This is another example why you should join Global Entry if you could
During the past 15 years, the general immigration queues at all major US international airports have gradually became such a nightmare that I won't even consider transiting through the US any more, and am extremely leery of visiting. You simply never know how long it will take you to get through the customs: it could be half an hour or it could be half a day, with absolutely no facilities (not even water or toilets in many places) available while waiting in the standing queue.
If you are eligible at all, I strongly advise joining Global Entry or, if you are a Canadian, NEXUS. Even if you cross that border just once a year, it is still worth the cost of the application fee: you get to bypass the general immigration queue completely; in many airports, you also get to bypass the general security queue (which is yet another nightmarish thing about flying in/to the US).
Unfortunately for myself, I am no longer able to maintain my NEXUS membership: even though as a Canadian expat I am technically eligible to join NEXUS, I would likely have to show up at a Canadian port of entry for an inteview/fingerprinting - and that would be a little too expensive to do from where I am based now. Perhaps if I manage to time it to coincide with my next visit back ... that's worth thinking about.