LG p1sh and while we're at it - fecking 'trumotion'
yup - mine is connected to my mac mini in the living room - that's all it's used for - mac.
However, thanks to no netflix app on osx and no DD5.1 on browsers I was occasionally driven to using the 'smart' LG bit to use netflix and get 5.1
However I soon found that every month or so when it decided to update its software and/or randomly whenever it felt like it would forget my login again... so after already waiting the eternity it takes the fecker to load up, to then be presented with having to enter my username and password again using the fecking remote I disconnected it from my network and it can truly get itself to feck.
This also has the added advantage of not getting pop ups every couple of weeks asking to let it upgrade it's sofware... POS.
If anyone has a solution to getting netflix 5.1 on a mac (does wine work with netflix app and digital audio ?) then please tell (I've even tried windoze on vmware but digital out doesn't work on vmware.. plus even using windoze for 5 mins is 5 mins too much frankly).
And while we are ranting about modern tvs - I was up with the family over xmas and watching a great film with my sister on her new Samsung (Captain Fantastic) - having watched it already on my own TV I wondered why it looked terrible on her's... sort of like a cheap mexican soap opera.
Having learned my lesson in past visits, I decided not to suggest there's TV was setup wrong (having had my head bitten off on previous occasions when I mentioned that people were not actually 4 feet tall with big wide bodies - and that they had it set up in 4:3 expanded mode.... and was told 'they liked it that way' - leave it alone)...
But when I got home I looked around and sure enough, enabling 'trumotion' on my LG (this is playing movies on my mac of course not that it matters) and sure enough , I too could enjoy a wonderful film made to look like it was shot on a 500 quid video camera...
And note - this wonderful 'feature' is ON by default on most TVs (I explicitly remember turning all this sh1t off when I got mine).
So the TV manufacturing FWs have done it again - having screwed up the early 2000s with years of selling 16/9 TVs to the unwashed public who at that time only had access to 4/3 content and squashing the world (with a significant percentage of said unwashed thinking that was what widescreen did....), they have done it again, and created a default ON feature which reduces all multi million dollar films and dramas to look like they were shot in the 1980s on video cameras.... utter utter a$holes.