Can someone please create a holodeck and put either Trump or the PRC in it please?
Incoming US president Donald Trump has been reprimanded by China for indulging in “Twitter diplomacy”. State-media service Xinhua is reported to have run a commentary on Trump’s tweets, saying: “An obsession with ‘Twitter foreign policy’ is undesirable.” The Chinese-language version of Xinhua is reported to have continued: “ …
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It only takes 140 characters of reading to find out how wrong he is.
This is a refreshing change from what normally happens, which is that politicans spout endless reams of bullshit which you have to wade through before being sure that they are idiots. (See Recent Gove report: 'Brexit A new dawn with an endless rain of money and jobs forever' )
Really? Methinks that is a gross underestimation. The sad bit is that he will soon have control of the Nuclear codes.
I wonder if he thinks it will be cool to tweet them to the whole world?
I can't help thinking that he'll do so much damage to the USA that it will take 20+ years to clean up the contamination/mess. It could also make the GOP as electable as Jeremy C's Labor party for a good long time.
> "I can't help thinking that he'll do so much damage to the USA..."
You mean worse than the intentional harm Obama the Petulant is attempting to saddle his own country with at the last second of his reign, apparently to teach us voters it's not nice to thwart His Desires?
I'm afraid you Trump haters are going to be sooo disappointed. Trump's Presidency will be vastly more successful than what came before it, at least from a conservative's POV.
It's a safe bet, considering that if Trump merely has a pulse he'll just about pull even with Obama's record, and the slightest sign of competence will vault him far beyond anything Obama has accomplished, unless you count thousands of new, onerous executive regulations Obama signed as 'successes.'
Better count quick tho, because Trump will shortly be deactivating them all in big bunches. Sure hope his pen hand can take the strain.
BTW, I do agree Trump is a bit of an arse, but he's our arse, unlike the America-blaming joke he's replacing.
"I'm afraid you Trump haters are going to be sooo disappointed. "
You seem to be assuming that people are polarized into Trump Haters and Clinton Haters.You mighty want to consider that many of the Trump Haters are also Clinton Haters (and vice versa). But there really was no alternative option so the votes were cast for the least hateful of the two. Better to vote for the lesser of two evils than not vote at all since "None of the Above" isn't an option and non-voters are seen as apathetic by the parties rather than protesters. Same applies to your assumption about "Trump haters" feelings about Obama. Being a Trump hater doesn't preclude one from being an Obama hater too.
I'd say the choice was about equivalent to choosing between Ido Amin and Pol Pot to be your new BFF.
There are two huge elephants in the room WRT to US politics. The strong polarization between the two main parties supporters and the permanent hate by the losing side for the winning side. I'm sick of chumps saying "he's not *my* President" just because that voters choice didn't win. Yes ,you dick, the winner *is* your president unless you choose to give up your citizenship and GTFOH.
Okay, "Trump haters" is a bit broad. I suppose I really meant the kind of people who loudly oppose all things Trump because all their friends are doing it. The really serious ideological opponents of the new President are not fooled by the the extreme rhetoric being churned out by the Democrat-arse-lickers running most of the media here. They know full well how dangerous he might be to their long term plans for remaking American society in their own PC image.
Locking up all those terrorists in Gitmo was indeed a mistake. They should have been executed on the battlefield as the terrorists they are. But no, Bush wanted to get info out of them, and yes it did save lives, but it also allowed some people to whinge and bleat about the 'inhumanity' of holding such people in durance vile. And it's true. They should not have had to spend so long in jail, they should have been pushing up the daisies.
And now Obama is letting them all loose to go and murder more innocents. I guess that's progress?
"They should have been executed on the battlefield as the terrorists they are."
No, the mistake we made, and continue to make, is to hold them extra-judicially without giving them their day in court. The United States was founded on the principal that:
"all men are created equal; that they are endowed, by their creator, with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"
Which means that all people deserve real justice, not a summary execution, no matter who they are. Killing a non-combatant not only goes against the founding principals of the US, but against those of pretty much every religion in existence.
Well... he is pretty pissed off about the new guy running "his" show on TV. Apparently the ratings have dropped and he blames Arnold. I would think that as President-Elect that he has more pressing issues to sort out than a TV show.
What the hell have we got ourselves into... two equally miserable candidates for President and no matter who won, we'd all be irritated as hell with them.
The Unpresidented is not President yet but I'm already fed up with all his everyday braggings, half truths and total lies... It's like a Captain on a boat seeing an iceberg ahead who shouts "Full speed!". Everybody (who is not totally brain-dead) sees the catastrophe coming and nothing can be done to avoid it.... the four next years will be very long.
... the man who (for once rightly) appears to have said 'no computer is safe' has considered the potential for a Twitter account known to be some sort of official organ of the US Presidency to be hijacked? We've already seen possible impacts on stock prices from Trump-eets - I'm sure other possibilities suggest themselves.
Of course, it's possible Twitter accounts are absolutely secure, with no possibility of being faked or stolen. And it's also possible I might win the lottery this week - but I'm not holding my breath.