back to article Japan's terrifying techno-toilets will be made foreigner friendly, vow makers

Japan’s electronic toilet-makers have vowed to clean up the baffling symbols on their techno-khazis so anyone can crimp one off in the Land of the Rising Sun “with peace of mind”. Kitamura Yen of the Japan Rest Room Industry Association said, in a statement on that august organisation’s website, that the industry had decided …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    As one who enjoyed a week in Japan last year and made enthusiastic use of these devices (automatic heated seats; bliss!) I still have no idea of the difference between "Cleaning" and "Bidet washing". Can someone enlighten me please?

    1. AndyS

      Re: Clarification

      The answer might be in the translation in the second link at the foot of the article?

      > Button (おしり) --> Water spray to clean your bum

      > Button (ムーブ) --> Have the spray move in a forward and backwards manner

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Clarification

        I feel enlightened now; in more ways than one. These really are the future; shame I couldn't fit one in my hand luggage...

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Clarification

          Instructions are like a joke - if they have to be explained, they aren't very good!

          1. Little Mouse

            Re: Clarification

            "Have the spray move in a forward and backwards manner"

            Why isn't there an option to make spray go round in little circles?

            1. TitterYeNot

              Re: Clarification

              "Why isn't there an option to make spray go round in little circles?"

              I'm assuming that the two options are there to differentiate between those of us who have one bottom, and those of us who have both front and back bottoms.

              A circular motion option would only be required for a) unfortunate owners of a side bottom or b) people who have recently partaken of a dodgy chinese takeaway at a folk festival who are experiencing, erm, explosive consequences...

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Clarification

              The whole purpose of the spray is to go into little circles. An option to do so would be redundant.

              1. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

                Re: "purpose of the spray is to go in little circles."

                brings to mind the classic joke:

                What do bidets* and the Starship Enterprise have in common?

                Both circle Uranus looking for Klingons.

                * as a Yank, this was originally heard as toilet paper.

            3. Michael Thibault

              Re: Clarification

              >Why isn't there an option to make spray go round in little circles?

              You'd then have to provide an option for clockwise and one for counter-clockwise*, otherwise you'd be fingered for discrimination against one or the other preference. Let's keep in mind that the movement at hand is intended to simplify matters.

              * counter-clockwise (CCW) != anti-clockwise

              1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

                Re: Clarification


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Clarification

      My interpretation was that bidet aims to the back, the other aims more to the front.

      Having never experienced one of these contraptions, I'm speculating based on my reading of not-so-explicit explanations in other publications.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Clarification

      Better than the writer who "had the pleasure of attempting to use a Panasonic electronic bog in a Tokyo hotel. The resulting experience could fairly be described as not one that invoked “peace of mind”."

      He doesn't know how to use the three seashells...

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: Clarification

        Obligatory Simpsons in Japan.

    4. vir

      Re: Clarification

      I've got a Toto Washlet (retrofit seat model) and the "bidet" option is for lady-type washing while the "cleansing" option is for solid waste. The buttons are color coded in case the hairstyle indication is too subtle. There's also an option for oscillation (x-axis, so to speak) and target positioning (y-axis). The instructions are, thankfully, in English.

  2. Mage Silver badge


    Quite good icons compared to some recent ones for Operating Systems.

    Unlike the NASA torture machines called toilets, for microgravity, the toilets the Aliens use on their starships are pleasant. They are curiously similar to the Japanese ones.

    “Good, just try and rest,” she urged. “I will put up navigation plots superimposed on the camera feeds. The bright line is the Intergal One starship and its torch drive. Let me know if you are thirsty or need to use the personal waste facility next door. It’s simple to operate and suitable for both sexes and most species. We can cut the thrust to one gee if you need it.”

    “Every species has two sexes?” asked Bill.

    “Yes,” agreed Mikle, “some say it’s evolutionary pressure and others claim intelligent design.”

    Ed was sceptical of the idea of a simple to use space toilet. They had all used their own on the shuttle before the flitter rendezvoused with them. It was hardly suitable for humans. They all had then added adult nappies. He watched the display, which looked like very large pane of glass. He could see a pair of tracks. It looked like the couches and the panel had two positions. The image was very high quality and high resolution with no frame rate flicker even in peripheral vision, but like all the video feeds it was monochrome. He wondered why they didn’t have a colour screen. Then he realised they should have had an anthropologist or something. Understanding the alien cultures and motivations was surely as important as the science.


    Back at her starship apartment, Janethra announced she had to go to a meeting and then would be going to bed. She showed them how to work the bathroom.

    “You didn’t use the toilet in the flitter?” wondered Gemma.

    “I did, it was just like here, built in bidet function.”

    “The away team never mentioned it either. Why didn’t you mention it?”

    “I didn’t think it was important,” explained Jack, “the Japanese have them.”


    (From "The Solar Alliance" by Ray McCarthy)

    1. Robert Sneddon

      Re: Aliens

      There was the Twin Choron bar on a space station visited by Earthlings -- it had three doors marked "Oozers", "Squirters" and "Emitters". They decided they could hold it until they got back to their own ship.

      ("Illegal Aliens" by Phil Foglio and Nick Pollotta).

    2. Stevie

      Re: Aliens (only two sexes)

      Sha, right. Explain Dr Lazarus' bathroom on The Galaxy Quest then, smartorgans.

      Whaddaya mean, never seen it? at around the four minute mark.

  3. Lobrau

    Ah, Japan

    Where the toilets are a metaphor for everything else there. Extremes of modernity and tradition. Something which was drawn to my attention when I went into a JR station bathroom to find a musical, heated, bum-washing, auto-drying toilet followed by, some days later, a visit to a squat toilet in an underground station.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Ah, Japan

      Squat toilets are much more hygenic I think, no sticking your bum on a seat hundreds of others sat on since it was last cleaned...

      1. Moosh

        Re: Ah, Japan

        Squat toilets are usually public and quite frankly lead to more spillage as the "squatting area" is usually level with the tiling. A healthy position? Yes, but really the toilet shouldn't be designed in such a way to cause major problems depending on whether or not your stool is as healthy as it should be.

        Honestly, a normal toilet is really the most hygienic way of going about it. You pick up more germs touching the many door handles you undoubtedly come in contact with throughout the day (which you more than likely directly transmit to mouth/eyes), while your business is guaranteed to be contained unless you purposefully miss, dip your hands in it and them smother yourself with it.

        I believe the same is true of using toilet paper. It cleans what might otherwise require unpleasantly strong bursts of water to remove, allows you to wet the tissue if needed, and you (or rather, you're supposed to) wash your hands afterwards anyway.

        I find a lot of arguments in favour of different toilets and cleaning methods tend to be more like excuses for lack of proper infrastructure and plumbing.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Ah, Japan

        Unfortunately the germphobic leads to that great bane of public toilets, The Hoverer, who not only makes a mess, but doesn't clean it up, forcing us rational people to do it before we go.

  4. Blofeld's Cat

    So ...

    In the words of the song:

    Aha bidets are here again...

    1. Commswonk

      Re: So ...

      Once again... where's the multiple upvote button?

  5. Michael H.F. Wilkinson Silver badge

    Translations aren't always helpful I have found

    Engrish can be most confusing (just google "Engrish" for some prime examples).

    Still, in my visits to Japan I have found the people most helpful, and the toilets (and everything else really) absolutely spotless (and the food excellent)

  6. David Nash

    But how many people are familiar with "standard" automatic toilet symbols anyway?

    1. Anonymous Coward Silver badge

      The idea is to standardise them so that over the next few years more and more people become accustomed to the same symbols, rather than having different symbols on different manufacturers offerings.

  7. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

    Half way there

    What sort of 'expert' puts double-ended arrows on both an "opening" and "closing" pictogram?

    If the arrows were single-ended the first two pictograms would be much more obvious.

    1. Anonymous Coward Silver badge

      Re: Half way there

      The first is for the lid, the second is for the seat.

      I presume one button is used for both opening and closing functions.

      1. Jason Bloomberg Silver badge

        Re: Half way there

        The first is for the lid, the second is for the seat

        Yes; fair cop. I must have gone word-blind when reading the explanatory text under the image.

  8. Your alien overlord - fear me

    So the icons can't be understood by the locals so the words are underneath (in Japanese) but foreigners (let's face it, most can probably read English) have to understand cryptic icons whilst bursting for a slash?

  9. s. pam

    No shit, eh?

    And a 1 and a 2 and a wahey we're done!

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

  10. Chuunen Baka

    I must say that having a spray of warm water up your posterior is not unpleasant but there's a lot of drying to do after. I guess that's why they now have ones with fans. I did once press the front bottom button by mistake and ended up with water everywhere.

  11. John Styles

    The secret apparently is to buy Korean ones since they use 220V 60Hz rather than the anemic 100V used in Japan.

    1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

      rather than the anemic 100V used in Japan.

      Depends on which island you're on.

      1. John Styles

        That's what I thought, but an Internet search suggests that it's all 100V but some is 50Hz and some is 60Hz.

  12. adam payne

    The pictograms explained:

    1 raise lid, you have to have this because there's always someone that puts the lid down so you have to raise the lid while trying to undo your jeans while trying not to pee yourself

    2 raise seat and remember to press again because certain people don't like the seat left up

    3 big dump

    4 little dump

    5 wash and wax

    6 power shower for those messy incidents

    7 waft the smell around to everybody and appreciate it

    8 panic button, stop everything

    1. TRT

      Ah, like the car wash.

      Yes, that has an underbody wash program. And one to polish the tyres. Shiny ankles.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "Polishing on a toilet"

        That could only lead to stories on El Reg about "Japanese chap gets penis caught in toilet polishing mechanism, firemen use bolt cutters to remove."

        No parts of a toilet should move except the water and the flushing handle. It's just safer that way...

        1. TRT

          Re: No parts of a toilet should move except the water and the flushing handle

          You don't lift the seat?

    2. julian.smith

      Opening the lid and other features

      Higher specification washlets (the correct word) have had auto sensors which open the lid as you approach and close it afterwards for at least 5 years.

      BTW commentards who have no personal experience of a washlet should refrain from sharing their ignorance.

      Once experienced, the process of washing up with:

      - temperature and pressure (adjustable of course) controlled water

      - directed at just the right spot (adjustable of course)

      - drying up with temperature and pressure controlled (adjustable of course)


      is somehow superior to smearing the remainder of your shit around your anus and walking out

      Relatively advanced home washlets have personal buttons for each user which can store the variables

      Japan .... it's another world

  13. Hans 1

    A friend of mine ....

    A friend of mine was in a big mall in Japan, on the toilet .... she had finished, and, looking for the "flush toilet" button, she found something, it was red, but Ok .... she pushed it .... alarms went off in the mall .... she managed to sneak out ...

    True story!

    1. Trilkhai

      Re: A friend of mine ....

      If it's like the red button in the bathroom of (US) hospitals I've spent time in, it was intended to let elderly/disabled people call for assistance if they fell or otherwise had a medical emergency.

  14. Sureo

    My toilet at home has one control on it - flush! The rest is nice but not necessary for the purpose. What they need for foreigners/ignoramuses is one icon that looks like a flush lever, perhaps larger than the rest, so we know exactly what to do and avoid unintended consequences.

  15. Fink-Nottle

    Stopping function

    ... is apparently the act of putting a square peg in a round hole.

  16. Ilsa Loving

    Launch mode?

    If I'm interpreting the symbols correctly, one will clean your butt, and the other one allows women to be launched into the air?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Launch mode?

      Also the writing under the square box looks like it's missing the "sh"

  17. Sleep deprived

    No robo-sex variant?

    With all the hype about AI, IoT and robots, I was hoping for enhanced features. Or is there an "Advanced Mode" menu?

  18. Stevie


    And so when the next combined earthquake/tidal wave/plague of frogs hits the Japanese coastline, not only will the power be out but the crapper will be defunct too.


  19. joed

    now with seflie cameras?

    this would surely do it

  20. Sloppy Crapmonster

    I am going to be using that "cleaning" icon on everything now. Thanks Japan!

  21. PNGuinn

    Japan will be seeking an ISO standard for electric toilet control symbols

    C'mon microsoft!

    How about another new Mugabe Standard ? You know, one no one needs or wants, and one not even you can comply with?

    OTOH, this one might be easier for you ...

    After all, it seems somewhat appropriate ...

  22. Potemkine Silver badge

    I guess they are connected?

    I do now better understand the concept of Internet of Sh*t ^^

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    people did not understand how to operate the advanced functions

    oh dear, being the long-nosed (unwashed), I've lived my whole life under the clearly mistaken impression toilet has just ONE function.

    p.s. but I love the icons, especially the "press here for anal stimulation" and "here for double penetration". Obviously I didn't know you can have a threesome with a toilet either! The rest of the lot is too obscene to even consider...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: people did not understand how to operate the advanced functions

      Oh, I thought the 5th one from the left was for washing boobs. As a man, that didn't make sense to me, but who KNOWS what women do in their rooms...

  24. TeeCee Gold badge

    Can't be long now...

    ....before some smart-alec gives one of these things the obligatory IoT makeover and launches the connected khazi.

  25. Nocroman

    I understood the directions perfectly

    How nice not to have to use toilet paper. Great for the handicapped persons like me. But they had better use a fire hose if they are going to use water to clean my crap up of my behind. It has to be blasted off. Other than that I think it is a better toilet than they build here in America and I will replace my toilets when they come out and all the bugs are worked out. I wonder if they are going to call the American version the ass blaster 2000?

  26. WereWoof

    Just don`t touch the ATR button! (Automatic Tampon Remover)

  27. MonsieurTM

    Unicode code page.

    One does hope that these are also added to a suitable Unicode code-page. I can think of much mirth to be derived from the "sprinkle bum" emoji already.....

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