It's no good
Nobody will want it unless it has an apple on the back.
Lenovo has a ThinkPad T570 notebook computer coming out which will be able to use Intel Optane 3D XPoint memory as a cache. XPoint is the faster-than-flash, slower-than-DRAM non-volatile memory being produced by Intel and Micron. Optane is Intel's brand, QuantX is Micron's. An Optane cache should be faster than a cache using …
Nobody will want it unless it has an apple on the back.
For me it's more a matter of running macOS. I don't particularly care about any of the showy details, but I'm quite happy with iOS and macOS so that's what gets me to buy Apple gear (and run Linux on servers, of course, although we have a few test VMs with FreeBSD too).
However, I rather like the pressure this puts on Apple to adjust their prices. It's not the first time that has happened, so I hope this time it happens too - before we open our new offices and need to buy a load of kit :).
MacOS is fine, but what about all the glue? You're OK with that?
Yes, I actually prefer that because it solves a major problem: theft.
Set up the boot pasword (so it can only boot from its SSD), install FileVault (now the problem has been patched) and force a decent login password and you have a device that is not worth stealing for acquiring secrets (as it's encrypted), nor for "resale" as you cannot reformat it to make it appear new, and as it's all glued and soldered in swapping the internal drive isn't an option either.
Let's face it, kit *is* expensive. By making theft of an MBP principally a pointless, non-profit exercise it reduces our risk exposure in a number of ways, which in turn reduces the amount of cover we need to keep in place. As we buy rather high spec machines I have as yet to come across a need to upgrade a machine before we rotate it out using the Apple hardware exchange program.
We also smartwater device and have a "reward for return" sticker on the bottom, but given that we have as yet to lose a machine I have no idea how effective either is, other than that the smartwater marking further reduces our insurance costs.
By the way, do you really think that HP et al who are now also producing super thin devices do it any different? There are simple physical reasons why things are glued instead of clipped or screwed together, it's just that Apple got there first and thus drew all the stick for it..
Set up the boot pasword (so it can only boot from its SSD), install FileVault (now the problem has been patched) and force a decent login password and you have a device that is not worth stealing for acquiring secrets (as it's encrypted), nor for "resale" as you cannot reformat it to make it appear new, and as it's all glued and soldered in swapping the internal drive isn't an option either.
Actually, you can already achieve that with the non-Retina MBPs. Firmware password is there (locking boot choice), FileVault is there, and swapping the HDD will cause the firmware to ask for a password. The whole glue stuff is unnecessary.
The whole glue stuff is unnecessary.
.. studiously avoiding to answer the question at the bottom:
By the way, do you really think that HP et al who are now also producing super thin devices do it any different? There are simple physical reasons why things are glued instead of clipped or screwed together, it's just that Apple got there first and thus drew all the stick for it..
In our experience, an MBP that survives its first year generally works the next 3 unless something dramatic happens (in which case we replace it), it's thus really Apple's problem and, as I said before, it's a tad unjust to only single out Apple. Try taking apart the new superslim laptops and see how far you get without encountering glue.
Apple [current] MacBook Pros ARE grossly overpriced.
[happy owner of 2015 MBP bought in 2016]...
I never buy them when they have just been released. Any new tech comes with new issues so I wait a couple of months for those to emerge and be fixed, and I know from experience that prices settle into more sensible values once initial demand has tapered off.
That said, "expensive" is relative. I tend to buy fairly high spec laptops anyway, so from my hardware perspective the difference in price is not that big (I was actually off cheaper buying my first MBP than buying a replacement for the VAIO that had just been run over by a car - long story :) ).
Need the software too. Whilst there's no Macbook PRO any longer, the move away from OSX to Windows would be really unpalatable. It's one thing running Windows in a VM, but it's a completely different thing to run Windows as the main desktop.
Sure, it might be possible to run it as a hackintosh, but that means it's self-supported.
I have a MBP to run commercial software that I don't want to/can't run under Linux, plus I quite like OSX .. errmm .. MacOS. I only use Windows when I'm being paid so to do.
What to do come replacement time if Apple continue on their present course is a question I have yet to address.
I switched from Mac to Windows a few years ago. All the software I needed ran on both platforms and most were on dual platform licences - the exception being Office - or open source.
Given that Apple stopped providing security updates for the iMac in 2013, it now runs Ubuntu.
I switched from Mac to Windows a few years ago. All the software I needed ran on both platforms and most were on dual platform licences - the exception being Office - or open source.
That's why I find it pointless to declare one "better" or "worse". We did the exact opposite because we found macOS to be a better fit for our needs, but yours clearly differ.
Exactly, the OS is the small part of the equation, the workflow and the applications are the important bit.
For me, I found I could achieve the same workflow, with the same software on Windows for a fraction of the cost - I looked at a MacBook Pro, but ended up with a Sony Vaio, because it had a better processor, BluRay, the same RAM and disk capacity, for half the price of the "equivalent", if by equivalent you count an inferior processor (at the time Apple didn't put any quad core i7s in their MBPs) and that it only had a DVD and not BluRay.
At the time, OS X didn't offer any advantages over Windows 7 that would justify paying twice as much for inferior hardware.
Yes you are correct.
But lets focus on the hardware for a second.
You have 32GB of RAM, but then 16GB of xPoint memory which is slower than ram but faster than Flash?
Really, is that worth the jump?
What's the price of 64GB of RAM?
What's the advantage of the xPoint? Instant on? Maybe.
The point is that in such a small quantity, there is little value. It has to be at least a 2x multiple on the amount of memory in order to have some real value... Or a whole lot more if you want to displace SATA or Flash
I hated the chicklet keyboard at first but got used to it pretty quickly. The keys still have a pretty good response.
As for the function key, you get used to it. I've been using thinkpads for years and have more problems with my other laptop (an ASUS ux305) which has the ctrl key in the bottom left. I keep hitting the function key instead.
In an ideal world they would be interchangeable.
I would have to speak fluent Russian to find enough expletives to describe what I'd like to do to the Lenovo designer that put the Function key where the Left Control key has ALWAYS FSCKING BEEN ON EVERY KEY-FSCKING-BOARD!!!1!11!
Everything you would need is in the latest Oxford Russian Dictionary, which helpfully lists all the words you can get fined for saying in public so you don't make an unfortunate mistake (the English insult "Yob" means something rather different in Russian.)
But since the thing is the size of a breeze block and nearly as heavy, just hitting the guy with it would be more permanently effective.
But I find the keyboard on the T450 to be the best I have ever used.
I find its better than the older thinkpad keyboards ( the keys are bigger fir a start!).
My only quibble I have is the enormous trackpad responds to wrist movements while
typing and there is no way to disable the useless thing.
The only possible rival would be the keyboard from the second generation of IBM 3270 terminals.
Chris Mellor seems to believe that the only laptops that people want are super fast with lots of memory and disk/... Maybe some people do, not everyone. For me I want something light to carry round and with good battery life. Something that will let me run a web browser, run a presentation, occasional word processing, maybe edit & compile programs - but most important ssh into a server back at the ranch.
For that I find a machine costing £150-£200 from Tesco is entirely adequate. Running Linux of course. A machine that I won't cry much if/when I lose it or drop it under a bus.
I must confess I haven't trawled the authors previous articles, but isn't the main thrust of THIS ARTICLE about a laptop that has some serious welly, as opposed to perfectly valid (for a different use case) more modestly priced machines????
Can't speak to needing lots of disk, but Chrome gobbles RAM, so there is always a need for memory. Lots and lots of memory. The more the better.
I hate to mention this, but you could use another browser. Before MS got its grubby hands on a browser, that was sort of the idea of HTML.
> For that I find a machine costing £150-£200 from Tesco is entirely adequate. Running Linux of course. A machine that I won't cry much if/when I lose it or drop it under a bus.
You can also get ex-lease Thinkpads off Ebay pretty cheaply, which will definitely play nicely with Linux, and which you might have a fighting chance of getting parts for. Having said that, chances are that you won't need to do anything to them anyway.
> You can also get ex-lease Thinkpads off Ebay pretty cheaply
Yes, and the old ones have proper keyboards and screens (1920x1200). Very disappointed that the use of sensible aspect ratios by Apple and Microsoft (never thought I'd say that!) has not permeated through to the likes of Lenovo and HP.
Re keyboards, the TP chiclet KB is maybe not quite as good as the previous KBs, but is still way ahead of the KB on my work HP "elitebook". Sadly that in turn is much much better than any consumer machine I've tried.
The question Macbook Killer?
Well, that's got you reading it, hasn't it. The fact that the vast majority of Mac users wouldn't swap to Windows is immaterial. There's quite a few windows machines out there that should be better than a Mac, and probably would be, if they didn't run Windows. I'd say this is more aimed at Windows users, than Mac users.
BTW. I like most Mac users use Windows as well, and for myself, I prefer Macs. Even if they are ridiculously over priced, but then you don't need to change them every two years.
I've actually seen quite a few MacBook pro owners being pissed that then new models are being completely out classed by the new Windows machines. Along with the stupid lack of ports and last gen processors, the stupid function bar, let alone the pricing.
Some are, wait for it, even considering moving to Windows if Apple don't sort out the kit.
I've actually seen quite a few MacBook pro owners being pissed that then new models are being completely out classed by the new Windows machines
Really? Why on earth would I need new hardware? Just because the specs look a bit better? There's a bit more to an MBP than performance (although I don't mind, of course), such as the fact that it runs macOS :).
I've actually seen quite a few MacBook pro owners being pissed that then new models are being completely out classed by the new Windows machines.
Not even that they're being outclassed. I mean, if they were a bit less powerful than windows equivalents or a bit more pricey then fair enough, that's the Apple tax, but they're actively ruining the product. I'd rather they gave back an SD slot, a few useful ports and perhaps one or two USB-C ports for future-proofing, ditched the stupid touch bar thing and chopped a couple of hundred quid off the price.
Credit to MS, the Surface 4 Pro is a lovely bit of kit (partner has one). It's what the iPad Pro should have been (running MacOS, not iOS).
As it is, I might be tempted to hunt down a 2015 Macbook as it seems to have been the last bit of Pro hardware Apple will produce for a while. I am seriously tempted to follow the missus and get a Surface but I'm very reluctant to go back to Windows from MacOS.
But luring Apple users away from OSX to Windoze on the basis of perceived 'better hardware' ? That won't happen.
That aside, we've got a few dozen recent Lenovo Thinkpads where I'm currently stationed, and they're loaded with so much Lenovo Installed Crapware they're slow as molasses and crash at least twice a day. Factual. Not hearsay.
True - if you aren't a Linux user, then windows 10 isn't necessarily the best bet. But then OSX = iTunes and the hell that it brings with it.
And the silly little things like NOT EFFING DELETE BUTTON FEATURE ON THE FINDER....
Hey Apple, I am moving my middle finder into the up position, pointing at you.
It is that piece of software that, despite me using Swinsian, will still launch once in a while because some parts of the system stil insist that iTunes is the only way you should play music*. And the fact you can't remove this abomination because some bright spark decided that a media player (joke - it seems to do a lot more than that for some bizarre reason) should be instrinsic to the rest of the OS.
*Bluetooth remote, for one.
aha, I remem a little while ago looking up something (which clearly I can't recall atm), after which iTunes (which I have no need for) doesn't [to my eye anyway] randomly start up every now and then and insist that I agree to the Ts and Cs.
It hasn't been back since [thank cluck]!
OSX = iTunes
If that is true, then Win 10 = EDLIN (for matching levels of functionality :) ).
I've re-linked the audio files to other software because I'm not a huge fan of iTunes. It works OK-ish, but its UI could have been designed by a former Microsoft employee for its usefulness. Bleagh. I just have to look for another audio program, at present I'm using VLC because I haven't made up my mind yet. I would prefer to run OGG files, but that won't work on the iPhone. For file exchange I use iMazing. Crap name, but it works :).
On the planet where I live, MacBooks are not the hype iPhone was. Apple has already killed the MacBook by soldering RAM&Storage, if you ask me. Only an idiot would buy a machine with soldered components that frequently fail/are user upgradable on other comparable systems. I like MacOS very much, FreeBSD fan here, but no way in hell will I buy a MacBook with soldered RAM/Storage.
I just looked at the T560, it is overpriced as well, much like a MacBook, and resale value is much, much, much less compared to a MacBook ...
The T560 comes with either Windows 7 or 10, I want neither, I want Linux, folks, or better, FreeBSD. I would expect Lenovo to offer a Suse Enterprise Linux option, would you not ?
Beastie icon, well, the closest I could find to one.
It was fun while it lasted but, Siri is not something I want and the gradual ripping of functions from pages is annoying.
I can't run a decent VM because ssd and ram were like hens teeth when I bought it.
Apple are clear that since I develop for both Android and Apple, I'm not welcome, I can fix my own Java.
And don't get me started on Python.. Apple still ships with 2.6 a mere 5 or so years since version 3.
Safari doesn't recognise UTF8 file names for images...
Apple only care for iphonez so back to Linux for me, I've heard it's better these days... Ran Ubuntu on my Mac... Flawless.
Here's where Mac Vs Any Windows machine argument fails.
I can go to a whole lot of Apple stores and get hardware repaired while I wait.
Or, I can go to a regular store and buy another Lenovo or get it sent in for repairs for weeks at a time, and get back a machine that begs to have its hard drive wiped of all the Crapware that Lenovo includes and a fresh OS installed.
With a Mac, I do the function key thing, type in my WiFi password, and it downloads a pristine and pure OS from Apple servers.
Microsoft fcks you in the ass and expects money for it, each time.
Share and enjoy.
The speed gain going from hard drives to SATA SSDs in laptops was massive. The speed gain going from SATA SSDs to NVMe SSDs is almost undetectable. The gain from NVMe SSDs to Optane will be undetectable.
OK, if you run the equivalent of an Oracle DB on your laptop, or you deal with massive quarter terabyte video or CAD files on a regular basis you will be able to detect it. But 99.9% of laptop users will not.
Putting Optane in laptops is a silly specs battle akin to bragging about an octo core phone. It isn't needed, and definitely isn't worth whatever extra price it commands.
The reason I'd (still) buy an MBP over a Lenovo are basically the OS. OSX is still better than Windows and supports most commercial software I usually need for work. I could just buy a regular laptop, wipe the HDD and install Linux but ... I would've already have paid Microsoft for a Windows 10 license, and there's no way in hell I'm doing that unless I really, really need to. Thus I'm paying for the MBP even though the Apple Tax is steeper than the MS Tax.
The only folks that buy Apple these days are those that are buying brands to "look cool"; Ive fancied a new MBP for the last year or so; but I cannot bring myself to buy the nasty over priced under powered crud that Apple are now serving.
That along with the latest versions of OSX...***NO APPLE; I DONT WANT A FREAKING APP STORE*** and just to be sure you use it - ALL PATCHES HAVE TO BE DELIVERED USING IT....
I also have an iPhone 5 - 64gb - the only thing slowing it down is the apple crapware like the constant "you must update the OS" right in the middle of trying to bid on eBay....
The tech innovator that was Apple has gone its now just a thing that arty farty brandy types buy becuase they think its a cool brand rather than something that really is better than the rest.
Anon, couple of things:
Most people can't tell real from fake unless they have a walled garden.
Why is it still widespread in Google Play to find cracked copies of real apps (malware optional)?
"you must update the OS"
You must be using it wrong. I've been asked if I want to update the OS. I just say no and do it manually. So what?
I'm happy to avoid the scenario of my sibling who borked her Sammy on the first day on vacation in Bangladesh. She didn't think they were serious about having WhatsApp running before the tour group got together. "Its just a bug" said the repair guy back in the states.
"The tech innovator that was Apple has gone its now just a thing that arty farty brandy types buy becuase they think its a cool brand rather than something that really is better than the rest."
I'm more interested in shit working when I need it than having the latest thing.
Oh look. I can have both. And, factory authorized repair facilities in retail outlets around the world.
Hello, Apple.
Go in peace.
Wow....commentards R US.....
Firstly, sure, just like Superdry and Hollister, you can find their stores in different cities all over the world....full of people with more money than sence for inferior products that are fashion items ....
The fact that you make the juvinile comment of "Whatever" to the fact that Im pretty much saying that apple was once a tech innovator - and is now a fashion brand shows how much you really know.
Sure; I want stuff to "Just work" (TM) too....but when the tech that Im using from 5 years ago is not much behind what is currently being sold for £2000 (and infact with less ports, etc, some may say inferior), then......
As for the App Store, sure Joe public is stupid....but for those of us savvy enough to be able to install patches manually, there should be an easy option to manage the device in the best way we see fit.
As for "shit working when I need it" - hmmm, well, you could look at the way Apple are deploying OSX, and the fact that all the 2008 era machines (the white macbooks) are now forcibly obsolite as Apple made it so....(Im not going into why, theres so many topics on this, it would take a book to wriite it up - go look it up on google!). But I can still run Solaris from that era (another BSD fork, just like OSX) and get all the goodness I want on just about any box I feel like....
As for Whatsapp - less said about facebook, the better me thinks....but thats a phone application nothing to do with Apple and laptops....but if you want to take it there - how about you look at the state of the iPod line - which hasnt really been updated since 2012 when they replaced an 160gb model with 16gb......and lets look at the new iPhone 7 which when launched essentially cannot charge and play music at the same time.....
So, I do believe you are a little bit muddled in your thinking Im afraid.
The basic bit that the article is making, along with my post is quite literally Apple have become a fashion item - a bit like a fashion watch. It might cost the same as a Tag Heuer, but it has the inner workings of a casio.