Political favors for money? Not shocking.
Actually prosecuting those involved? Beyond shocking. If only we could get some of that moxy here in the states..
The heir-apparent of Samsung has been pulled into the bribery scandal that sparked the impeachment of South Korea's president. Lee Jae-yong has been ordered by special prosecutors to answer questions about the enormous donations made by Samsung to a number of foundations run by a close associate of President Park Geun-hye, …
"It is, of course, perfectly possible that all three of South Korea's largest tech companies share a corporate fascination with horses, but prosecutors feel that is unlikely."
While I agree it's unlikely, horse racing/competition is at the pinnacle of the rich mans games. Some of the prices privately paid for a single horse can be down right insane, way off the chart of believable or rational !! I'd cringe at the price to breed with American Pharoh.
OK, this is admittedly a ridiculous nitpick, but what is that woman (a dressage rider, by all I could find and not even an eventer), doing with a thoroughbred?
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, those of you with SOs who have the horse bug, go ask them. They'll explain. At length.
(giving myself a where's the IT angle icon)
"So, South Korean Rich and Powerful get prosecuted for corruption, but the US Court System can't even come close to doing that? Interesting."
There were massive street protests every week for some time to bring this about. No equivalent in the US, at least not since the anti-Vietnam war marches of the 70's. If US citizens protested in same % of population, there would be consequences.
Yeah, like a massive spike in unemployment as bosses start going into their replacements lists. It takes a certain amount of moxie to forgo work for weeks at a time, especially if you're on the west coast. With many states carrying "at will" laws, there's a very real risk you won't have a job when you come home.