogynistic, homophobic, religiophobic, hateful slurs at anybody we please at the top of our lungs? To bully without regret? To engage in delicate foreign policy in 140-character soundbites? To lie whenever it feeds our all-to-sensitive egos? (Isn't that the definition of 'snowflake'?) To return women to second-class citizenship?"

        That sounds all-too-much like the leftist TWADDLE cooked up by Mrs. Clinton and George Soros. Yes, it's a complete _LIE_.

        In other words, if you're willing to believe THAT, I have some swampland in Arkansas that I want to sell... wait, the Clintons beat me to it! ['Whitewater' anyone?]

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Is the constitution you "still believe in" the same one that counted slaves as 3/5 of a person (so the number of representatives in congress was higher for slave owning states) and women as chattel who could not vote?

      1. Ardvark Master

        "counted slaves as 3/5 of a person"

        Sigh...the 3/5 of a person was a compromise worked out between the Northern States that did not want to count slaves and the Southern States that wanted to fully count them.

        Free blacks in the both the North and South were counted as one person, not three-fifths. Learn some actual history and context instead of repeating statements taken of of context

        1. Texasrocketman


          Thank you, so many people live and die by the opinion of others, and never take the time to actually learn about the history. You are correct about the "person count" as well as why it was provided as a compromise to keep the negotiations and final agreement on track.

          Ideal? no, that is why it was a compromise.

    5. Blank Reg

      The delusion and hypocrisy of Drumpf supporters is astounding. Putting an incompetent con man in charge isn't going to fix anything. Most of his promises are impossible or just plain stupid, yet you fell for it.

      He says he's going to bring back manufacturing jobs, even though 85% of those jobs were lost to automation, and you fell for it. You were upset because Hillary gave speeches at Goldman sachs, but are perfectly fine putting ex-Goldman Sachs people in cabinet.

    6. heyrick Silver badge

      "We won, and we the people now rule."

      I can't believe you're stupid enough to actually believe that.

      1. quxinot

        >"We won, and we the people now rule."

        I can't believe you're stupid enough to actually believe that.<

        We the people did win and do now rule, as we always have.

        I mean of course, "we" in the sense of "the overwhelmingly wealthy". This isn't new. It's not been that long since people were property of other people in the US.

        So let's rage against each other like good little sheep, drawing on our red and blue map and arguing about who's morally right. That should continue to buy enough time to draw attention away from our progression down the rabbit hole of repression.

        As it always has been.

      2. HausWolf

        Trumpkins do believe that drivel, and yes some of them are that stupid.

    7. bombastic bob Silver badge

      "when in fact they're mostly paid trolls"

      George Soros, the alleged payer of a LOT of those trolls, lost A BILLION DOLLARS after Trump was elected, by "getting it wrong" in his hedge fund (just having Trump ELECTED caused a bump up in the stock market, and Soros bet DOWN, and LOST).

      Schadenfreude indeed! To those who DESERVE it, anyway.

    8. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Get used to the opposition, snowflake. It's called "Democracy".

      1. Mark 85

        Uh... the US isn't a "democracy". It's a democratic republic. Big difference that most folks seem to ignore.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        "Get used to the opposition, snowflake. It's called "Democracy".

        So, when did snowflake stop being a black v white racist insult and turn into a party partisan insult? I think I may have missed that memo.

    9. Mark 85

      So the real citizens are those who think and vote like you? I disagree. I voted not for Clinton or Trump but another. The current system is broken and we really need to open up elected office to something other than the usual political hacks in the "good old boy network" looking for handouts.

      Will Trump deliver? Who knows. So far, his choices for Cabinet positions send a very mixed message. Most are from the money/industry side of things and not really outsiders.

      I say this as a former Marine who took the oath of service very seriously. It's not about protecting and supporting the "man" in the office, it's about supporting and protecting the Constitution. The Office itself exists because of the Constitution. The man in the Office doesn't merit that support and defense. Never has, never will.

      1. dalethorn

        "...I say this as a former Marine..." -- Trump, who said 'I' only 3 times and 'we' 45 times. That's what he said. And he got General Mattis through the meat grinder into the Sec. of Defense position. That's how a president is supposed to be, unlike Obama who said 'I' 79 times and 'we' a lot less. And I doubt that Trump will invite Communist fronts like BLM into the White House.

        1. Mephistro

          "...said 'I' only 3 times and 'we' 45 times"

          Which only proves that some highly paid campaign advisor 'edited' his speech or even wrote the whole of it. This replacement of 'I' by 'we' is the oldest trick in the speech-writer toolbox.

          1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. HausWolf

          No, he's just going to invite an actual communist into the white house.. his puppet master comrade vlad.

    10. Slef

      The People.......My Arse!

      "We won, and we the people now rule. Get used to it"

      If you think that the people now rule You have an interesting perception of the world. I do not see many ""the people" in the cabinet but many bankers and billionaires who I would not describe as the People! Perhaps the pres is going to return manufacturing jobs to the USA by starting with all of the trump clothing manufacturing in Mexico....or is it different for him?

      Perhaps he will have a little gate that he can slip them through!

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The Movement Continues" - President Donald J. Trump

    In medical circles I believe Movement and Purge are synonymous.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    United States of America...

    ..You Have Been Trumped.

  8. MondoMan

    So does this mean Trump should be the "new populist" replacement for Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      20 bucks? I'm sure Trump would like to eclipse Franklin with at least a $1000 banknote (or gold coin) with of course yuge dimensions fit for the bigger wallets. You know, for the common people he stands for.

  9. mr.K


    Come on guys, it is bleedin' obvious that Trump winning the election and is now president is fake news.

  10. Someone Else Silver badge

    Narcissistic Personality Disorder at work

    It's unclear whether Trump recognizes the constitutional limits that exist on a president's power and what powers Congress holds – or maybe he does and doesn't care, so long as he receives populist applause at every event.

    It's the latter. Count on it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Narcissistic Personality Disorder at work

      It's unclear whether Trump recognizes the constitutional limits that exist on a president's power and what powers Congress holds – or maybe he does and doesn't care

      You mean like Odarme running the country by executive order as a way to bypass the two houses?

    2. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: Narcissistic Personality Disorder at work

      "so long as he receives populist applause at every event."

      You forgot that the _REAL_ 'Narcisist in Chief' was OBAKA! Wait until his "legacy" gets BLOWED UP and POPPED like a cheap balloon over the coming few weeks...

      I'm looking FORWARD to it! [starting with that ECONOMY KILLER, 'OBAKACARE']

      1. David Nash

        Re: Narcissistic Personality Disorder at work

        "OBAKA" etc...

        There seems to be a problem with your caps lock, not to mention the spell checker.

  11. Mr Flibble

    The Wipe House? Do they sell bog roll there?

    1. John H Woods

      Bog Roll

      like this, perhaps? Not sure it would give you that "Andrex feeling of clean"

  12. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge


    In his inaugural address, Trump did make occasional efforts to promote a policy of inclusion, but he still couldn't resist pitching people against people. He pitched the American people against the Congress men and women who sat behind him, arguing that "today we are not merely transferring power from one Administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington, DC, and giving it back to you, the American People."

    It's been a long time past that Congress has been working for the American people.

    Whether this will change is anyone's guest.

    Meanwhile, "fire at will", but beware the Deep State. Better keep away from grassy knolls.

  13. Mike 16



    I suspect that _when_ this domain is registered, it will belong to Breitbart.

    Also that this "quick exit" was not POTUS44's idea, or he (well, his minions) would have registered the domain before publicizing it.

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: whois

      Dumping all of Obaka's "legacy" off of the white house web pages ON THE NEXT DAY is an obvious message: We're gonna UNdo that "legacy" ASAP. Starting with the executive orders, then Obaka-care, then the failed policies of basically ALLOWING illegal immigration, and so on - say buh-bye!

      And don't forget those RIDICULOUS policies regarding "climate change" (not MAN made at ALL), and all of that FAVORITISM towards "protected classes" of people - you know, anyone who's NOT a straight white male. (just like Demo-rats to divide everyone up into manipulatable groups and pander to them, anyway). I have a thought: just treat LBGT{whatever} people as PEOPLE. Why does any one group need "special resources" on the site ANYWAY?

      But if you want to see all of that again, you don't need to worry. Obaka will get his archive (we need it 'out there' as an example of what FAIL is, after all). Didn't the article say it would temporarily be on until the new domain is registered, etc. ??

      1. johndrake7

        Re: whois


  14. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    This is why Trump!

    I'll be unembarrassedly old-fashioned here: It is profoundly depressing and vulgar to hear an American president proclaim "America First."

    — Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) January 20, 2017

    1. skeptical i

      Re: This is why Trump!

      Not sure if "America prevails!" would have been an improvement, but might have been more easily grok'ed by younger voters.

    2. dalethorn

      Re: This is why Trump!

      Kristol, Feith, Perle, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Cheney - all Neocons who called for 9/11 four years in advance in the PNAC document, and thanks to their "lucky" stars they were able to murder 3000 people at Ground Zero, then subvert the Bill of Rights on their way to murdering a few million folks in the Middle East. PNAC and Neocons are a death-wish for the world, and Kristol sits at the top.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: This is why Trump!

        If the Federal govt was behind a plan to blow up the WTC, there would now be three towers

  15. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

    "sad depletion of US military"

    Is that the same one that has 11 carrier battlegroups to the rest of the worl'd 6 or 7(if we include our 2 1/2 finished ones)

    Or the same us army that told congress "we dont need another 100 abrams tanks" but they got given them anyway

    or the same air force that has enough firepower to defeat any 1 nation on the planet then bomb it flat

    or 20 boomers(ballistic missle subs) each can be armed with over 200 nukes each




    lets face it.... is it sane to use a 2 billion dollar aircraft carrying a 1 million dollar bomb , flown by a 120 000 dollar/yr pilot aiming at some guy in a 500 dollar pickup holding a 20 dollar rifle?

    And to all the nay sayers I'll add this

    read 1984 and what it says about perpetual war

    1. Blank Reg

      Re: "sad depletion of US military"

      US Military spending could be cut in half, and it would still be more than any country in the world. More importantly, it wouldn't have any effect on the security of the country. But that will never happen because that would mean the end of all those very expensive make-work military projects that congress and the senate use to appease their voters.

      A huge military like that is unnecessary unless you're planning on invading some large nation, perhaps one that likes their vodka a little too much :)

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: "sad depletion of US military"

        US military spending is vital.

        Think how fscked the rest of the world would be if the US spent all that money on education, research or infrastructure. It's like finding out your main competitor has just spent $Bn on art for it's corporate HQ.

  16. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    Does Trump know about the limits of Presidential power.


    Does he care.


    Does he think that having a Republican majority in both houses automatically means they will do what he says.


    Will they.


    Can we look forward to world class pacifier ejection events.


    1. Mike Echo

      Re: Does Trump know about the limits of Presidential power.

      "Can we look forward to world class pacifier ejection events."

      Here, have an upvote.

      It will be interesting keeping an eye on the website which will simply keep track of promises kept or broken in the first 100 days. I am certainly no fan of Donald Trump but there is no law against voting for an imbecile. Or against imbeciles voting, for that matter.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge


        Propose a constitutional amendment that imposes term limits on all members of Congress.

        A five-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.

        A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

        A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

        Personally I actually think these would improve the USG. Let's see which (if any) get implemented.

        1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

          Re: From

          >Propose a constitutional amendment that imposes term limits on all members of Congress.

          So reformers (trouble makers) can be just ignored and will go away. The others won't have time to learn the ins-outs and so will be dependent on "special advisers"

          >A five-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.

          I'm not a lobbyist I just have occasional lunches with people. Or I am a consultant

          >A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

          So would they be allowed to lobby on behalf of BRITISH Petroleum? What about Gasprom? What's the difference between Gasprom lobbying against sanctions and Putin doing it?

          >A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

          Including foreign companies? what about US companies with any foreign owners? So no public companies can donate money

          >Personally I actually think these would improve the USG. Let's see which (if any) get implemented.

          I think they would all make lots of money for compliance lawyers, consultants and advisers

          1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

            Re: From

            ">Propose a constitutional amendment that imposes term limits on all members of Congress."

            Limiting the ability of new members to say "Hook up with and I'll look after you for the rest of my life."

            Limiting the ability of existing members to threaten new members with "You cross me and I'll f**k you up forever on every vote."

            Requiring parties to consider accession planning when that term come to an end.

            >A five-year ban on White House and Congressional officials becoming lobbyists after they leave government service.

            Lunches at this level should definitely be on the official calendar. If it looks like a lobbyist and behaves like a lobbyist..

            >A lifetime ban on White House officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government.

            No problem as British Petroleum no longer exists (and hasn't for decades). Now had you said BAE...

            >A complete ban on foreign lobbyists raising money for American elections.

            Sounds good to me. After all isn't it people who elect candidates? Or does "personhood" of public companies extend to them making campaign donations and getting a vote? How is that vote decided? CEO, Majority stockholder? Stockholder ballot? Board ballot?

            Here's the thing. Trump is not the disease. Trump is the symptom. BAU produced Trump.

            I don't like the man. I don't trust him and I wouldn't vote for him. Hence we'll see if it's all talk or wheather he will actually change anything for the better. I'm sure he will change things.

            But a large part of the US voting population felt that conventional candidates would rather look after themselves than their voters.

            Both parties should look at that and ask why voters think that.

            Here's an idea. Maybe the voters are right and the system has encouraged career politicians who view the taxpayers money as their own. Who've never had a job, just a political life style. Who first and last question is "What's in it for me/my main contributors/my party (in that order. No voters don't count)?"

            Let me repeat. The system is ill. Trump is a symptom. I don't think he's the cure either.

            1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

              Re: From

              I'm not sure that BAe is a front for the UK govt so much as the UK govt is a front for BAe

      2. dalethorn

        Re: Does Trump know about the limits of Presidential power.

        Everyone you don't like is an ________ (insert troll word), and after all, we surely MUST accept that the track-Trump website will be truthful, just like the Communist News Network. Umm, no, what a load of BS. Next....

  17. Winkypop Silver badge
    Thumb Down

    Trump 45th POTUS

    This will not end well.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trump 45th POTUS

      It will all end in tears [and gnashing of teeth].

    2. Warm Braw

      Re: Trump 45th POTUS

      Perhaps prophetically, the words to the tune of his "first dance" start with "And now, the end is near...".

  18. Stumpy

    ... and so the rewriting and expunging of history begins.

  19. dmacleo

    On 17 January 2017, issued an announcement explaining the digital transition that would take place on Inauguration Day. For instance, all of the messages posted by Barack Obama under the @POTUS handle on Twitter were transferred to a new @POTUS44 account, giving Donald Trump the opportunity to take over the previous presidential Twitter account @POTUS.

    In the same way, the content related to the Obama administration on was migrated to a new web site,

    1. dalethorn

      Snopes has been exposed as disinformation. Check out their nasty divorce and accusations against each other. Besides being confirmed Lefties.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Snopes is a front for the CIA, it was on

  20. Captain Badmouth
    Thumb Up

    The front cover of the year

    1. Francis Boyle

      Re: The front cover of the year

      Now that, that is terrifying.

    2. dalethorn

      Re: The front cover of the year

      What an awesome photo! Libs and snowflakes leave the room!

  21. Unicornpiss

    May you live in interesting times..

    It's amazing and disturbing how the mere mention of Trump is divisive in every nation and culture. People clash on El Reg's forums every day, but this is a British IT site (with admittedly wide readership) and I've never seen such bitterness and wide swings of polar opinions, nor posts with dozens of both upvotes and downvotes for the same post. I never thought I'd see violent protests in DC at a president's inauguration. It's kind of unheard of and scary.

    I also didn't vote for the man. I don't think he understands that the world is round, we all live in it, and what goes around comes around. I hope he realizes this sooner rather than later. We are in a global economy, we're all humans, and we're all in this together. Life doesn't have to be and shouldn't be one tribe beating another with rocks and sticks to grab all the bounty it can and retreat to its walled garden. This worldview is short-sighted at best and scares the hell out of me. I feel that if anyone will bring misery, ruin, and apocalypse to the world, it will be Trump, and hope with all my being this doesn't come to pass. It's amazing to me that he hasn't even been in office one full day and there are protests, violence, and people at each other's throats that normally would have only friendly rivalry for each other.

    1. Captain Badmouth

      Re: May you live in interesting times..

      "I feel that if anyone will bring misery, ruin, and apocalypse to the world, it will be Trump"

      Donald Johann Drumpf 666.

      Why the hell not, another conspiracy theory to throw out there.

      1. Captain Badmouth

        Re: May you live in interesting times..

        I see I've got a thumb down.

        Well, I want to see his birth certificate....

        Mine's the one with a copy of the Book of Revelations in the pocket, thanks....

        1. dalethorn

          Re: May you live in interesting times..

          Certainly he has a real birth certificate. Unfortunately, the forensics guys showed that the posted copy was photoshopped.

          1. David Nash

            Re: May you live in interesting times..

            There actually *is* such a thing as the objective truth.

            However if you just cry "fake" at everything you disagree with or think should not be the case, then nothing will ever be believed and we might as well all (on all sides) give up now.

    2. dalethorn

      Re: May you live in interesting times..

      Too bad you missed the lessons on robotic disinformation. Professional trolls make 10 guys look like 10 thousand with the modern digital tools at their disposal. Get over it, and watch actual Trump videos for the in-person truth. Not the CNN-edited videos BTW.

      1. HausWolf

        Re: May you live in interesting times..

        So I take it you are an amateur troll then?

  22. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

    In "In The Line of Fire" it's "Traveler."

    I thought "Nelly" (the elephant packed her Trump) but that seems a bit whimsical for the SS.

    "Storm Trooper" is a bit long on the radio. "Trooper" not quite senior enough.

    "Siegfried" is maybe a bit Wagnerian (and I'm not sure how many have seen Django Unchained).

    Perhaps they should just cut the subtlety and refer to him on radio as "The Leader."

    1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

      Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

      How about "Thunder"?

      As in "A Sound of Thunder"

    2. Captain Badmouth

      Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

      "I thought "Nelly" seems a bit whimsical for the SS.

      "Storm Trooper" is a bit long on the radio.

      "Siegfried" is maybe a bit Wagnerian"

      I can see where you're going with this....

      mine's the one with the newly published Mein Kampf in the pocket

      1. Pompous Git Silver badge

        Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

        mine's the one with the newly published Mein Kampf in the pocket
        That wouldn't be Hilary's copy would it? Hers seems to have gone missing...

        1. Captain Badmouth

          Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

          Two L's in Hillary.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is

        Perhaps it's "Douchebag"..

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: On a lighter note. I wonder what his Secret Service code name is


          (Secure America's Donald)

  23. sisk part of the transition plan was to create thousands of dead link simultaneously on a site that should reasonably be expecting its highest traffic rates in 4 years at the time?

    I try, I really really do, but it's getting harder to be optimistic about the next four years.

  24. dalethorn

    It is interesting to see so much disinformation and trolling regarding Trump, on a U.K. site. But then again, many U.S. residents started reading El Reg before it became a tabloid site, and they haven't gotten unhooked as yet. It's especially interesting to see where the trolls report Trump as the exact opposite of what he says, what his platforms and programs are, the friends he keeps, and his track record in business. Beware, innocent readers, of the vast array of nonsense posted here.

    1. Slef

      If you dislike Our Website so fecking much why don't you just Fuck Off and waste your time elsewhere?

    2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      "It is interesting to see so much disinformation and trolling regarding Trump, on a U.K. site."

      To be fair to El Reg, the comments for and against Trump do seem to be mainly, if not exclusively, from US citizens judging by the language and knowledge content (or lack thereof)

  25. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    "largest audience to ever see an inauguration"

    Is this correct?

    What is being provided is plenty of evidence to the contrary. Maybe the photographs being shown on the bbc site were taken at 5am. Let's suspend judgment and let's ask...

    Can anyone provide documentary evidence to support the headline claim?

    If this is not possible with something as verifiable as the size of a crowd, can we believe what the man says regarding something that is not possible to verify, perhaps because it purportedly breaches security guidelines?

    It seems possible that this is Shock Doctrine Revisited: where business-oriented people take over the running of government and suppress information in order to fulfill their hidden agendas.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: "largest audience to ever see an inauguration"

      There you are with your elitist "counting math", we've had enough of experts.

      From now on it's "one, two, threesome, 6pack, lots....."

  26. Jonathon Green

    I like Americans, they're funny...

  27. Scott 67

    The removal of those pages was a part of the Obama team's doing, given those pages were all about OBAMA'S relationship with those fronts, he isn't president anymore, those pages were to go. The same thing happened with the Bush -> Obama transition.

    In other news.

    Media BTFO -

    I can't watch that without getting crosseye'd

  28. Cranky_Yank

    One for the history books

    I predict January 20, 2017, will be called the beginning of the Dark Ages 2.0 in America by future history boffins.

  29. Texasrocketman

    President Trump

    Won, get over it - he is our President for the next 4 to 8 years.

    We hope he does great things and we all benefit.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: President Trump

      Unless we can rely on the CIA.

      Does he have any visits to any Texan cities planned ?

  30. Texasrocketman

    Happy Days

    Folks, no matter who on the left thinks the "election was stolen, hacked, manipulated etc" they are wrong on all counts. Even with the "hacking" allegations, the most anyone has been able to show is some people did not like one candidate and put out unflattering but true emails written by that candidate and her staff. As usual the left chooses to attack the messenger, and not the content of the message. Well this time it did not work, and despite an overwhelming advantage with the mainstream media on one candidates side, with a heavy list of polling agencies for good measure, that candidate failed to capture the state by state electoral votes needed to win, period (YES that is how the US Constitution works).

    Now despite a number of people who have become "election deniers", the process verified the winner, and he was inaugurated as 44 of his predecessors have been. Get over it.

    Most of the country and world is willing to see how he does, and will give him the chance. As the saying goes, the deniers can be part of the solution, or endlessly protest and be ignored eventually by everyone else. Their choice.

    Both Bush and Obama are said to be nice, congenial guys - but bottom line is neither was very effective and will not be regarded as such by history. Get used to that fact.

    President Trump is the 45th President of the United Stated of America, and we hope and pray he does well in the position and his administration is a good one, benefitting the most people possible everywhere, during the next 4 to 8 years.

    1. Unicornpiss

      Re: Happy Days

      Agree with what you're saying that we're stuck with him now and should give him a chance. It would be even more of a shambles at this point if this was contested further. And if he manages to get himself impeached, which I see as a real possibility, the VP is no prize either.

      But he did not win the popular vote, and the situation is just further proof that the Electoral College is obsolete and needs to be abolished.

      1. Captain Badmouth

        Re: Happy Days

        "But he did not win the popular vote, and the situation is just further proof that the Electoral College is obsolete and needs to be abolished."

        A similar thing occurs in Britain, the current government was elected by a minority of voters and many people want a form of proportional representation to mitigate this, to some extent at least.

        1. Captain Badmouth

          Re: Happy Days

          Not sure why I got downvotes on a piece of common knowledge, perhaps it was people with "alternative facts"?

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Happy Days

          I understood the Brits had been offered alternatives, e.g. SDP, but decided to stick with the unrepresentative 2 party system.

          Don't blame the politicians, lying toe rags they may be, blame the electorate.

          What is similar in the UK was the Brexit fiasco where the voters believed the lies printed by their favourite gutter tabloids (fake news?) rather than check for facts.

          1. Captain Badmouth

            Re: Happy Days

            "I understood the Brits had been offered alternatives, e.g. SDP, but decided to stick with the unrepresentative 2 party system."

            It's more complicated than that you now have parties like the SNP who have won almost all the Scottish seats under the first past the post system, Plaid Cymru in Wales have about a third of the seats in Wales and other parties like ukip and the Lib-Dems ( sdp-liberal alliance) have a few. It's not a question of 2 parties but the first past the post system where you can win a seat with less than 40% of the votes cast due to the other 60% being spread amongst the other parties. A system of single transferable vote or other form of proportional representation would help in these circumstances.

            Have a read of the wiki entry :


          2. Brangdon

            Re: Happy Days

            Actually the vote on proportional representation was also similar to Brexit and Trump, in that the voters were lied to and some believed the lies. (Eg, they were told it meant some people's votes counted more than others.) As a separate issue, the vote wasn't for proper PR but some half-baked hybrid scheme. Many people voted against it because they wanted proper PR; which in my view was very stupid because such votes were inevitably taken as endorsing the status quo. The upshot is that it was just a big a fiasco as Brexit, and we probably won't get another chance for 20 years.

            The system we are left with is worse than America's electoral collages. For example, UKIP got 12.6% of the last election vote but only got 1 seat out of 650, rather than the 82 or so they deserved. I'm not a UKIP fan, far from it, but ignoring any party that has that many votes is wrong. Arguably it encouraged the feeling of not being listened to that helped produce Brexit.

            1. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

              Re: electoral collages

              Very creative gluing together all those pieces of paper with X's on them.

    2. Kaltern

      Re: Happy Days

      'Most of the country and world is willing to see how he does, and will give him the chance.' [citation needed]

      See how easy it is to spread unprovable information? You cannot possibly know this; there are definitely no data sources for this seemingly innocuous statement, yet you make it as if it is common knowledge.

      Please don't speak for 'Most of [the] world' - we'll make our own minds up about willingness or not.

    3. sisk

      Re: Happy Days

      For me it boils down to this: for good or for ill he's the President now and we DO NOT want an unsuccessful President. That would be bad for all of America. So he's got my support even though, personally, he would have been near the bottom of my list of potential choices for the job (if he even made the list at all!) But, as I said before, it's getting pretty hard to be optimistic about his Presidency.

      And, frankly, I'm utterly disgusted with the morons rioting over the fact that Trump is now in the White House.

      1. Richard Plinston

        Re: Happy Days

        > And, frankly, I'm utterly disgusted with the morons rioting over the fact that Trump is now in the White House.

        In my opinion, it would not have mattered which candidate won, there would be protests (which you give the 'alternate facts' name of rioting). If Hillary had won it would have been rednecks crying 'lock her up'. Trump won by being extremely divisive, and the protests are a direct consequence of that. He and his cronies will start raping the country to boost their individual wealth*. When his supporters realise that there isn't 'power to the people', and they won't be getting any of the 'trickle down' that Trump promised, then they too will join the protests against him. Trump will call out the guard and it will be Civil War II.

        * The dumping of Obamacare isn't about health, it is about the taxes on the very rich that paid for it. Trump and his rich cronies want to pay less taxes, the poor can get sick for all they care.

        1. sisk

          Re: Happy Days

          In my opinion, it would not have mattered which candidate won, there would be protests

          You're probably right. And I'd have been just as disgusted had it been Trump supporters rioting to protest Hillary. Protest I don't mind for the most part. Folks have a right to it and I'll fight tooth and nail for the right of someone I disagree with to hold up a sign expressing views I personally find repulsive. Rioting is another matter entirely. The people hurt by rioting are almost never people involved in the issues being protested. Think about it for a second: was Trump in any way affected by the fact that someone who happened to park in the wrong place Friday had their car torched? Does he even care? Not likely.

          Trump won by being extremely divisive, and the protests are a direct consequence of that. He and his cronies will start raping the country to boost their individual wealth*. When his supporters realise that there isn't 'power to the people', and they won't be getting any of the 'trickle down' that Trump promised, then they too will join the protests against him. Trump will call out the guard and it will be Civil War II.

          Personally I think any political outsider would have made a decent showing in this election. A big chunk of his vote came from simply not being a career politician. And the fact that Hillary is viewed as one of the most corrupt politicians in America by most people outside of the extreme left wing didn't hurt him any. When you look at his support base, though, what you find is a whole bunch of frustrated blue collar sorts. He won by appealing to a demographic mostly ignored by most Presidential candidates, simple as that.

          That said, I've no doubt that you're right about him using the office for his own personal gain. I do, however, doubt it will escalate to Civil War II. That kind of movement could have gotten rolling had he lost, but since most of the people who'd be willing to pick up a gun and charge the White House voted for him, you'd need time for them to realize he screwed them over, then time for them to convince enough other people, then time to get organized. It might be a possibility if he wins again in 2020, but I just don't think 4 years is enough time for things to devolve that far.

          The dumping of Obamacare isn't about health, it is about the taxes on the very rich that paid for it. Trump and his rich cronies want to pay less taxes, the poor can get sick for all they care.

          Personally I think that's more about the individual mandate than the relatively small tax burden that it added to the super wealthy. I'd almost be willing to bet Trump has had dinners that cost more than Obamacare added to his annual tax bill, provided he's not also being hit with the fine for not having health insurance. Heck, maybe even if he is. I know of some places where the dinner bill can cost more than a decent used car (not that I have the luxury of eating at such places, I just know about them).

    4. Pompous Git Silver badge

      Re: Happy Days

      President Trump is the 45th President of the United Stated of America, and we hope and pray he does well in the position and his administration is a good one, benefitting the most people possible everywhere, during the next 4 to 8 years.
      Presumably the downvoters (in the majority here) for this statement "hope and pray he does badly in the position and his administration is an unpleasant one, harming the most people possible everywhere."

      What a sorry lot you are...

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Lest we forgot the ignoramus that is now POTUS tweeted a woman in Brighton instead of his own daughter.

    And this buffoon is now the most powerful man in the world (allegedly). Frightening, very frightening.

  32. Sirius Lee

    Grow up. Few like Trump but even the BBC did a better job of covering this issue pointing out that the site is the site of POTUS. Any comments previously there do not reflect the views of the new administration so have been removed and I expect will be restored in due course under a suitable domain. The twitter posts from @POTUS have also gone, changed by Twitter themselves to @POTUS44 to avoid confusion.

    Based on the evidence of a hysterical article like this, I think the administration was right to focus on making sure the existing content does not appear after the inauguration. Such hysterical comments makes me think that some arses would be making comments about how the new administration still supports all Barry's points of view.

  33. Florida1920

    Power to the "People"?

    Juan Cole explains:

    You may be confused, as an English speaker. Trump, a billionaire real estate developer and serial grifter who founded a phony university that defrauded thousands, has appointed a cabinet of billionaires and multi-millionaires, the wealthiest and most elite cabinet in American history, which even includes the CEO of petroleum giant Exxon-Mobil.

    How, you might ask, can he represent this coup by the super-rich as ‘giving’ power ‘back to’ ‘the people’? The people wouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the gated communities where Trump’s officials live.

    The confusion arises from thinking in English instead of 1930s German. “Das Volk” or the people was a mystical conception for the German far right. It comprised the German people as an organic whole, uniting great landlord and lowly peasant. The great German corporations, too, were said to be expressions of “the people” (Hence the German automobile company Volkswagen, now led by perfectly nice people but not so much in the 1930s). The phrase comes into focus if you understand “the people” as “white Protestants and some lately admitted ethnic Catholics” who are united across social class (though of course led by their billionaire betters), and who stand in contrast to the cosmopolitans, the mixed-race people, infiltrating minorities, the socialists and others bent on diluting “the people” and subverting its prosperity and power by kowtowing to foreigners.

  34. Potemkine Silver badge

    That guy is clearly insane

    It's not the first time a mentally ill becomes leader of a country, but this one will stay in History as a spectacular occurence

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